14 research outputs found

    Interactions between TNF and GnRH

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    Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) ligand members and their associated TNF receptor (TNFR) superfamilies have many diverse physiological roles. TNF is thought to play a critical role in the pathophysiology of a range of diseases including refractory asthma, sepsis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus, type II diabetes, multiple sclerosis and psoriasis. The recent continued expansion of the novel anti-TNF therapeutic agents (etanercept and infliximab) has seen major improvements in the treatment of some inflammatory-based human diseases including notably rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease, with other conditions currently being trialled using anti-TNF agents. The cellular signalling machinery used by TNFRs to achieve their many cellular responses are discussed, as is the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor signalling mechanisms. TNF is known to have many actions throughout the body including effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal/gonadal axes, with many anti-gonadotrophic effects including a role in the development of endometriosis. These interactions between TNF, GnRH and gonadotrophs are discussed

    ArguLens: Anatomy of Community Opinions On Usability Issues Using Argumentation Models

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    In open-source software (OSS), the design of usability is often influenced by the discussions among community members on platforms such as issue tracking systems (ITSs). However, digesting the rich information embedded in issue discussions can be a major challenge due to the vast number and diversity of the comments. We propose and evaluate ArguLens, a conceptual framework and automated technique leveraging an argumentation model to support effective understanding and consolidation of community opinions in ITSs. Through content analysis, we anatomized highly discussed usability issues from a large, active OSS project, into their argumentation components and standpoints. We then experimented with supervised machine learning techniques for automated argument extraction. Finally, through a study with experienced ITS users, we show that the information provided by ArguLens supported the digestion of usability-related opinions and facilitated the review of lengthy issues. ArguLens provides the direction of designing valuable tools for high-level reasoning and effective discussion about usability

    Para além da paz liberal? respostas ao "retrocesso" Beyond liberal peace? responses to "backsliding"

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    A ortodoxia familiar de construção da paz liberal depende da transplantação e da exportação de condicionalidade e dependência, com vistas a consolidar um contrato social entre populações, seus governos e o Estado, em que repouse uma paz liberal legítima e consensual. O que, com frequência, ocorre, é uma forma híbrida de paz liberal, sujeita a críticas locais poderosas, à resistência, por vezes, e à percepção de que a construção da paz internacional está fracassando em corresponder às expectativas. Em termos kantianos, os problemas com que a paz liberal tem se deparado e a crise pela qual está hoje passando podem ser denominados "retrocesso". Tem sido particularmente notável que a construção da paz liberal não vem sendo capaz de construir políticas unidas a partir de fragmentos territoriais no Kosovo, na Bósnia, no Afeganistão, no Iraque, no Sri Lanka e mesmo na Irlanda do Norte, onde alguns ou todos de seus elementos estão em desenvolvimento. Isso indica uma necessidade ou de reforma do modelo liberal para a paz, ou de estabelecimento de uma capacidade de coexistência desse modelo com alternativas, ou de substituição do modelo. Este artigo examina uma gama de questões inerentes ao paradigma de construção da paz liberal, algumas causas de "retrocesso" e o que pode ser feito no que tange a tais causas, no sentido de utilizar a construção da paz para criar um novo contrato social e atingir o que se poderia muito bem ser uma forma "híbrida liberal-local" de paz.<br>The familiar orthodoxy of liberal peacebuilding depends upon transplanting and exporting conditionality and dependency in order to cement a social contract between populations, their governments and the state, on which rests a legitimate and consensual liberal peace. What often emerges is a hybrid form of the liberal peace, subject to powerful local critiques, sometimes resistance, and to the perception that international peacebuilding is failing to live up to expectations. In Kantian terms, the problems that the liberal peace has faced, and the crisis that it is now in, can be termed "backsliding". It has been particularly notable that liberal peacebuilding has not been able to build united polities from territorial fragments in Kosovo, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sri Lanka, and even in Northern Ireland, where some or all if its elements are in development. This indicates a need for a reform of the liberal model for peace, or to establish a capacity for it to coexist with other alternatives, or to replace it. This article examines a range of issues inherent in the liberal peacebuilding paradigm, some causes of backsliding, and what might be done about them in terms of using peacebuilding to create a new social contract and to arrive at may well be a "liberal-local hybrid" form of peace

    Drivers of Environmental Behaviour in Manufacturing SMEs and the Implications for CSR

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    The authors use empirical research into the environmental practices of 31 manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to show that ‚business performance’ and ‚regulation’ considerations drive behaviour. They suggest that this is inevitable, given the market-based decision-making frames that permeate and dominate the industry in which manufacturing SMEs operate. Since the environment is a pillar of corporate social responsibility (CSR), the findings have important implications for CSR policy, which promotes voluntary actions predicated on a business case. It is argued that this approach will not alter the behaviour of manufacturing SMEs significantly because CSR practice will be regarded as an optional and costly ‚extra’ affecting core business activity. Consequently, the use and development of existing regulatory structures, providing minimum standards for many activities covered by CSR, remains the most effective means through which the behaviour of manufacturing SMEs will be changed in the short to medium-term. Another feature of the paper is the distinction made between ‚business performance’ and the ‚business case’ argument. Business performance emphasises cost reductions and efficiency whereas the business case accentuates the benefits to shareholders of good practices as their firms become more attractive to stakeholders and society. Manufacturing SMEsâ\x90£try to improve business performance because of the pressures placed on them by market-dominated decision-making frames. These frames do not encourage manufacturing SMEs to undertake voluntary actions for the benefit of wider stakeholders and society. Copyright Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006CSR, decision-making frames, environment, policy, regulation, SMEs,