9 research outputs found

    Phenotypic Expression in the Paper Wasp \u3ci\u3ePolistes Fuscatus\u3c/i\u3e (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

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    Quantification of color/color pattern in Polistes fuscatus (Fabricius) revealed that these attributes were the interaction of two antagonistic color sequences; their expression being highly correlated with nest microclimate (relative humidity-temperature). Color/ color pattern expressions were modified under experimental conditions to produce forms having natural counterparts in the field. Principal coordinates analyses and trend surface analyses using specimens collected throughout the United States indicated three color pattern trends, representing three distinct geographic areas, and, when objectively defined, without intergradation between and/or among areas. It was concluded that fuscatus should not be considered a widespread, polytypic species; rather, as three discrete species: an eastern, P. fuscatus (Fabricius); a western, P. aurifer Saussure; and an undescribed yellow form from the southwestern United States

    Trichoptera (Caddisflies) of Watercress Marsh, Columbiana County, Ohio

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    Author Institution: Department of Biological Sciences, Youngstown State University ; Biology Department, Thiel CollegeCaddisfly adults numbering 4,371 were collected by means of light traps at Watercress Marsh, Columbiana Co., Ohio, from June 1976 to October 1981. The marsh occupies a site of the Grand River lobe of the Wisconsin Glacier near its southernmost extent in Columbiana Co. The 69 species in the 10 families collected included 15 species of Limnephilidae and 4 new state records. Seasonal species diversity values were calculated

    Training Problem Gambling Counsellors in Congruence Couple Therapy: Evaluation of Training Outcomes

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    Sherpa Romeo green journal. Permission to archive author manuscriptCongruence Couple Therapy (CCT) is an integrative, humanistic, systemic model for problem gambling treatment. This study evaluates the efficacy of CCT training in imparting key concepts, skills and values of CCT to a sample of problem gambling counsellors (N = 21) from 13 Ontario problem gambling treatment programmes. CCT training comprised of a 4-day residential workshop followed by 12 weeks of CCT application to couples supported by teleconference consultation. Two cycles of training were conducted. The evaluations were driven by two controlled designs using quantitative measures complemented by qualitative data. Triangulated mixed methods findings indicate that counsellors increased significantly their knowledge of CCT concepts, values and skills from both training cycles. Trainee satisfaction was highly positive. Further studies on CCT and CCT training are recommended in light of these results.This study was funded by an Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre Level III Research Award and sponsored by the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Health Sciences, Canada.Ye

    Training counsellors in congruence couple therapy: A controlled evaluation study [Final Report]

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    Congruence Couple Therapy (CCT) is a new, humanistic, systemic model for problem gambling treatment. In the development of empirically supported treatments, counsellor training is a critical step. This study evaluates the effectiveness of CCT training in imparting key concepts, skills, and values of CCT to a sample of problem gambling counsellors (N = 21) from 13 Ontario problem gambling treatment programs. CCT training comprised of a 4-day residential workshop followed by 12 weeks of CCT application, with 1 to 2 clients per counsellor supported by teleconference consultation. Two cycles of training were conducted: Cycle 1 (N = 21) was a randomized controlled trial comparing counsellors with CCT training and a control group. Immediately after the completion of Cycle 1, the control group (n = 9) received identical CCT training in Cycle 2. A within-subjects design compared Cycle 2 counsellors at three points: at baseline, after a 15-week waiting period, and after 15 weeks of CCT Training. Five interrelated levels of CCT training were evaluated: 1) counsellor satisfaction; 2) counsellor outcomes; 3) organizational support and change; 4) counsellor application of CCT; and 5) client satisfaction and outcomes. Triangulated findings indicated that counsellors significantly increased their knowledge of CCT concepts, values, and skills from both training cycles. Areas of high satisfaction were the trainer-supported CCT application, intense residential workshop in retreat setting, safety and collegiality, experiential learning approach, and framing the training in a research context. Further training was desired by all participants to advance their competence in CCT. The timing of the CCT training seemed to coincide with an emerging trend in some Ontario organizations to adopt more couple-focused counselling for problem gamblers, and an interest in linking research and practice. The need for expanded supervision and support for adopting treatment innovations in organizations is a topic for discussion. Client outcomes with CCT counsellor trainees showed significantly reduced problem gambling symptoms, improved couple communication and relationship, increased selfawareness, and positive spin-offs in family and work relationships. Clients rated their CCT treatment and outcomes very highly. These client results support findings from an earlier CCT pilot study; however, with the absence of a control group, client results should be treated as promising but preliminary. Further studies on CCT and CCT training are recommended in light of the positive multilevel results to date. Key words: Congruence Couple Therapy, counsellor, training, evaluation, empirically supported treatment, problem gambling, outcomes, innovationOntario Problem Gambling Research CentreYe

    Conservation and ecology of African Raptors

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    Africa supports breeding populations of over 20% of all raptor species globally and over 20 regular Palearctic migratory raptors. Here, we discuss the importance of Africa in terms of the diversity of both resident and migrant species, the ecosystem services they provide, and the threats they face. We examine the state of knowledge of African raptors, including monitoring to determine trends, and describe ongoing research. African raptors provide important ecosystem services, by bringing in tourism revenues, functioning as bio-indicator species, and controlling the spread of pathogens and pest species. Many species are under pressure from growing human populations and associated habitat loss, persecution, and pollution. Most are declining, with some exceptions, some catastrophically so, such as vultures. Of 66 African species, 26% are currently on the IUCN Red List. For many species, there is a need for their conservation status to be re-evaluated, but rigorous monitoring for most of Africa is generally lacking. A systematic literature review showed considerable variation in the number of studies per species, 36% of 67 species having been relatively “well-studied” (12 or more studies), but 64% with less than 10 studies. There has been a general and consistent increase in the numbers of studies on African raptors, the majority from Southern Africa (n = 466, 62%). We found most studies focused on feeding ecology (n= 247) and distribution and abundance, with the least number of studies on behaviour and movement ecology. We list some ongoing studies and conclude that developing future leadership in research and conservation will be critical for successful raptor conservation in Africa

    31st Annual Meeting and Associated Programs of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC 2016): part one

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