3,738 research outputs found
Towards Physical Plausibility in Neuroevolution Systems
The increasing usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, especially Deep
Neural Networks (DNNs), is increasing the power consumption during training and
inference, posing environmental concerns and driving the need for more
energy-efficient algorithms and hardware solutions. This work addresses the
growing energy consumption problem in Machine Learning (ML), particularly
during the inference phase. Even a slight reduction in power usage can lead to
significant energy savings, benefiting users, companies, and the environment.
Our approach focuses on maximizing the accuracy of Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) models using a neuroevolutionary framework whilst minimizing their power
consumption. To do so, power consumption is considered in the fitness function.
We introduce a new mutation strategy that stochastically reintroduces modules
of layers, with power-efficient modules having a higher chance of being chosen.
We introduce a novel technique that allows training two separate models in a
single training step whilst promoting one of them to be more power efficient
than the other while maintaining similar accuracy. The results demonstrate a
reduction in power consumption of ANN models by up to 29.2% without a
significant decrease in predictive performance
Digital entrepreneurship and institutional changes: Fintechs in the Brazilian mobile payment system
In mature and highly regulated markets, digital entrepreneurship may demand institutional changes to flourish. This paper aims to analyze institutional changes associated with the entry of new digital entrepreneurs (fintechs) into a national payment system. To achieve this goal, we conducted a case study in the Brazilian mobile payment system, with data collected from multiple sources, such as interviews with fintech entrepreneurs, document analysis, a survey with 580 users and non-users of mobile payments, and participant observations during a fintech summit. The Institutional Theory supported the understanding of institutional changes regarding the regulatory, normative, and cultural/cognitive pillars of the mobile payment system needed to support the new entrants (fintechs). The institutional work performed to carry on these changes is also analyzed
Investigating the QCD dynamical entropy in high-energy hadronic collisions
The dynamical entropy of dense gluonic states in proton-proton collisions at high energies is studied by using phenomenological models for the unintegrated gluon distribution. The corresponding transverse momentum probability distributions are evaluated in terms of rapidity. The dynamical entropy density is obtained in the rapidity range relevant for the collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. The total entropy density for the dense system is computed as a function of the rapidity evolution ΔY ¼ Y − Y0 given an initial rapidity Y0. The theoretical uncertainties are investigated, and a comparison with related approaches in literature is done
Investigating entanglement entropy at small x in DIS off protons and nuclei
In this work we analyze the entanglement entropy in deep inelastic scattering off protons and nuclei. It is computed based on the formalism where the partonic state at small-x is maximally entangled with proton being constituted by large number of microstates occurring with equal probabilities. We consider analytical expressions for the number of gluons, Ngluon, obtained from gluon saturation models for the dipole-target amplitudes within the QCD color dipole picture. In particular, the nuclear entanglement entropy per nucleon is studied. We also study the underlying uncertainties on these calculations and compare the results to similar investigations in literature
Home-based cardiac rehabilitation and virtual reality: effect on balance and kyphotic index
The virtual reality is a possibility in a context of cardiac rehabilitation. To analyse the effect of a six-month home-based maintenance phase cardiac rehabilitation specific exercise programme, performed in a virtual reality (Kinect) or conventional (booklet) environment on balance and kyphotic index of subjects with coronary artery disease.: A randomized controlled trial was conducted with subjects from a hospital in Porto, Portugal, who had completed the training phase of cardiac rehabilitation. Subjects were randomly assigned to either intervention group 1(IG1), whose programme encompassed the use of Kinect (n=11); or intervention group 2 (IG2), a paper booklet (n=11); or a control group (CG), only subjected to the usual care (n=11). The three groups received education on cardiovascular risk factors. At baseline, 3 and 6 months was measured the balance, static (One-Leg-Standing Test) and dynamic (Star Excursion Balance Test), and the kyphotic index (Flexicurve). Descriptive and inferential statistical measures were used, significance level of 0.05.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Virtual reality exercise on a home-based phase III cardiac rehabilitation program, effect on executive function, quality of life and depression, anxiety and stress: a randomized controlled trial
To analyse the effect of a six-month home-based phase III cardiac rehabilitation (CR) specific exercise program, performed in a virtual reality (Kinect) or conventional (booklet) environment, on executive function, quality of life and depression, anxiety and stress of subjects with coronary artery disease.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
O catching up tecnológico da China e a reorientação da economia chinesa com foco para a inovação: um estudo do teor do MLP (2006-2020) e seus desdobramentos.
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Relações Internacionais.Desde o final da década de 1970, observa-se um fenômeno de grande
transformação no ambiente econômico chinês e em sua relação com o mundo,
sobretudo, se colocarmos como ponto de inflexão as políticas de abertura
econômica gradualmente implementadas sob o comando do líder Deng Xiaoping. A
presente monografia foca na evolução dos setores de Ciência, Tecnologia e
Inovação na China ao apresentar discussões sobre a trajetória tecnológica chinesa
desde a fundação da RPC, políticas conduzidas pelo Partido Comunista da China e
indicadores relativos ao tema, que demonstram processo avançado de catching up
tecnológico e que destacam o papel relevante do domínio tecnológico e capacidade
inovativa como motriz da atual estratégia nacional de desenvolvimento do país. O
objetivo geral do trabalho é de apresentar os esforços e o desempenho tecnológico
chinês em seu processo de catching up. Para isso, além de indicadores
quantitativos, analisou-se o MLP como pano de fundo para a reorientação da
economia chinesa ao sentido pretendido. Por meio da abordagem metodológica
hipotético-dedutiva, este trabalho explora conceitos-chave e elementos históricos
indispensáveis à compreensão do processo de mutação tecnológica ocorrido na
China; apresenta indicativos da liderança do PCCh no direcionamento do processo
de transformação ocorrido no SNI chinês, por meio análise do plano MLP (2006-
2020), e expõe evidências quantitativas recentes do processo de catching up da
China, sobretudo no que tange à evolução das despesas com P&D e as
características inovativas do país. A importância do estudo é a de colocar a
tecnologia como variável de desenvolvimento econômico, as políticas de C,T&I como
fatores-chave para o progresso e o Estado chinês como condutor e possibilitador de
um ambiente inovativo. Além disso, são destacados os progressos e conquistas da
China no setor tecnológico ao longo do tempo, partindo de um contexto de extrema
restrição ideológica para uma postura pragmática e comprometida com o
crescimento econômico. A transição de “seguidor rápido” para “líder global” em
inovação é extremamente difícil, enquanto a China realizou notável progresso em
algumas algumas áreas ainda se encontra distante em outras. O que se revelou
com a pesquisa foi o esforço vultuoso para a construção de capacidade inovativa
autóctone em oposição à dependência de tecnologia estrangeira e isso foi sendo moldado com a reforma no Sistema Nacional de Inovação para dar suporte
institucional ao crescimento chinês, agora orientado pela inovação e adaptado às
caracteristicas de sua sociedade
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