466 research outputs found


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    Os compostos antioxidantes presentes naturalmente nas plantas têm sido alvo de pesquisas em substituição aos sintéticos como aditivos alimentícios. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o potencial antioxidante de extrato de erva-mate, em associação com os condimentos alecrim, orégano e tomilho, em filés de tilápia submetidos à diferentes formas de preparo, frente à oxidação lipídica do pescado. Os extratos foram avaliados quanto ao percentual de redução do radical 2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazil e quanto aos teores de compostos fenólicos totais. A oxidação lipídica do pescado foi analisada pelo teste das substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS, do inglês, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances). Os resultados mostraram que o orégano foi o condimento que apresentou o maior teor de compostos fenólicos totais e a erva-mate, a maior atividade antioxidante. Com relação à análise de TBARS, a adição do mix de erva-mate com os três condimentos aos filés de tilápia in natura e submetidos aos diferentes processamentos térmicos (frito ou assado), foi verificado que apresentaram os menores valores relativos às amostras controle (sem a adição do mix), atingindo uma diminuição de, aproximadamente, dez vezes no pescado preparado assado. Quanto ao reaquecimento, foi constatado que este fator dobra a quantidade de TBARS presentes. Assim, conforme os resultados, é possível sugerir a eficácia da associação dos condimentos com a erva-mate na redução da rancidez oxidativa dos filés de tilápia submetidos aos diferentes processamentos térmicos aplicados, bem como do produto in natura

    Evidence for the formation of metallic In after laser irradiation of InP

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    Structural and electronic changes induced by laser irradiation are currently of interest owing to the possibility to tune the mechanical, optical, and transport properties of the irradiated materials. In this work, we investigate the effects of laser irradiation on indium phosphide, InP, by modifying the electronic temperature, Te, of the system within the density functional theory framework and performing molecular dynamics simulations to prove that the laser irradiation also provokes a local thermalization effect. We found that the process can be described by a two-stage mechanism. First, at low Te values (0–1.0 eV), the laser energy induces electronic transitions, while the InP lattice remains undisturbed and cool. In the second stage (with Te in the range of 1.0–4.0 eV), both electron-electron scattering and electron-phonon coupling processes are triggered, increasing the energy of the lattice so as to provoke a Coulomb explosion, which changes some physical chemical properties of InP. The close agreement between the simulations helps explain the formation of metallic In as it is observed in the transmission electron microscopy images

    Clinical-epidemiological profile, diagnostic criteria and treatment of patients with hairy cell leukemia in the State of Pernambuco: analysis of 50 consecutive cases in 12 years

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    Study’s model: series of cases. Problem’s relevance: Describing the clinical-epidemiological profile, standard diagnostics and hairy cell leukemia’s (HCL) treatment inside a reference service of hematology in the state of Pernambuco/Brazil, considering that HCL is a little common condition in the related statethat, when suspected, is forwarded to Pernambuco’s Foundation of Hematology and Hemotherapy (HEMOPE).Thereby, a study about HCL will permit the elaboration of investigation’s protocols about the clinic as well as premature and therapeutic diagnostics, according to the laboratory and clinical-epidemiological characters of the patients of the state of Pernambuco/Brazil, propitiating a better assistance to them. Comments: It was realizeda retrospective and descriptive study involving all patients with HCL attended at HEMOPE from January 2002 to April 2014. More than 50 (fifty) cases were analysed. The age group was 54,3± 12,3 (16% women and 84% men). The symptonsverified were dizziness, hemorrhage, asthenia, anorexia, nightly sweat, recurrent infection, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and adenomegaly. It was observed macrocytosis (22,0%), anemia (88,0%) and thrombocytopenia (98%).In the standard diagnostics, there were hairy cells in the peripheral blood of all patients and the reaction of the phosphatase’s tartar resistant was positive in 81,8% of the cases.The bone marrow’s biopsy revealed hairy cells infiltration in all patients and reticulin fibrosis in 92,0% of the cases. In the immunophenotyping, was found CD11 in 57,1% of the cases, CD25 in 89,8%, CD103 in 77,5%, FMC7 in 81,6%, Kappa in 24,5% and Lambda in 18,3%.As initial treatment, it was realized splenectomy + interferon (4,0%), splenectomy (4,0%), interferon (3,5%) and cladribine (58,0%)Modelo do estudo: Série de casos. Importância do problema: Esse estudo objetiva descrever o perfil clínico-epidemiológico, critérios diagnósticos e tratamento de pacientes com leucemia de células pilosas (HCL - Hairy-cell leucemia,) num serviço de referência em hematologia no Estado de Pernambuco, pois a HCL é uma condição pouco frequente no Estado e quando suspeitada é encaminha ao serviço de referência no Estado que é a Fundação de Hematologia e Hemoterapia de Pernambuco (HEMOPE) – Recife/PE, logo um estudo sobre a HCL permitirá elaboração de protocolos de investigação sobre a clínica, diagnóstico precoce e terapêutico de acordo com as características clínicas-epidemiológicas e laboratoriais dos pacientes da região, promovendo uma melhor assistência. Comentários: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo, descritivo, tipo série de casos de todos os pacientes com HCL atendidos no HEMOPE de jan/2002 a abr/2014. Foram analisados 50 casos. A média de idade foi 54,3±12,3 (16% mulheres e 84% homens). Os sinais/sintomas presentes foram tontura, hemorragias, astenia, anorexia, sudorese noturna, infecção recorrente, esplenomegalia, hepatomegalia e adenomegalia. Observou-se macrocitose (22,0%), anemia (88,0%) e plaquetopenia (98,0%). Nos critérios diagnósticos, houve tricoleucócitos no sangue periférico em todos e a reação de fosfatase tártaro-resistente foi positiva em 81,8% dos casos. A biopsia de medula óssea revelou a infiltração de tricoleucócitos em todos e fibrose reticulínica em 92,0% pacientes. No imunofenotipagem, foi constada: CD11 em 57,1%, CD25 em 89,8%, CD103 em 77,5%, FMC7 81,6%, Kappa em 24,5% e lambda em 18,3% dos pacientes. Como tratamento inicial, foi realizado esplenectomia + interferon (4%), esplenectomia (4%), interferon (35%) e cladribina (58%

    Futsal as a strategy for the improvement of elementary abilities and for the development of the body image in children

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    This current study aims to analyze the contribution of futsal practice in global praxis and body image in children in a specialized motor stage, evaluating the motor performance before and after an intervention in the following factors: hands and feet global praxis and body image. It was adopted the application method of 18 one-hour twice a week session, divided into three modules, I) displacement activities in different directions; II) coordination activities and reaction time and III) throwing and kicking activities. Twenty male participants, aged 8 to 12 years, with normal motor development were used. The survey was conducted at a private school. The results found were a significant improvement in the hits of the tennis balls with hands and make the number of hits in kicking the ball with his feet. Regarding the analysis of body image after the proposed intervention, the children has shown the body parts performance incorporated in drawings that were not previously present. It is concluded that there are positive contributions of the futsal practice in respect to the global praxis practice and body image in children in a specialized motor stage

    Development of an Orthotopic Human Pancreatic Cancer Xenograft Model Using Ultrasound Guided Injection of Cells

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    Mice have been employed as models of cancer for over a century, providing significant advances in our understanding of this multifaceted family of diseases. In particular, orthotopic tumor xenograft mouse models are emerging as the preference for cancer research due to increased clinical relevance over subcutaneous mouse models. In the current study, we developed orthotopic pancreatic cancer xenograft models in mice by a minimally invasive method, ultrasound guided injection (USGI) comparable to highly invasive surgical orthotopic injection (SOI) methods. This optimized method prevented injection complications such as recoil of cells through the injection canal or leakage of cells out of the pancreas into the peritoneal cavity. Tumor growth was monitored in vivo and quantified by ultrasound imaging weekly, tumors were also detected by in vivo fluorescence imaging using a tumor targeted molecular probe. The mean tumor volumes for the USGI and SOI models after 2 weeks of tumor growth were 205 mm3 and 178 mm3 respectively. By USGI of human pancreatic cancer cell lines, human orthotopic pancreatic cancer xenografts were established. Based on ultrasound imaging, the orthotopic human pancreatic cancer xenograft take rate was 100% for both human pancreatic cancer cell lines used, MiaPaCa-2 and Su86.86, with mean tumor volumes of 28 mm3and 30 mm3. We demonstrated that this USGI method is feasible, reproducible, facile, minimally invasive and improved compared to the highly-invasive SOI method for establishing orthotopic pancreatic tumor xenograft models suitable for molecular imaging

    A FAIR guide for data providers to maximise sharing of human genomic data

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    It is generally acknowledged that, for reproducibility and progress of human genomic research, data sharing is critical. For every sharing transaction, a successful data exchange is produced between a data consumer and a data provider. Providers of human genomic data (e.g., publicly or privately funded repositories and data archives) fulfil their social contract with data donors when their shareable data conforms to FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles. Based on our experiences via Repositive (https://repositive.io), a leading discovery platform cataloguing all shared human genomic datasets, we propose guidelines for data providers wishing to maximise their shared data’s FAIRness. Citation: Corpas M, Kovalevskaya NV, McMurray A, Niel

    Development of an Orthotopic Human Pancreatic Cancer Xenograft Model Using Ultrasound Guided Injection of Cells

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    Mice have been employed as models of cancer for over a century, providing significant advances in our understanding of this multifaceted family of diseases. In particular, orthotopic tumor xenograft mouse models are emerging as the preference for cancer research due to increased clinical relevance over subcutaneous mouse models. In the current study, we developed orthotopic pancreatic cancer xenograft models in mice by a minimally invasive method, ultrasound guided injection (USGI) comparable to highly invasive surgical orthotopic injection (SOI) methods. This optimized method prevented injection complications such as recoil of cells through the injection canal or leakage of cells out of the pancreas into the peritoneal cavity. Tumor growth was monitored in vivo and quantified by ultrasound imaging weekly, tumors were also detected by in vivo fluorescence imaging using a tumor targeted molecular probe. The mean tumor volumes for the USGI and SOI models after 2 weeks of tumor growth were 205 mm3 and 178 mm3 respectively. By USGI of human pancreatic cancer cell lines, human orthotopic pancreatic cancer xenografts were established. Based on ultrasound imaging, the orthotopic human pancreatic cancer xenograft take rate was 100% for both human pancreatic cancer cell lines used, MiaPaCa-2 and Su86.86, with mean tumor volumes of 28 mm3and 30 mm3. We demonstrated that this USGI method is feasible, reproducible, facile, minimally invasive and improved compared to the highly-invasive SOI method for establishing orthotopic pancreatic tumor xenograft models suitable for molecular imaging

    Poly (glycerol adipate) (PGA) backbone modifications with a library of functional diols: Chemical and physical effects

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    Enzymatically synthesised poly(glycerol adipate) (PGA) has shown a palette of key desirable properties required for a biomaterial to be considered a ‘versatile polymeric tool’ in the field of drug delivery. PGA and its variations can self-assemble into nanoparticles (NPs) and interact at different levels with small active molecules. PGA derivatives are usually obtained by functionalising the glyceryl side hydroxyl group present along the main polymer scaffold. However, if the synthetic pathways are not finely tuned, the self-assembling ability of these new polymeric modifications might be hampered by the poor amphiphilic balance. For this reason, we have designed a straightforward one-pot synthetic modification, using a small library of diols in combination with glycerol, aimed at altering the backbone of the polymer without affecting the hydrophilic glyceryl portion. The diols introduce additional functionality into the backbone of PGA alongside the secondary hydroxyl group already present. We have investigated how extra functionalities along the polymer backbone alter the final polymer reactivity as well the chemical and biological properties of the nanoparticles. In addition, with the intent to further improve the green credentials of the enzymatic synthesis, a solvent derived from renewable resources, (2-methyl tetrahydrofuran, 2-MeTHF) was employed for the synthesis of all the PGA-variants as a replacement for the more traditionally used and fossil-based tetrahydrofuran (THF). In vitro assays carried out to evaluate the potential of these novel materials for drug delivery applications demonstrated very low cytotoxicity characteristic against NIH 3T3 model cell line