31 research outputs found

    Factors related to administrative abilities of nurse administrators – focusing on confidence in nursing

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    Purpose: This study aims to identify factors related to the administrative abilities of nurses in education programs for nurse administrators. Methods: We distributed a selfrating questionnaire survey to 1291 nurse administrators in positions equivalent to head nurse in 69 participating hospitals among the 172 hospitals with 300 beds or more in the Kanto and Tokai regions of Japan. The surveyed items are ability in nurse administration, demographic characteristics, and workplace environment. Results: We received 984 (76.2%) responses. Excluding responses that included two or more choices to a question and where there was no response to questions of gender and administrative abilities, this left 880 (68.2%) responses which were considered valid and these were included in the further analysis. We performed a multiple regression analysis with the focus on confidence in nursing. Here, the nurse administrators who showed better administrative abilities reported that ‘I am decisive’, ‘My judgment in nursing is appropriate’, ‘I read books about new nursing and medical care developments’, ‘I can demonstrate my ability in this job’, ‘I fulfill my responsibilities to achieve goals in accordance with my beliefs’, ‘The present ward (department) has an active atmosphere that makes work enjoyable’, and ‘I work with an awareness of work-life balance (WLB)’. Nurse administrators who showed poorer administrative abilities reported that ‘I became less kind to people since I became a nurse’. Conclusion: The findings suggest that nurse administrators who are confident in themselves and their decision making abilities, who fulfill their responsibilities in accordance with their beliefs, who think their workplace culture is good, and who work with an awareness of WLB may have better administrative abilities. In addition, nurse administrators with low cynicism (developing negative attitudes) scores, a subscale of the burnout score, appear to have better administrative abilities. Education programs for nurse administrators need to Vol.4 No.1, May-2019include support that enables nurse administrators to work reliably with an awareness of WLB, in the efforts to improve the workplace environment, and ensure that they are prevented from developing cynical attitude

    Longitudinal study on factors affecting assertiveness among preceptors of novice nurses

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    Purpose: This study aims to understand the assertiveness of preceptors of novice nurses and factors affecting the assertiveness through a longitudinal perspective. Methods: Anonymous self-rating questionnaire surveys were administered to 1292 preceptors working in participating city and university hospitals across Japan (August, 2013 (baseline) and March, 2014 (second survey)). The surveys had question items from the Japanese version of the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (J-RAS, 30 items), demographic details of the participants, evaluation of novice nurses by preceptors, instruction framework, selfevaluation of preceptors, working environment, and a burnout inventory (Japanese version of the Maslach Burnout InventoryHuman Services Survey, 22 items). Bivariate analyses (T-tests and one-way analysis of variance) were conducted using assertiveness of the second survey as the objective variable, and other items of the baseline survey as explanatory variables. Selecting variables with p values smaller than 0.2 obtained in the bivariate analysis as explanatory variables, a multiple linear regression analysis (Stepwise method) was conducted. For the analyses, we used a statistics analysis software, SPSS Statistic 22. Results: Choosing 836 valid respondents of the baseline survey as a cohort group, we repeated the survey 8 months after the baseline survey to identify the factors affecting the assertiveness of preceptors of novice nurses. Excluding 62 who had missing values in the question items for assertiveness, 472 participants who were followed were included in analyses. As the results, following factors were found to affect the assertiveness: thinking that ‘they make rapid decisions’, and that ‘they are valuable as others’. Further, participants who have higher total burnout scores had lower assertiveness. Adjusted coefficient of determination was 0.153. Discussion: It can be inferred that the assertiveness of preceptors is higher than that of novice nurses measured by the J-RAS used in this study, and lower than that of administrative nurses. The assertiveness of preceptors was higher among participants who evaluated themselves positively, thinking that ‘they make rapid decisions’, and that ‘they are valuable as others’. It was also found that higher ‘total burnout scores’ was a factor that lowers the assertiveness. These findings suggest that a positive self-evaluation improves assertiveness and helps to prevent burnou

    Coping Behaviors and Collaboration among Staff of Multiple Occupation Classifications during Norovirus

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    In December 2012 a norovirus infection outbreak occurred in the Orthopedic Surgery Ward of Hospital A in Japan. This study aims to establish details of coping behaviors used by nurses, physicians, physiotherapists, and pharmacists of the facility, and examine the issues involved in infection control by team collaboration as well as the ways employed to deal with the infections. Participants in this study were thirty-seven medical professionals who were working in the Orthopedic Surgery Ward of Hospital A at the time the infection outbreak occurred, and who were still working there when the interviews were conducted. Interviews were conducted from January to April 2015, and the data from the interviews were analyzed using the “Trend Search 2008” text mining software. As a result of the analysis it was found that the nurses primarily communicated information by passing messages to the nurses who took over the duty at shift changes, but did not pass on the information to staff in other occupations or to the ward as a whole. The nurses clearly remembered that the ward was closed and it was a difficult experience, but did not remember details of the patients they were in charge of. The physicians clearly remembered individual patients they were in charge of, but they were not aware of the situation and state throughout the ward. The findings suggest that this difference is due to the differences in the occupational nature and sense of values of the staff involved. It is also found that physiotherapists did not feel a sense of crisis about the norovirus outbreak because they felt the patients in the ward appeared to be in better condition than patients in other wards, and that pharmacists lacked communication with staff in other occupations because they usually have heavy workloads. In concept mappings of physicians, physiotherapists, and pharmacists, the keyword places in the center of the maps, and is linked to and . Because the nurse plays a central role to report information among the four occupations, nurses should be aware of and assigned to play the role to coordinate team collaboration

    Hepatitis C Virus-Related Lymphomagenesis in a Mouse Model

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    B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a typical extrahepatic manifestation frequently associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. The mechanism by which HCV infection leads to lymphoproliferative disorder remains unclear. Our group established HCV transgenic mice that expressed the full HCV genome in B cells (RzCD19Cre mice). We observed a 25.0% incidence of diffuse large B cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas (22.2% in male and 29.6% in female mice) within 600 days of birth. Interestingly, RzCD19Cre mice with substantially elevated serum-soluble interleukin-2 receptor α-subunit (sIL-2Rα) levels (>1000 pg/mL) developed B cell lymphomas. Another mouse model of lymphoproliferative disorder was established by persistent expression of HCV structural proteins through disruption of interferon regulatory factor-1 (irf-1_/_/CN2 mice). Irf-1_/_/CN2 mice showed extremely high incidences of lymphomas and lymphoproliferative disorders. Moreover, these mice showed increased levels of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-10, and Bcl-2 as well as increased Bcl-2 expression, which promoted oncogenic transformation of lymphocytes

    Nursing Activity Sensing Using Mobile Sensors and Proximity Sensors

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    In recent years, big data are utilized in many industries.In this study, in order to analyze duties of thenurses, we performed experiments to collect the dutiesactivity data of the nurses for a long term. Weset 38 nurses as subjects and asked them to carry outduties while attaching a wearable small sensor device,and collected the acceleration data, meeting informationbetween nurses and the nurse duties information.In addition, we collected the location information of the nurses by using infrared information and communication equipment at the same time. From various data collected, we analyzed intensity and positional information of duties activity of the nurse, meeting information and the duties information between nurses and considered the influence that each factor affected to the nurse. As the result, we found that intensity of the activity increases in such nurses as who has many times of meeting with other nurses, visits the patient room many times, or who works on jobs concerning with the assistance of the patients such as rehabilitation assistance duties or the activity assistance dutiesThe 47th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications (SSS\u2715), December 5-8, 2015, Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, Hawaii, US

    Ultrafast Control of Crystal Structure in a Topological Charge-Density-Wave Material

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    Optical control of crystal structures is a promising route to change physical properties including topological nature of a targeting material. Time-resolved X-ray diffraction measurements using the X-ray free-electron laser are performed to study the ultrafast lattice dynamics of VTe2_2, which shows a unique charge-density-wave (CDW) ordering coupled to the topological surface states as a first-order phase transition. A significant oscillation of the CDW amplitude mode is observed at a superlattice reflection as well as Bragg reflections. The frequency of the oscillation is independent of the fluence of the pumping laser, which is prominent to the CDW ordering of the first-order phase transition. Furthermore, the timescale of the photoinduced 1TT^{\prime\prime} to 1TT phase transition is independent of the period of the CDW amplitude mode

    Geochemical characteristics of back-arc basin lower crust and upper mantle at final spreading stage of Shikoku Basin: an example of Mado Megamullion

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    AbstractThis paper explores the evolutional process of back-arc basin (BAB) magma system at final spreading stage of extinct BAB, Shikoku Basin (Philippine Sea) and assesses its tectonic evolution using a newly discovered oceanic core complex, the Mado Megamullion. Bulk and in-situ chemical compositions together with in-situ Pb isotope composition of dolerite, oxide gabbro, gabbro, olivine gabbro, dunite, and peridotite are presented. Compositional ranges and trends of the igneous and peridotitic rocks from the Mado Megamullion are similar to those from the slow- to ultraslow-spreading mid-ocean ridges (MOR). Since the timing of the Mado Megamullion exhumation corresponds to the very end of the Shikoku Basin opening, the magma supply was subdued and highly episodic, leading to extreme magma differentiation to form ferrobasaltic, hydrous magmas. In-situ Pb isotope composition of magmatic brown amphibole in the oxide gabbro is identical to that of depleted source mantle for mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). In the context of hydrous BAB magma genesis, the magmatic water was derived solely from the MORB source mantle. The distance from the back-arc spreading center to the arc front increased away through maturing of the Shikoku Basin to cause MORB-like magmatism. After the exhumation of Mado Megamullion along detachment faults, dolerite dikes intruded as a post-spreading magmatism. The final magmatism along with post-spreading Kinan Seamount Chain volcanism were introduced around the extinct back-arc spreading center after the opening of Shikoku Basin by residual mantle upwelling

    主婦の個室に対する意識 : 家族コミュニケーションへの影響について : 家族の自立を可能にするための住居計画的研究 (2) (人間環境学)

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    子供(末子)が高校生以上である世帯, あるいは高齢の親と同居する世帯の場合, 主婦の個室所有が家族のコミュニケーションにどのように影響を与えるか, また主婦個室の理想像において, どの程度家族のコミュニケーションが意識されているか, について明らかにするためにアンケート調査を行ない考察した。その結果は以下の通りである。1)主婦が個室を所有する場合, 子供が学生である世帯よりも社会人である世帯において, 家族コミュニケーションは良好な状態にある。2)親が同居する世帯については, 主婦が個室を所有する場合は所有しない場合に比べて, 家族コミュニケーションに対する満足度は低いが, 主婦個室の存在が主婦の精神的安定をもたらしている割合は高い。3)自由記入欄の記述にみられる主婦個室の理想像において, 家族コミュニケーションを意識した図や文章例は, 個室を希望する主婦全体の3割程度である

    Geomorphology and Quaternary geology of the Oga-Noshiro area, Akita Prefecture

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    ASYMMETRIC-LEAVES2 and an ortholog of eukaryotic NudC domain proteins repress expression of AUXIN-RESPONSE-FACTOR and class 1 KNOX homeobox genes for development of flat symmetric leaves in Arabidopsis

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    Summary Leaf primordia form around the shoot apical meristem, which consists of indeterminate stem cells. Upon initiation of leaf development, adaxial-abaxial patterning is crucial for appropriate lateral expansion, via cellular proliferation, and the formation of flat symmetric leaves. Many genes that specify such patterning have been identified, but regulation by upstream factors of the expression of relevant effector genes remains poorly understood. In Arabidopsis thaliana, ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 (AS2) and AS1 play important roles in repressing transcription of class 1 KNOTTED1-like homeobox (KNOX) genes and leaf abaxial-determinant effector genes. We report here a mutation, designated enhancer of asymmetric leaves2 and asymmetric leaves1 (eal), that is associated with efficient generation of abaxialized filamentous leaves on the as2 or as1 background. Levels of transcripts of many abaxial-determinant genes, including ETTIN (ETT)/AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3 (ARF3), and all four class 1 KNOX genes were markedly elevated in as2 eal shoot apices. Rudimentary patterning in as2 eal leaves was suppressed by the ett mutation. EAL encodes BOBBER1 (BOB1), an Arabidopsis ortholog of eukaryotic NudC domain proteins. BOB1 was expressed in plant tissues with division potential and bob1 mutations resulted in lowered levels of transcripts of some cell-cycle genes and decreased rates of cell division in shoot and root apices. Coordinated cellular proliferation, supported by BOB1, and repression of all class 1 KNOX genes, ETT/ARF3 by AS2 (AS1) and BOB1 might be critical for repression of the indeterminate state and of aberrant abaxialization in the presumptive adaxial domain of leaf primordia, which might ensure the formation of flat symmetric leaves