614 research outputs found

    Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Environmental Ethics

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    Papers from the Pacific islands, India, Bangladesh and elsewhere illustrate the ethical dilemma of environmental policy, sustainable development and the needs of communities to make a living

    Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Biotechnology and Bioethics

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    A number of controversial topics related to bioethics and biotechnology 17 papers that deal with various aspects of release and development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), stem cells and cloning, privacy and bio-banking

    Asia - Pacific Perspectives on Bioethics Education

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    This collection of papers is the fifth in a series of books from RUSHSAP, UNESCO Bangkok offering Asia and Pacific perspectives on ethics - each focusing on specific themes. The contents come from submitted papers to the UNESCO Bangkok Bioethics conferences held in 2005 and they are assembled thematically. They also include discourse from the conference, as intercultural communication is part of the essence of deliberation on bioethics

    Asia-Pacific Perspectives on the Medical Ethics

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    A compilation of 16 papers selected from two UNESCO Bangkok Bioethics Roundtables, with research and policy dialogues from different countries in the region. It includes papers on informed consent, ethics committees, communication, organ transplants, traditional medicines and sex selectio

    The protective scale of the Armidilo‐S:the importance of forensic and clinical outcomes

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    Background: The Armidilo has two scales—the risk scale and the protective scale. Research has been confined to the risk scale which appears to predict future incidents with medium to large effect sizes. There have been no publications on the use of the protective scale.Methods: The Armidilo was completed on four individuals with IDD who were either moving on from their placement or whose placement was in jeopardy because of new information or altered policies in the organization. The Armidilo was completed in the usual fashion.Results: Risk and protective results show that for each individual, recommendations could be made that ensured the best outcome. For two participants, restrictive placements were avoided because of the data on protective factors.Conclusions: The protective scale can be a powerful support for the clinician's case in offenders with IDD. The protective scale should be completed routinely for clinical evaluation

    Effective use of Pupil Premium Plus to improve educational outcomes for looked after children

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    This publication reports on research funded by the National Association of Virtual School Heads and presents insights into the use of Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) to support educational outcomes for looked after children. Using data generated from Virtual School Heads, Designated Teachers and other stakeholder professionals, supported by available academic and policy texts, these insights together with emerging evidence of gaps in guidance and support inform a set of recommendations for stakeholders to consider to support educational outcomes for looked after children; specifically relating to: 1) The guidance and support available for effective use of PP+; 2) How PP+ is used and allocated; and 3) How impact of PP+-funded interventions is evidenced

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    二十一世紀中川号訳者一覧:紀平知樹(兵庫医療大学) , 楠本瑶子(国立障害者リハビリテーションセンター学院 言語聴覚学科1年) , 高木遼(大阪大学文学部学生) , 辻明典(大阪大学大学院文学研究科博士前期課程) , 中川雅道(早稲田摂陵中学校講師) , 村瀬智之(中央学院大学非常勤講師・東京工業高等専門学校非常勤講師

    Understanding the journey to and through 'Access to Higher Education Diplomas' for adults with a service background

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    The Access to Higher Education Diploma (AHED) is a well-established course, delivered in the main locally through Further Education Institutions; it provides a non-traditional route into Higher Education (HE) for those aged 19 years and over who have few, if any, qualifications to gain entry to HE. Although transition is a smooth journey for many Service Leavers (SLs) and their families, there are a significant number who need support to improve their transition experience, to minimise the risk of unfulfilling careers within the civilian sector. This research aims to: provide a better level of understanding of the issues that adults with a Service background can face on their journey to and through an Access to Higher Education Diploma; show how these issues can manifest as barriers on these journeys; and develop recommendations that identify opportunities to address these barriers


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    Autor uspoređuje bioetiku u Japanu s bioetikom u ostalim azijskim zemljama i u širim globalnim razmjerima. Bioetiku možemo promatrati na dva načina: kao deskriptivnu - način na koji ljudi gledaju na život te njihove moralne interakcije i odgovornosti prema životu - ili kao preskriptivnu - određivanje onog što je dobro, a što loše, koji su principi najvažniji, ili pak da ljudi imaju određena prava, pa prema tome drugi imaju obveze prema njima. Riječ "bioetika" znači proučavanje etičkih pitanja koja proizlaze iz ljudskog odnosa prema životu i autor je naprosto naziva "ljubav prema životu". Kao podloga za raspravu o bioetičkim pitanjima poslužila je Međunarodna bioetička anketa provedena 1993. u Australiji, Hong Kongu, Indiji, Izraelu, Japanu, Novom Zelandu, Filipinima, Rusiji, Singapuru iTajlandu. Neke od tema o kojima se raspravlja jesu: stavovi prema znanosti, briga za okoliš, genetski inženjering, privatnost, genetske bolesti iAIDS, prenataini genetski testovi probira, gensko liječenje, tehnologija asistirane reprodukcije, medicinska profesija i medicinska etika, eutanazija, moždana smrt i transplantacija organa, obrazovanje. Glavno pitanje kojim se bavi bioetika u Aziji danas je budućnost bioetike i univerzalnost. U studenom 1995.1 osnovat će se Istočno azijsko bioetičko Udruženje (East Asian Association of Bioethics), a dvomjesečnik Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics uključen je u Internet (http://www.biol.tsukuba.ac.jp/ ymacerl EJAIB.html).This paper focuses on bioethics in Japan with comparisons to Asia, and global comparisons. There are two ways to think of the term bioethics, one is as descriptive bioethics - the way people view life and their moral interactions and responsibilities with life. The other is prescriptive bioethics - to say what is good or bad, what principles are most important, or that people have rights and therefore others have duties to them. The world "bioethics" means the study of ethical issues arising from human involvement with life, and I have called it simply the "love of life". The International Bioethics Survey performed in 1993 in Australia, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore and Thailand is used as a background to discuss the issues of bioethics. The topics discussed include attitudes to science; environmental concerns; genetic engineering; privacy, genetic diseases and AIDS; prenatal genetic screening; gene therapy; assisted reproductive technology; the medical profession and medical ethics; euthanasia; brain death and organ transplants; and education. The future of bioethics and universality are mayor issues in bioethics in Asia today. The founding of the East Asian Association of Bioethics will be in November, 1995, and the bimonthly Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics is on-line on the Internet (http://www.biol.tSukuba.ac.jp/ -macerIEJAl B.html).Der Verfasser vergleicht die in Japan gegenwartige Bioethik mit der Bioethik der Obrigen asiatischen Staaten und dem globalen Kontext bioethischer Bestrebungen. Die Bioethik kann auf zweierlei Art und Weise betrachtet werden: als deskriptive Disziplin - d.h. Lebenseinstellung, moralische Interaktion zwischen den Menschen und Verantwortung dem Leben gegenober - oder als praskriptive Einstellung - als die Bestimmung dessen, was gut und was schlecht ist, welche Grundsatze ausschlaggebend sind, oder aber als Hinweis auf die Legitimitat bestimrnter Rechte des Menschen und der daraus folgenden Verpflichtungen, die andere ihm gegenOber haben. Der Ausdruck "Bioethik" bedeutet: Untersuchung ethischer Fragen, die aus der Einstellung des Menschen zum Leben hervorgehen, und vom Verfasser wird dies einfach auch als "Liebe zum Leben" bezeichnet. Als Grundlage zur Diskussion Ober bioethische Belange diente eine internationale bioethische Umfrage, die 1993 in Australien, Hong Kong, Indien, Israel, Japan, Neuseeiand, auf den Philippinen, in RuBIand, Singapur und Thailand durchgefOhrt wurde. Einige der wichtigsten Themen, die hier besprochen werden, lauten: Verhaltnis zur Wissenschaft, Umweltschutz, Genmanipulationen, Privatsphare, genetische Erkrankungen und AIDS, pranatale genetische Selektierungstests, Genbehandlung, Technologie im Dienste assistierter Reproduktion, Arztberuf und medizinische Ethik, Euthanasie, Gehirntod, Organtransplantation und Edukation. Die Hauptfrage, mit der sich die Bioethik in Asien heute beschaftigt, ist ihre Zukunft und Universalitat. Im November 1995 wurde der Ostasiatische Verband fOr Bioethik (East Asian Association of Bioethics) ins Leben gerufen, und die Zweimonatszeitschrift Eubios Journal of Asian and Interntional Bioethics ist Teil des Internet-Angebots (http://www.biol.tsukuba.ac.jpl-macerIEJAIB. html)