17 research outputs found

    Factors associated with uptake of services to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV in a community cohort in rural Tanzania.

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to identify factors associated with access to HIV care and antiretroviral (ARV) drugs for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV among HIV-positive pregnant women in a community cohort in rural Tanzania (Kisesa). METHODS: Kisesa-resident women who tested HIV-positive during HIV serosurveillance and were pregnant (while HIV-positive) between 2005 and 2012 were eligible. Community cohort records were linked to PMTCT and HIV clinic data from four facilities (PMTCT programme implemented in 2009; referrals to city-based hospitals since 2005) to ascertain service use. Factors associated with access to HIV care and ARVs during pregnancy were analysed using logistic regression. RESULTS: Overall, 24% of women accessed HIV care and 12% accessed ARVs during pregnancy (n=756 pregnancies to 420 women); these proportions increased over time. In multivariate analyses for 2005-2012, being married, prior voluntary counselling and testing, increasing age, increasing year of pregnancy and increasing duration of infection were independently associated with access to care and ARVs. Residence in roadside areas was an independent predictor of access to care but not ARVs. There was no evidence of an interaction with time period. CONCLUSIONS: Access to PMTCT services was low in this rural setting but improved markedly over time. There were fairly few sociodemographic differentials although support for young women and those without partners may be needed. Further decentralisation of HIV services to more remote areas, promotion of voluntary counselling and testing and implementation of Option B+ are likely to improve uptake and may bring women into care and treatment sooner after infection

    Risk factors for service use and trends in coverage of different HIV testing and counselling models in northwest Tanzania between 2003 and 2010.

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the relative effectiveness of different HIV testing and counselling (HTC) services in improving HIV diagnosis rates and increasing HTC coverage in African settings. METHODS: Patient records from three HTC services [community outreach HTC during cohort study rounds (CO-HTC), walk-in HTC at the local health centre (WI-HTC) and antenatal HIV testing (ANC-HTC)] were linked to records from a community cohort study using a probabilistic record linkage algorithm. Characteristics of linked users of each HTC service were compared to those of cohort participants who did not use the HTC service using logistic regression. Data from three cohort study rounds between 2003 and 2010 were used to assess trends in the proportion of persons testing at different service types. RESULTS: The adjusted odds ratios for HTC use among men with increasing numbers of sexual partners in the past year, and among HIV-positive men and women compared to HIV-negative men and women, were higher at WI-HTC than at CO-HTC and ANC-HTC. Among sero-survey participants, the largest numbers of HIV-positive men and women learned their status via CO-HTC. However, we are likely to have underestimated the numbers diagnosed at WI-HTC and ANC-HTC, due to low sensitivity of the probabilistic record linkage algorithm. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to CO-HTC or ANC-HTC, WI-HTC was most likely to attract HIV-positive men and women, and to attract men with greater numbers of sexual partners. Further research should aim to optimise probabilistic record linkage techniques, and to investigate which types of HTC services most effectively link HIV-positive people to treatment services relative to the total cost per diagnosis made

    Characterizing a Leak in the HIV Care Cascade: Assessing Linkage Between HIV Testing and Care in Tanzania

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    Background: In Tanzania, HIV testing data are reported aggregately for national surveillance, making it difficult to accurately measure the extent to which newly diagnosed persons are entering care, which is a critical step of the HIV care cascade. We assess, at the individual level, linkage of newly diagnosed persons to HIV care. Methods: An expanded two-part referral form was developed to include additional variables and unique identifiers. The expanded form contained a corresponding number for matching the two-parts between testing and care. Data were prospectively collected at 16 health facilities in the Magu District of Tanzania. Results: The records of 1,275 unique people testing HIV positive were identified and included in our analysis. Of these, 1,200 (94.1%) responded on previous testing history, with 184 (15.3%) testing twice or more during the pilot, or having had a previous HIV positive test. Three-quarters (932; 73.1%) of persons were linked to care during the pilot timeframe. Health service provision in the facility carrying out the HIV test was the most important factor for linkage to care; poor linkage occurred in facilities where HIV care was not immediately available. Conclusions: It is critical for persons newly diagnosed with HIV to be linked to care in a timely manner to maximize treatment effectiveness. Our findings show it is feasible to measure linkage to care using routinely collected data arising from an amended national HIV referral form. Our results illustrate the importance of utilizing individual-level data for measuring linkage to care, as repeat testing is common

    Uptake of services for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in a community cohort in rural Tanzania from 2005 to 2012.

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    BACKGROUND: Estimates of population-level coverage with prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services are vital for monitoring programmes but are rarely undertaken. This study describes uptake of PMTCT services among HIV-positive pregnant women in a community cohort in rural Tanzania. METHODS: Kisesa cohort incorporates demographic and HIV sero-surveillance rounds since 1994. Cohort data were linked retrospectively to records from four Kisesa clinics with PMTCT services from 2009 (HIV care and treatment clinic (CTC) available in one facility from 2008; referrals to city hospitals for PMTCT and antiretroviral treatment (ART) from 2005). The proportion of HIV-positive pregnant women residing in Kisesa in 2005-2012 who accessed PMTCT service components (based on linkage to facility records) was calculated per HIV-positive pregnancy and by year, with adjustments made to account for the sensitivity of the linkage algorithm. RESULTS: Out of 1497 HIV-positive pregnancies overall (to 849 women), 26% (n = 387/1497) were not linked to any facility records, 35% (n = 519/1497) registered for ANC but not HIV services (29% (n = 434/1497) were not tested at ANC or diagnosed previously), 8% (n = 119/1497) enrolled in PMTCT but not CTC services (6 % (n = 95/1497) received antiretroviral prophylaxis), and 32% (n = 472/1497) registered for CTC (14% (n = 204/1497) received ART or prophylaxis) (raw estimates). Adjusted estimates for coverage with ANC were 92%, 57% with HIV care, and 29 % with antiretroviral drugs in 2005-2012, trending upwards over time. CONCLUSIONS: Population-level coverage with PMTCT services was low overall, with weaknesses throughout the service continuum, but increased over time. Option B+ should improve coverage with antiretrovirals for PMTCT through simplified decisions for initiating ART, but will rely on strengthening access to CTC services

    Cascade of care for HIV-seroconverters in rural Tanzania: a longitudinal study.

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    We examined the HIV care cascade in a community-based cohort study in Kisesa, Magu, Tanzania. We analyzed the proportion achieving each stage of the cascade - Seroconversion, Awareness of HIV status, Enrollment in Care and Antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation - and estimated the median and interquartile range for the time for progression to the next stage. Modified Poisson regression was used to estimate prevalence risk ratios for enrollment in care and initiation of ART. From 2006 to 2017, 175 HIV-seroconverters were identified. 140 (80%) knew their HIV status, of whom 97 (69.3%) were enrolled in HIV care, and 87 (49.7%) had initiated ART. Time from seroconversion to awareness of HIV status was 731.3 [475.5-1345.8] days. Time from awareness to enrollment was 7 [0-64] days, and from enrollment to ART initiation was 19 [3-248] days. There were no demographic differences in enrollment in care or ART initiation. Efforts have been focusing on shortening time from seroconversion to diagnosis, mostly by increasing the number of testing clinics available. We recommend increased systematic testing to reduce time from seroconversion to awareness of status, and by doing so speed up enrollment into care. Interventions that increase enrollment are likely to have the most impact in achieving UNAIDS targets

    Impact of linkage quality on inferences drawn from analyses using imperfectly matched data with high rates of linkage errors

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    Introduction Studies based on high-quality linked data in developed countries show that residual linkage errors impact the bias and precision of subsequent analyses. Since 2015, we conducted point-of-contact interactive record linkage (PIRL) between serological survey data and manually digitised medical records with low data quality from three clinics in rural Tanzania. Objectives and Approach We sought to determine the impact of the substantial linkage errors made by automated probabilistic linkage (a commonly used, less accurate, but much cheaper alternative to PIRL) on the bias and precision of inferences drawn from Cox regression analyses, comparing time from a positive HIV diagnostic test to registration at a local HIV care and treatment clinic (CTC) by testing modality (sero-survey vs. clinic). Using PIRL links as the gold standard, we quantified false/missed matches, compared characteristics between linked and unlinked data, and evaluated regression estimates at low, medium, and high (25th, 50th, and 75th percentile) match score thresholds. Results Between 2015-2017, 297 and 147 individuals with gold standard links received HIV+ test results in sero-surveys and clinics, respectively. Automated probabilistic linkage correctly identified 276 individuals (positive predictive value [PPV]=62%) at the low threshold and 43 individuals (PPV=96%) at the high threshold. At the lowest threshold, false matches were more likely to be clinic testers and less likely to register at CTC. These differences attenuated with increased threshold. Testing modality was significantly associated with time to CTC registration in the gold standard data (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 6.42, 95%CI 4.45-9.28). Increasing false matches progressively weakened the association (low threshold: HR 4.99, 95%CI 3.45-7.21). Increases in missed matches were strongly correlated with a reduction in the precision of coefficient estimates (R-squared=0.94; p=0.0001). Conclusion/Implications While the significance of inferences did not change, a clear direction of bias was identified. High rates of false matches in this setting reduced the magnitude of the association; missed matches reduced precision. Adjusting for these biases could provide more robust results using data with considerable linkage errors

    Point-of-contact interactive record linkage (PIRL) between demographic surveillance and health facility data in rural Tanzania.

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    INTRODUCTION: Health and demographic surveillance systems (HDSS) have been an invaluable resource for monitoring the health status of populations, but often contain self-reported health service utilisation, which are subject to reporting bias. OBJECTIVE: To implement point-of-contact interactive record linkage (PIRL) between demographic and health facility systems data, characterise attributes associated with (un)successful record linkage, and compare findings with a fully automated retrospective linkage approach. METHODS: Individuals visiting the Kisesa Health Centre were matched to their HDSS records during a short up-take interview in the waiting area of the health facility. The search algorithm was used to rank potential matches, from which the true match(es) were selected after consultation with the patient. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify characteristics associated with being matched to an HDSS record. Records matched based on respondent's clarifications were subsequently used as the gold-standard to evaluate fully automated retrospective record linkage by calculating sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV). RESULTS: Among 2,624 individuals who reportedly lived in the HDSS coverage area, we matched 2,206 (84.1%) to their HDSS records. Characteristics associated with a higher odds of being matched were increased age (OR 1.07, 95% CI 1.02, 1.12; per 5-year increment), a later consent into the study (OR 2.07, 95% CI 1.37, 3.12; in the most recent six-month period), and fieldworker level of experience. The main drivers of the linkage algorithm were name, sex, year of birth, village, sub-village, and household member name. At the lowest match score threshold, automated retrospective linkage would have only correctly identified and linked 55% (1440/2612) of the records with a PPV of 55% (1440/2612). CONCLUSION: Where resources are available, PIRL is a viable approach to link HDSS and other administrative data sources that outperforms purely retrospective approaches

    Non-disclosure of HIV testing history in population-based surveys: implications for estimating a UNAIDS 90-90-90 target

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    Background: HIV/AIDS programmes and organisations around the world use routinely updated estimates of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets to track progress and prioritise further programme implementation. Any bias in these estimates has the potential to mislead organisations on where gaps exist in HIV testing and treatment programmes. Objective: To measure the extent of undisclosed HIV testing history and its impact on estimating the proportion of people living with HIV (PLHIV) who know their HIV status (the ‘first 90’ of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets). Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study using population-based HIV serological surveillance conducted between 2010 and 2016 and linked, directly observed HIV testing records in Kisesa, Tanzania. Generalised estimating equations logistic regression models were used to detect associations with non-disclosure of HIV testing history adjusting for demographic, behavioural, and clinical characteristics. We compared estimates of the ‘first 90’ using self-reported survey data only and augmented estimates using information from linked records to quantify the absolute and relative impact of undisclosed HIV testing history. Results: Numbers of participants in each of the survey rounds ranged from 7171 to 7981 with an average HIV prevalence of 6.9%. Up to 33% of those who tested HIV-positive and 34% of those who tested HIV-negative did not disclose their HIV testing history. The proportion of PLHIV who reported knowing their status increased from 34% in 2010 to 65% in 2016. Augmented estimates including information from directly observed testing history resulted in an absolute impact of 6.7 percentage points and relative impact of 12.4%. Conclusions: In this population, self-reported testing history in population-based HIV serological surveys under-estimated the percentage of HIV positives that are diagnosed by a relative factor of 12%. Research should be employed in other surveillance systems that benefit from linked data to investigate how bias may vary across settings

    Point-of-contact Interactive Record Linkage (PIRL): A software tool to prospectively link demographic surveillance and health facility data.

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    Linking a health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) to data from a health facility that serves the HDSS population generates a research infrastructure for directly observed data on access to and utilization of health facility services. Many HDSS sites, however, are in areas that lack unique national identifiers or suffer from data quality issues, such as incomplete records, spelling errors, and name and residence changes, all of which complicate record linkage approaches when applied retrospectively. We developed Point-of-contact Interactive Record Linkage (PIRL) software that is used to prospectively link health records from a local health facility to an HDSS in rural Tanzania. This prospective approach to record linkage is carried out in the presence of the individual whose records are being linked, which has the advantage that any uncertainty surrounding their identity can be resolved during a brief interaction, whereby extraneous information (e.g., household membership) can be referred to as an additional criterion to adjudicate between multiple potential matches. Our software uses a probabilistic record linkage algorithm based on the Fellegi-Sunter model to search and rank potential matches in the HDSS data source. Key advantages of this software are its ability to perform multiple searches for the same individual and save patient-specific notes that are retrieved during subsequent clinic visits. A search on the HDSS database (n=110,000) takes less than 15 seconds to complete. Excluding time spent obtaining written consent, the median duration of time we spend with each patient is six minutes. In this setting, a purely automated retrospective approach to record linkage would have only correctly identified about half of the true matches and resulted in high linkage errors; therefore highlighting immediate benefit of conducting interactive record linkage using the PIRL software

    Impact of schistosome infection on long-term HIV/AIDS outcomes.

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    BACKGROUND: Africa bears the burden of approximately 70% of global HIV infections and 90% of global schistosome infections. We sought to investigate the impact of schistosome infection at the time of HIV-1 seroconversion on the speed of HIV-1 disease progression, as measured by the outcome CD4+ T-cell (CD4) counts <350 cells/μL and/or death. We hypothesized that people who had been infected with Schistosoma spp. at the time they acquired HIV-1 infection would have impaired antiviral immune response, thus leading them to progress twice as fast to a CD4 count less than 350 cells/μL or death than would people who had been free of schistosomes at time of HIV-1 seroconversion. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted a longitudinal study in Tanzania from 2006 to 2017 using stored blood spot samples, demographic surveillance and sero-survey data from the community, and a review of clinical charts. A competing risk analysis was performed to look at the difference in time to reaching CD4 counts < 350 cells/μL and/or death in HIV-1-infected people who were infected versus not infected with Schistosoma spp. at time of HIV-1 seroconversion. We found an 82% reduction in risk of reaching the outcome in seroconverters who had been infected with Schistosoma (subHazard Ratio = 0.18[0.068,0.50], p = 0.001) after adjusting for age, occupation, clinic attendance and time-dependent covariates. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that people with schistosome infection at the time of HIV-seroconversion develop adverse HIV outcomes more slowly than those without. The findings are contrary to our original hypothesis. Our current longitudinal findings suggest complex interactions between HIV-1 and schistosome co-infections that may be modulated over time. We urge new immunological studies to investigate the long-term impact of schistosome infection on HIV-1 viral load and CD4 counts as well as related immunologic pathways