9 research outputs found

    Interview with Ailbhe Ní Bhriain

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    Ailbhe Ní Bhriain is an Irish artist working with film, photography and installation. Using collage and computer-generated imagery (CGI), she transforms familiar images and locations into worlds of dream-like theatricality, drawing the viewer into an altered experience of time and place. Her work has been exhibited widely both nationally and internationally and regularly involves collaboration with musicians and composers. She holds a PhD by practice in Fine Art, Kingston University, UK (2008..

    Yeatsian Shades In Ó Direáin and Macgill-Eain

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    Michael Hartnett’s grandiloquent valediction ‘A Farewell to English’, first delivered from the stage of the Peacock Theatre in Dublin in 1974, announced the thirty-three year-old poet’s decision to cease publishing in his native English, the language in which he had already earned a considerable reputation, in order to devote himself henceforth to poetry in Irish

    An Irish manuscript in the bibliothèque Mazarine

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    Mac Giolla Léith Caoimhín. An Irish manuscript in the bibliothèque Mazarine. In: Etudes Celtiques, vol. 24, 1987. pp. 239-252

    Further : Artists from Wales at the 50th International Art Exhibition, Venice

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    Catalogue to accompany works by four artists representing Wales in the 50th Venice Biennale. Heynen traces the development of Huws' conceptually informed practice and provides a detailed description of the film Ion On. Cohen and Cook focus on Pope's performance residency in Venice; topics discussed include "ambulant research" and walking. Léith comments on the social/historical dimensions of Seawright's photo-documentary images of the Welsh landscape. Verwoert's transcribed conversation with Evans centres on subjects of historicity, encryption, transmission and Welsh national identity. Bradley's essay questions the relationship between international culture and local communities. Texts in Welsh and English. List of works. Biographical notes. 82 bibl. ref

    Contemporary prose and drama in Irish 1940–2000

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