175 research outputs found

    Gender differences in conceptual understanding of Newtonian mechanics: a UK cross-institution comparison

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    We present results of a combined study from three UK universities where we investigate the existence and persistence of a performance gender gap in conceptual understanding of Newtonian mechanics. Using the Force Concept Inventory, we find that students at all three universities exhibit a statistically significant gender gap, with males outperforming females. This gap is narrowed but not eliminated after instruction, using a variety of instructional approaches. Furthermore, we find that before instruction the quartile with the lowest performance on the diagnostic instrument comprises a disproportionately high fraction (~50%) of the total female cohort. The majority of these students remain in the lowest-performing quartile post-instruction. Analysis of responses to individual items shows that male students outperform female students on practically all items on the instrument. Comparing the performance of the same group of students on end-of-course examinations, we find no statistically significant gender gaps.Comment: 17 page

    Bringing Family Voice to Determinants of Health

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    The Family Leadership Training Institute (FLTI) is a program that can respond to data documenting the health of the nation. Participants engage in individual civic projects that align with social determinants of health and seek to ameliorate health inequities. They also discover and/or increase their civic engagement skills to more effectively take part in policy and implementation discussions and decisions. With roots in Colorado, FLTI continues to expand into rural and urban communities throughout the state. The curriculum has been translated into Spanish, and a two-generation pilot implementation has indicated promise for including youths in a parallel program. Documentation regarding program effectiveness suggests that others in Extension may benefit interested communities by assisting them in replicating FLTI

    International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Domestic Market Performance

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    We develop a model to estimate simultaneously import shares, export shares, outward foreign direct investment and domestic profits for a large sample of U.S. manufacturing industries. In our model, trade barriers alter the ability of domestic market structure to influence domestic performance. The results indicate that trade flows behave as expected in response to factor intensity. Profits are disciplined by imports and enhanced by exports. Concentration reduces both import and export shares but economies of scale increase them. Exports are complements rather than substitutes for foreign direct investment.Concentration; Exports; Foreign Direct Investment; Import; International Trade; Market Performance; Market Structure; Trade

    Density and temperature controlled fluid extraction in a bacterial biofilm is determined by poly-Îł-glutamic acid production

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    Abstract A hallmark of microbial biofilms is the self-production of an extracellular molecular matrix that encases the resident cells. The matrix provides protection from the environment, while spatial heterogeneity of gene expression influences the structural morphology and colony spreading dynamics. Bacillus subtilis is a model bacterial system used to uncover the regulatory pathways and key building blocks required for biofilm growth and development. In this work, we report on the emergence of a highly active population of bacteria during the early stages of biofilm formation, facilitated by the extraction of fluid from the underlying agar substrate. We trace the origin of this fluid extraction to the production of poly-Îł-glutamic acid (PGA). The flagella-dependent activity develops behind a moving front of fluid that propagates from the boundary of the biofilm towards the interior. The extent of fluid proliferation is controlled by the presence of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS). We also find that PGA production is positively correlated with higher temperatures, resulting in high-temperature mature biofilm morphologies that are distinct from the rugose colony biofilm architecture typically associated with B. subtilis. Although previous reports have suggested that PGA production does not play a major role in biofilm morphology in the undomesticated isolate NCIB 3610, our results suggest that this strain produces distinct biofilm matrices in response to environmental conditions


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    a b s t r a c t At-risk families' control style (autonomy support and coercive control) was examined in relation to children's school readiness; children's social skills and mastery motivation were hypothesized mediating variables. In two different, low-income samples from diverse ethnic backgrounds, one preschool sample recruited from Head Start (N = 199) and a school transition sample composed of children entering elementary school (N = 344), parental control styles were related to children's academic readiness modestly but significantly in the preschool sample and weakly in the school transition sample. Children's social skills and mastery motivation skills (persistence and goal orientation) were significantly related to the academic measures of school readiness, and fully mediated the association between parents' use of coercive behavioral control and academic readiness. Such mediation could not be tested for parental support of children's autonomy. The results indicate that a developmental cascade exists between parental control strategies and academic indices of school readiness, emphasizing the importance of family context models of school readiness. Furthermore, strong correlations between the domains of school readiness were found in both samples, reinforcing calls for a multidimensional approach to supporting school readiness in early childhood education programs

    PoLAR-FIT: Pliocene Landscapes and Arctic Remains—Frozen in Time

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    This short summary presents selected results of an ongoing investigation into the feedbacks that contribute to amplified Arctic warming. The consequences of warming for Arctic biodiversity and landscape response to global warmth are currently being interpreted. Arctic North American records of large-scale landscape and paleoenvironmental change during the Pliocene are exquisitely preserved and locked in permafrost, providing an opportunity for paleoenvironmental and faunal reconstruction with unprecedented quality and resolution. During a period of mean global temperatures only ~2.5°C above modern, the Pliocene molecular, isotopic, tree-ring, paleofaunal, and paleofloral records indicate that the high Arctic mean annual temperature was 11°C–19°C above modern values, pointing to a much shallower latitudinal temperature gradient than exists today. It appears that the intense Neogene warming caused thawing and weathering to liberate sediment and create a continuous and thick (>2.5 km in places) clastic wedge from at least Banks Island to Meighen Island to form a coastal plain that provided a highway for camels and other mammals to migrate and evolve in the high Arctic. In this summary we highlight the opportunities that exist for research on these and related topics with the PoLAR-FIT community.RÉSUMÉCe bref résumé présente les résultats choisis d'une enquête en cours sur les déclencheurs qui contribuent à l’amplification du réchauffement de l'Arctique. Les conséquences du réchauffement sur la biodiversité arctique et de la réponse du paysage au réchauffement climatique sont en cours d’être interprété. Des dossiers nord-américains de paysage à grande échelle et le changement paléoenvironnementales durant le Pliocène sont exceptionnellement préservés et scellées dans un état de congélation qui fournissant une occasion pour la reconstruction paléoenvironnementale et faunistique avec une qualité et une résolution sans précédent. Pendent une période de réchauffement global seulement ~2,5°C au-dessus de moderne les dossiers, moléculaire, isotopique, annaux de croissance, paléofaunistique et paléovégétation indiquent que l'Arctique a connu une augmentation de la température annuelle moyenne de 11°C–19°C au-dessus de moderne, en montrant un inferieur gradient de température latitudinal qu'aujourd'hui. Il semble que le réchauffement intense pendent le Néogène a provoqué la décongélation et erosion pour libérer les sédiments et créer une plaine côtière continuel et épaisse (> 2,5 km dans lieux) qui a fourni une route pour les chameaux et autres mammifères pour migrer et évoluer dans l’Haut-Arctique. Dans ce résumé, nous soulignons les opportunités qui existent pour la recherche sur ces sujets et les sujets connexes avec la communauté PoLAR-FIT

    Entropy generation analysis for the design improvement of a latent heat storage system

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    The aim of this work is to investigate design improvements of a shell-and-tube latent heat thermal energy storage unit using an approach based on the analysis of entropy generation. The study is conducted by means of a computational fluid-dynamic (CFD) model which takes into account phase change phenomenon by means of the enthalpy method. Thermal-fluid dynamic problem is solved both for the phase change material (PCM) and heat transfer fluid (HTF). The different contributions to the local entropy generation rate are computed and presented for both un-finned and finned systems. Fin arrangement is then modified according with the analysis of entropy generation distribution in order to increase the efficiency of the system. The results show that the improved system allows to reduce PCM solidification time and increase Second-law efficiency. The present paper constitutes a first detailed investigation of time evolution of entropy generation occurring during an unsteady proces

    A new mammal from the Turonian–Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) Galula Formation, southwestern Tanzania

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    We here establish a new mammaliaform genus and species, Galulatherium jenkinsi (Mammalia), from the Upper Cretaceous Galula Formation in the Rukwa Rift Basin of southwestern Tanzania. This represents the first named taxon of a mammaliaform from the entire Late Cretaceous of continental Afro-Arabia, an interval of 34 million years. Preliminary study of the holotypic and only known specimen (a partial dentary) resulted in tentative assignation to the Gondwanatheria, a poorly known, enigmatic clade of Late Cretaceous–Paleogene Gondwanan mammals (Krause et al. 2003). The application of advanced imaging (μCT) and visualization techniques permits a more detailed understanding of key anatomical features of the new taxon. It reveals that the lower dentition consisted of a large, procumbent lower incisor and four cheek teeth, all of which were evergrowing (hypselodont). Importantly, all of the teeth appear devoid of enamel. Comparisons conducted with a range of Mesozoic and selected Cenozoic mammaliaform groups document a number of features (e.g., columnar, enamel-less and evergrowing teeth, with relatively simple occlusal morphology) expressed in Galulatherium that are reminiscent of several distantly related groups, making taxonomic assignment difficult at this time. Herein we retain the provisional referral of Galulatherium (RRBP 02067) to Gondwanatheria; it is most similar to sudamericids such as Lavanify and Bharratherium from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar and India, respectively, in exhibiting relatively simple, high-crowned, columnar cheek teeth. Other features (e.g., enamel-less dentition) are shared with disparate forms such as the Late Jurassic Fruitafossor and toothed xenarthrans (e.g., sloths), here attributed to convergence. Revised analyses of the depositional context for the holotype place it as having lived sometime between the late Turonian and latest Campanian (roughly 91–72 million years ago). This enhanced geochronological context helps to refine the palaeobiogeographical significance of Galulatherium among Cretaceous mammals in general and those from Gondwanan landmasses specifically

    The Impact of Pandemic Management Strategies on Staff Mental Health, Work Behaviours, and Resident Care in One Long-Term Care Facility in British Columbia: A Mixed Method Study

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    Context: To slow the spread of COVID-19 within the Canadian long-term residential care (LTRC) sector, a series of pandemic management strategies were introduced, including restricted visitation and single site employment. These strategies were enacted to prevent and control infection, resulting in unknown impact on direct care staff and staff capacity to deliver quality care or service. Objective: To explore staff reports of outcomes associated with LTRC pandemic management strategies, particularly their impact on LTRC staff mental health, work behaviours and quality of care or service provision. Method: This was a case study using mixed methods including a longitudinal survey and interviews with staff from one LTRC site in British Columbia. Survey data from 68 staff who participated in both survey times were analyzed using regressions with relative weight analysis. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 LTRC staff and analyzed using content analysis. Findings: Survey data demonstrated that staff perceived the sick time policy and staffing levels as the most inadequate pandemic management strategies. Survey data also showed the visitation policy, the sick time policy and the single site employment policy were most significantly associated with negative outcomes to staff mental health, work behaviours and quality of care or service delivery. Qualitative data suggested connections between these policies and inadequate staffing levels and heavy workloads. Limitations: The study design along with the low response rate and the small sample size limits the generalizability of the findings to other settings. Implications: The development and implementation of pandemic management strategies must be informed by and give consideration to working conditions of LTRC staff including long standing systemic issues such as staffing shortages and heavy workloads
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