Home-based cardiac rehabilitation and virtual reality: effect on balance and kyphotic index


The virtual reality is a possibility in a context of cardiac rehabilitation. To analyse the effect of a six-month home-based maintenance phase cardiac rehabilitation specific exercise programme, performed in a virtual reality (Kinect) or conventional (booklet) environment on balance and kyphotic index of subjects with coronary artery disease.: A randomized controlled trial was conducted with subjects from a hospital in Porto, Portugal, who had completed the training phase of cardiac rehabilitation. Subjects were randomly assigned to either intervention group 1(IG1), whose programme encompassed the use of Kinect (n=11); or intervention group 2 (IG2), a paper booklet (n=11); or a control group (CG), only subjected to the usual care (n=11). The three groups received education on cardiovascular risk factors. At baseline, 3 and 6 months was measured the balance, static (One-Leg-Standing Test) and dynamic (Star Excursion Balance Test), and the kyphotic index (Flexicurve). Descriptive and inferential statistical measures were used, significance level of 0.05.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

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