8 research outputs found

    Um estudo da legislação e das métricas do setor elétrico brasileiro para fomentar a digitalização e a descentralização do mercado de energia

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMO: A energia elétrica gerada de forma distribuída deve ser transacionada de forma segura e eficaz, o que pode ser obtido por meio da aplicação da tecnologia blockchain no setor elétrico. Objetiva-se com este artigo trabalhar com questões legais relacionadas ao setor de comercialização de energia elétrica indicando as necessidades de alterações na legislação e na regulamentação, a fim de possibilitar a aplicação da tecnologia blockchain. Assim como, objetiva-se propor métricas relacionadas à aplicação de blockchain no mercado de comercialização de energia elétrica brasileiro para promover a digitalização e o aprimoramento de seus processos. O estudo fundamenta-se e desenvolve-se por revisão documental do ambiente regulatório brasileiro; e por revisão documental e bibliográfica sobre o mercado de comercialização de energia elétrica. Os resultados são indicações de alterações na legislação e na regulamentação, e métricas de impactos para aplicação da tecnologia blockchain no mercado de comercialização de energia elétrica brasileiro.ABSTRACT: The electric energy generated in a distributed manner must be transacted safely and effectively. It can be obtained through the application of blockchain technology in the electric sector. The aim of this article is to work with legal issues related to the electric energy trading sector. It will be possible indicating the necessity for changes in legislation and regulation to enable the application of blockchain technology in this sector. As well, it aims to propose metrics related to the application of blockchain in the Brazilian electric energy trading market for the purpose of promote the digitization and improvement of its processes. This study is based and developed by documentary review of the Brazilian regulatory environment; and by documentary and bibliographic review about the electric energy commercialization market. The results are indications of changes in legislation and regulations, and metrics of impacts for the application of blockchain technology in the Brazilian electric energy commercialization market.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of moving dairy cows at different stages of labor on behavior during parturition

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    Cows are often moved from a group to an individual maternity pen just before calving. However, it is unclear whether moving cows during labor may alter their behavior or affect the progress of labor. The aim of this study was to determine if moving cows to a maternity pen at different stages of labor would influence calving behavior or the length of the second stage of labor. Seventy-nine multiparous Holstein dairy cows were moved from 1 of 2 group pens to 1 of 10 maternity pens adjacent to each group pen either 3 d before expected calving date or when one or more behavioral or physical signs of labor were observed. These signs were noted, and were used to retrospectively categorize cows into 1 of 3 movement categories: (1) moved before labor, (2) moved during early stage I labor (signs of suddenly tense and enlarged udder, raised tail or relaxed pelvic ligaments; could also be immediately prelabor), or (3) moved during late stage I labor (signs of viscous, bloody mucus or abdominal contractions; could also be transitioning to stage II labor). Calves were weighed within 12h of birth and remained with their dam for 3 d. The length of the second stage of labor (the time between first abdominal contractions to the delivery the calf) and the total time of abdominal contractions, lying time, and number of position changes from standing to lying made by the cow in the hour before calving were recorded. A single blood sample was taken from the jugular vein of cows 3 to 27 h after calving to determine content of haptoglobin, a marker of systemic inflammation. The effect of movement category on length of the second stage of labor and behavioral variables was tested with ANOVA; category was a fixed effect and calf body weight (BW) and cow parity were covariates. The relationship between haptoglobin and the length of the second stage of labor was tested in a model with time of sampling relative to calving as a covariate. Cows moved during late stage I had the longest labor, but did not have longer contractions compared with cows in the other categories. These same cows spent half as much time lying in the 1h before calving compared with cows in the other categories, but did not differ in the number of position changes from standing to lying. We did not have the power to test the effect of movement category on haptoglobin, but cows with longer stage II labor had higher haptoglobin postcalving. Moving cows to a maternity pen during the late part of the first stage of labor caused a delay in the second stage of labor, and this was likely driven by altered lying behavior

    Variação dos níveis do componente C3 do complemento em Holochilus brasiliensis nanus experimentalmente infectados com Schistosoma mansoni Variation in the levels of the C3 component of the complement in Holochilus brasiliensis nanus infected with Schistosoma mansoni

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    As variações dos níveis do componente C3 do complemento foram verificadas em soros de exemplares do roedor silvestre Holochilus brasiliensis nanus infectados experimentalmente com Schistosoma mansoni, aplicando-se a técnica de imunoeletroforese bidimensional quantitativa. Foram utilizados soros de animais normais, da mesma espécie e idade, como controle da experiência. A quantificação foi feita durante oito semanas, contadas a partir da data da infecção. C perfil sérico mostrou que o nível inicial do C3 foi duas vezes menor que o observado no grupo controle. Este nível permaneceu até a 6ª semana de observação. A partir desta semana até a oitava foram registrados níveis aproximadamente 3 a 4 vezes menores que os observados no grupo controle.<br>The quantitative immunoelectrophoretic method was used to determine the consumption of the C3 component of the complement system in the sera of rodents (Holochilus brasiliensis nanus) infected with Schistosoma mansoni, during about eight weeks of observation. Normal animals were used as experimental controls. The results indicated that initial consumption of the C3 component in the infected animals was twice that of the controls. This level was maintained until the 6th week of observation. After the 6th week, the consumption of C3 was³ to 4 times greater than that of the controls

    Synthetic control charts with two-stage sampling for monitoring bivariate processes

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    In this article, we consider the synthetic control chart with two-stage sampling (SyTS chart) to control bivariate processes. During the first stage, one item of the sample is inspected and two correlated quality characteristics (x;y) are measured. If the Hotelling statistic T1² for these individual observations of (x;y) is lower than a specified value UCL1 the sampling is interrupted. Otherwise, the sampling goes on to the second stage, where the remaining items are inspected and the Hotelling statistic T2² for the sample means of (x;y) is computed. When the statistic T2² is larger than a specified value UCL2, the sample is classified as nonconforming. According to the synthetic control chart procedure, the signal is based on the number of conforming samples between two neighbor nonconforming samples. The proposed chart detects process disturbances faster than the bivariate charts with variable sample size and it is from the practical viewpoint more convenient to administer.<br>Este artigo apresenta um gráfico de controle com regra especial de decisão e amostragens em dois estágios para o monitoramento de processos bivariados. No primeiro estágio, um item da amostra é inspecionado e duas características de qualidade correlacionadas (x;y) são medidas. Se a estatística de Hotelling T1² para as observações individuais de (x;y) for menor que um valor especificado UCL1 a amostragem é interrompida. Caso contrário, a amostragem segue para o segundo estágio, onde os demais itens da amostra são inspecionados e a estatística de Hotelling T2² para as médias de (x;y) é calculada. Quando a estatística T2² é maior que um valor especificado UCL2, a amostra é classificada como não conforme. De acordo com a regra especial de decisão, o alarme é baseado no número de amostras entre duas não conformes. O gráfico proposto é mais ágil e mais simples do ponto de vista operacional que o gráfico de controle bivariado com tamanho de amostras variável