48 research outputs found

    Controlled ecological life support system - biological problems

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    The general processes and controls associated with two distinct experimental paradigms are examined. Specific areas for research related to biotic production (food production) and biotic decomposition (waste management) are explored. The workshop discussions were directed toward Elemental cycles and the biological factors that affect the transformations of nutrients into food, of food material into waste, and of waste into nutrients were discussed. To focus on biological issues, the discussion assumed that (1) food production would be by biological means (thus excluding chemical synthesis), (2) energy would not be a limiting factor, and (3) engineering capacity for composition and leak rate would be adequate

    Controlled Ecological Life Support System. First Principal Investigators Meeting

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    Control problems in autonomous life support systems, CELSS candidate species, maximum grain yield, plant growth, waste management, air pollution, and mineral separation are discussed

    Microbial life in volcanic lakes

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    Lakes in the craters of active volcanoes and their related streams are often characterised by conditions considered extreme for life, such as high temperatures, low pH and very high concentrations of dissolved metals and minerals. Such lakes tend to be transient features whose geochemistry can change markedly over short time periods. They might also vanish completely during eruption episodes or by drainage through the crater wall or floor. These lakes and their effluent streams and springs host taxonomically and metabolically diverse microorganisms belonging in the Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya. In volcanic ecosystems the relation between geosphere and biosphere is particularly tight; microbial community diversity is shaped by the geochemical parameters of the lake, and by the activities of microbes interacting with the water and sediments. Sampling these lakes is often challenging, and few have even been sampled once, especially in a microbiological context. Developments in high-throughput cultivation procedures, single-cell selection techniques, and massive increases in DNA sequencing throughput, should encourage efforts to define which microbes inhabit these features and how they interact with each other and the volcano. The study of microbial communities in volcanic lake systems sheds light on possible origins of life on early Earth. Other potential outcomes include the development of microbial inocula to promote plant growth in altered or degraded soils, bioremediation of contaminated waste or land, and the discovery of enzymes or other proteins industrial or medical applications

    Monte Carlo Simulation Of Two Interacting Liquid/vapour Interfaces

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    Two interacting liquid/vapor interfaces are modelled via a grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation of a Lennard-Jones 12-6 fluid. The resulting density profiles and interfacial free energies suggest that at a critical separation equal to or greater than four atomic diameters, an instability develops in the interstitial region, and coalescence takes place. © 1985