994 research outputs found

    News from Academy Bay

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    Donation Made in Memory of Last Grandchild of Ecuador's First President. Deaths of CDF Board Members. Major Gift by Mrs. Louise Van Straelen-Poirier. Itasca to Galápagos. Station Research Vessel

    A study of short contact case work with service-connected persons during 1945 at the Travelers Aid Society, Worcester, Massachusetts

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Boston University, 1946. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    The Effect of the Fe\u3csup\u3e2\u3c/sup\u3e: Fe\u3csup\u3e3\u3c/sup\u3e Ratio upon the Current Efficiency in the Electrolysis of a Copper Sulfate Solution Containing Iron Sulfate

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    In the treatment of copper ores by hydro-electro-metallurgical methods, not only is copper deposited, but other metals are also dissolved. In practice it has been found* that iron, under certain conditions, causes the copper to deposit on the cathode as a nonadherent precipitate and also that the iron in solution causes a great decrease in current efficiency, es­pecially when the electrolysis is conducted by operating with a higher current density at the cathode than at the anode. The present investigation deals with the effects of the two valences of iron on the current efficiency and endeavors to determine whether or not there is a ratio of the two at which point the efficiency becomes zero or approaches it

    Young people’s voices went unheard: the Brexit generational divide

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    One thing to emerge both on social media and on the streets after the referendum result was a clear generational divide in how people voted. CoVi ran a research and analysis exercise looking at why such a divide existed, and how it played out in the public debate during the referendum campaign. Caroline Macfarland and Katy Owen explain how older, male-dominated personalities dominated the campaign, which did not appeal to younger voters’ preference for issues-based political debate. They suggest how younger Remain voters can have a voice in the ensuing Brexit negotiations

    Alien Registration- Macfarland, John J. (Madison, Somerset County)

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    A Comparative Analysis of 6th Grade Academic and Nonacademic Outcomes in two Different School Configurations

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    The purpose of this two-group descriptive efficacy study was to explore the relationship between school configuration and academic and non-academic outcomes of sixth grade elementary students compared to academic and non-academic outcomes of sixth grade middle school students. The independent variable is the school configuration. Group 1 includes sixth grade students who attended school in an elementary school configuration (n=619). Group 2 includes sixth grade students who attend school in a middle school configuration (n=811). There were six dependent variables for this study that fell into two specific themes: academic (reading and mathematics achievement) and non-academic (number of days absent from school, number of days suspended out-of-school, Student Engagement, and Student Climate Survey data responses). Academic achievement was defined by scaled scores on the Nebraska State Assessments (NeSA) for Reading and Mathematics. Absence frequency was a ratio level variable that referred to the number of days a student was absent from school. Suspension data was also reported as a ratio level variable that indicates the number of out-of-school suspension days a student received during the 2015-2016 school year. Both Engagement and Climate data included Likert response scores to the research school district’s Student Engagement and Climate Survey. Inferential analysis of student data revealed significant differences for Reading and Math academic outcomes, with higher scores for students attending sixth grade in a middle school configuration. There was no significant difference in the non-academic outcomes of attendance, suspension and engagement. There was a significant difference on the non-academic outcome of climate, with sixth grade students in an elementary configuration reporting a more favorable school environment. This study may offer insights into other variables associated with student outcomes. Recommendations for further study to address differentiating grade configuration by other factors is suggested

    Present Sense Impressions Cannot Live in the Past

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    Living with intimate partner violence: Effects on children

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaIntroducción: La violencia de pareja es un problema prevalente en todas las sociedades, y en ocasiones las víctimas no son únicamente los componentes de la pareja. En este estudio, se centrará la atención en los menores que conviven en un contexto de violencia de pareja, y las consecuencias que supone para estos mismos. Objetivo: Averiguar las repercusiones de la exposición a la violencia de pareja a nivel de salud física, salud mental, emocional y comportamental. Valorar el papel y el desarrollo del vínculo con el cuidador en este problema. Y valorar algunas diferencias por edad, género y etnicidad Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática a través de una búsqueda en bases de datos PubMed, Cinhal, CUIDEN y Cochrane con lenguaje controlado. Resultados: La exposición a la violencia de pareja (VP) supone un factor negativo en el desarrollo cognitivo, en salud mental, salud física, desarrollo emocional y comportamental. Las repercusiones están mediadas por factores individuales como la edad de la exposición, la resiliencia y factores protectores ambientales como es el vínculo de los cuidadores. Y en algunos casos existen diferencias en las experiencias por género y etnia. Conclusión: Los menores expuestos a violencia de pareja sufren consecuencias negativas en su desarrollo. Estas consecuencias pueden ser apreciables por los enfermeros pediátricos, quienes se encuentran en contacto con la familia y el paciente. Identificarlo es el primer paso de la actuación para poder evitar las consecuencias, o por lo menos, aminorarlas.Introduction: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a prevalent problem in society today. Victims of IPV are not only the components of the couple involved in the relationship,minors exposed to IPV are also victims. This narrative review will focus on the minors exposed to IPV and the consequences of this exposure. Objectives: To find out the repercussions of exposure to IPV in mental and physical health and in cognitive, emotional and behavioral development. To understand the development of parental attachment in the midst of this problem and how it mediates these consequences. And finally to ascertain if the differences in age, gender and ethnicities affect the overall outcome. Methodology: A narrative review was carried out by searching on PubMed, Cinhal, CUIDEN and Cochrane data bases with controlled language. Results: Exposure to IPV is a negative factor in cognitive, emotional and behavioral development and, in mental and physical health. These consequences are mediated by individual factors, such as age of exposure, resilience and other protective characteristics, like secure attachment. Some of these consequences are also influenced by gender and ethnicity. Conclusion: Minors exposed to IPV suffer negative outcomes in their overall development. These consequences can be observed by pediatric nurses, who are in contact with the child, family and immediate surroundings. Identifying these signals is the first step of the intervention process in order to prevent further negative consequences in their development

    Neue Entwicklungen in der Pharmakotherapie der Kokainabhängigkeit

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    Zusammenfassung: Es zeichnen sich neue medikamentöse Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der Kokainabhängigkeit ab. So gelang es erstmals mit Disulfiram in einer randomisierten, kontrollierten Studie, den Kokainkonsum signifikant zu reduzieren. Im Oktober2003 startete in den USA eine Phase-IIb-Studie mit aktiver Immunisierung gegen Kokain, seit September2004 läuft in der Schweiz eine Behandlungsstudie mit Methylphenidat in Kombination mit kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie. Vigabatrin, Tiagabin, Selegilin und Topiramat haben sich in Pilotuntersuchungen als potenzielle Kandidatensubstanzen für die weitere klinische Prüfung empfohle