66 research outputs found

    Three-coloring graphs with no induced seven-vertex path II : using a triangle

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    In this paper, we give a polynomial time algorithm which determines if a given graph containing a triangle and no induced seven-vertex path is 3-colorable, and gives an explicit coloring if one exists. In previous work, we gave a polynomial time algorithm for three-coloring triangle-free graphs with no induced seven-vertex path. Combined, our work shows that three-coloring a graph with no induced seven-vertex path can be done in polynomial time.Comment: 26 page

    Changes In The Development Process Of Mobile Phone Applications Bring Opportunities For Developers And More Options To Consumers

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    Consumers are becoming increasingly comfortable with technology.  As their knowledge and use of technology has increased, so too have their expectations and roles in the technology environment. New technology brings about new products, and the process of developing new products is ongoing.  Research and development, turnaround times, product introduction timing, and development efforts of the competition all influence the process. The race to move new technology to the market as quickly as possible has significantly changed the development process.  Individuals now have development opportunities that generally belonged to corporations years ago.  As Smartphones become more mainstream, the race to create applications (apps) for the devices has presented entrepreneurial opportunities for companies and individuals alike. Not only is the demand for apps increasing, but the power of apps is also increasing.  Apps have the ability to affect consumer demands and, ultimately, impact what is available in the marketplace

    Consolidation And Changing Consumer Preferences Impact The Structure And Future Of The Publishing Industry

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    The publishing industry has experienced several changes that have had a major impact on its business. There has been considerable consolidation of the publishing houses, significant technological changes, and a shift in consumer opinions regarding textbooks. This has put a strain on the publishers’ supply chain, as well as their ability to compete in the marketplace. The cannibalization of sales within a publisher’s product mix has led to even more strain in extending product life cycles. The combination of students questioning the value of textbooks combined with decreasing profit margins has left many publishers struggling to survive

    Peer-to-peer information exchange platform for academic publishing experiences: A prototype

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    Across multiple domains and online platforms, consumers have an opportunity to review products, services, businesses and people and benefit from the information shared by others. However, within the scholarly communication domain, such opportunity is not available due to a lack of reviewing platforms. To close this gap, we propose a peer-to-peer online platform for informal reviews of scholarly publications. We develop and test a prototype of a website where scholars could share their publication experiences and rate different publication venues across a variety of dimensions

    Innovación en el sector de la construcción del Perú: estado actual y diagnóstico

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    [EN] It is now recognized that success in any industry and market is linked with its technological and innovative capacity. However, in the construction sector progress is slow, that is, it has not presented significant changes as to how it has been developing at the present date as it was decades ago. This reality is not foreign to the construction sector of Peru, in which this industry contributes around 7% to the GDP; In addition, it presents an infrastructure need of 30% of GDP. This is why the research focuses its objectives on understanding the "why" of the current situation, giving a diagnosis and ascertaining the validity in the peruvian context of the model of management innovation in construction companies, and give practical recommendations. The methodology used to understand the situation was based on the search for documentation and its subsequent critical analysis. At the same time, interviews were conducted with 10 representatives of Peruvian construction companies, being able to validate 15 of the 18 proposals presented by the selected innovation management model. Thanks to the bibliometric analysis, nine variables of the Peruvian reality were identified that influence the assimilation of an innovation management system. Through the interviews were validated 8 of them for having great impact on the success of the model. Based on this research, we conclude the great opportunities to innovate in the construction of Peru. The current state of the Peruvian construction sector could be better exploited if greater interest were shown in implementing an innovation management system, to take care of the knowledge acquired in the field, to apply them, to regulate them, to generate patents, among others. Although the results of obtaining an innovation are not always economic, the benefits obtained with them when applying them generate both social and economic improvements over the long term.[CA] Actualment es reconeix que l'èxit en qualsevol indústria i mercat està lligat amb la seva capacitat tecnològica i innovadora. No obstant això, en el sector de la construcció l'avanç és lent, és a dir, no ha presentat canvis significatius respecte a com es desenvolupa en data actual a com es feia dècades enrere. Aquesta realitat no és aliena al sector de la construcció del Perú, en què aquesta indústria aporta al voltant del 7% al PIB; a més, presenta una necessitat d'infraestructura del 30% del PIB. És per això que la investigació centra els seus objectius en entendre els "per què" de la situació actual, donar diagnòstic i esbrinar la validesa en el context peruà del model de gestió d'innovació en empreses constructores, i donar recomanacions pràctiques. La metodologia aplicada per entendre la situació es va basar en la recerca de documentació i la seva posterior anàlisi crítica. A l'una es van realitzar entrevistes a 10 representants de constructores peruanes, podent validar 15 de les 18 proposicions que presenta el model de gestió d'innovació seleccionat. Gràcies a l'anàlisi bibliomètrica es van identificar 9 variables de la realitat peruana que influeixen en l'assoliment d'assimilar un sistema de gestió de la innovació. Mitjançant les entrevistes es van validar 8 d'elles per tenir gran impacte en l'èxit del model. Es conclou, en base a aquesta investigació, les grans oportunitats d'innovar en la construcció del Perú. L'estat actual del sector de la construcció peruà podria ser millor aprofitat si es mostrés més interès a implementar un sistema de gestió en innovació, per tenir cura dels coneixements adquirits en camp, aplicar-los, normarlos, generar patents, entre d'altres. Si bé els resultats d'obtenir una innovació no són sempre econòmics, les bondats obtingudes amb elles a l'aplicar-generen millores tant socials com econòmiques a llarg termini.[ES] Actualmente se reconoce que el éxito en cualquier industria y mercado está ligado con su capacidad tecnológica e innovadora. Sin embargo, en el sector de la construcción el avance es lento, es decir, no ha presentado cambios significativos respecto a cómo se viene desarrollando en fecha actual a cómo se hacía décadas atrás. Esta realidad no es ajena al sector de la construcción del Perú, en el que esta industria aporta alrededor del 7% al PBI; además, presenta una necesidad de infraestructura del 30% del PBI. Es por esto que la investigación centra sus objetivos en entender los "por qué" de la situación actual, dar diagnóstico y averiguar la validez en el contexto peruano del modelo de gestión de innovación en empresas constructoras, y dar recomendaciones prácticas. La metodología aplicada para entender la situación se basó en la búsqueda de documentación y su posterior análisis crítico. A la par se realizaron entrevistas a 10 representantes de constructoras peruanas, pudiendo validar 15 de las 18 proposiciones que presenta el modelo de gestión de innovación seleccionado. Gracias al análisis bibliométrico se identificaron 9 variables de la realidad peruana que influyen en el logro de asimilar un sistema de gestión de la innovación. Mediante las entrevistas se validaron 8 de ellas por tener gran impacto en el éxito del modelo. Se concluye, en base a esta investigación, las grandes oportunidades de innovar en la construcción del Perú. El estado actual del sector de la construcción peruano podría ser mejor aprovechado si se mostrara mayor interés en implementar un sistema de gestión en innovación, para cuidar los conocimientos adquiridos en campo, aplicarlos, normarlos, generar patentes, entre otros. Si bien los resultados de obtener una innovación no son siempre económicos, las bondades obtenidas con ellas al aplicarlas generan mejoras tanto sociales como económicas a largo plazo.Maceli Simon, AP. (2017). Innovación en el sector de la construcción del Perú: estado actual y diagnóstico. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/78144.Archivo delegad
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