198 research outputs found

    Simulating FRSN P Systems with Real Numbers in P-Lingua on sequential and CUDA platforms

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    Fuzzy Reasoning Spiking Neural P systems (FRSN P systems, for short) is a variant of Spiking Neural P systems incorporating fuzzy logic elements that make it suitable to model fuzzy diagnosis knowledge and reasoning required for fault diagnosis applications. In this sense, several FRSN P system variants have been proposed, dealing with real numbers, trapezoidal numbers, weights, etc. The model incorporating real numbers was the first introduced [13], presenting promising applications in the field of fault diagnosis of electrical systems. For this variant, a matrix-based algorithm was provided which, when executed on parallel computing platforms, fully exploits the model maximally parallel capacities. In this paper we introduce a P-Lingua framework extension to parse and simulate FRSN P systems with real numbers. Two simulators, implementing a variant of the original matrix-based simulation algorithm, are provided: a sequential one (written in Java), intended to run on traditional CPUs, and a parallel one, intended to run on CUDAenabled devices.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-3743

    Parallel simulation of Population Dynamics P systems: updates and roadmap

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    Population Dynamics P systems are a type of multienvironment P systems that serve as a formal modeling framework for real ecosystems. The accurate simulation of these probabilisticmodels, e.g. with Direct distribution based on Consistent Blocks Algorithm, entails large run times. Hence, parallel platforms such as GPUs have been employed to speedup the simulation. In 2012, the first GPU simulator of PDP systems was presented. However, it was able to run only randomly generated PDP systems. In this paper, we present current updates made on this simulator, involving an input modu le for binary files and an output module for CSV files. Finally, the simulator has been experimentally validated with a real ecosystem model, and its performance has been tested with two high-end GPUs: Tesla C1060 and K40.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-37434Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Momento Económico (37)

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    Temas de hoy. 2/ México 1987: el año de la econornia desigual. Mario J. Zepeda M. 3/ La petrolización de la economía mexicana. Miguel Breceda Lspeyre. 6/ Del saneamiento de la economía a la injusticia social. Javier Delgadillo Macías. 9/ La transición política: una revisión crítica. Isidro H. Cisneros Ramírez. 13/ FAO: alimentación y crisis en América Latina. Pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe. 16

    Parallel Simulation of PDP Systems: Updates and Roadmap

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    PDP systems are a type of multienvironment P systems, which serve as a formal modeling framework for Population Dynamics. The accurate simulation of these probabilistic models entails large run times. Hence, parallel platforms such as GPUs has been employed to speedup the simulation. In 2012 [14], the rst GPU simulator of PDP systems was presented. In this paper, we present current updates made on this simulator, and future developments to consider.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-3743

    7 Li ( p , n ) 7 Be cross section from threshold to 1960 keV and precise measurement of the 197 Au ( n , γ ) spectrum-averaged cross section at 30 keV

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    Background: The 7 Li(p, n) 7 Be reaction is one of the most used nuclear reaction for accelerator-based neutron sources. There are few experimental cross section data in the double-value energy region and they are discrepant, as are the reaction yields. Purpose: We derive the 7 Li(p, n) 7 Be reaction cross section, and measure with small uncertainty the 197Au(n, γ ) 198Au spectrum-averaged cross section at neutron energy around 30 keV. Method: By irradiating Li metal targets over the proton energy range of 1879 to 1960 keV, thick target yields were measured using the generated 7 Be activity. Based on the theoretical description of the reaction yield, accelerator parameters and reaction cross sections are derived. Gold foils were activated with the neutron field generated by the (p, n) reaction on a Li target at a proton energy of about a half keV above the reaction threshold. Results: The thick target yield is well reproduced when the Breit-Wigner single-resonance formula for s-wave particles is used to describe the reaction cross section. The ratio between neutron and proton widths was found to be equal to n/p = 5.4 1 − Tth/Tp. The detailed balance principle is used to obtain the cosmologically important time-reversed 7 Be(n, p) 7 Li reaction cross section. The measured 197Au(n, γ ) 198Au spectrum-averaged cross section agrees with the value calculated from the ENDF/B-VIII.0 library. Conclusions: We demonstrated the feasibility of deriving the 7 Li(p, n) 7 Be reaction cross section from the thick target yield. Using the ratio between neutron and proton widths obtained in this work reduces the uncertainty in calculating the reaction cross section to a factor of 2.3.International Atomic Energy Agency Contract No. 17883. G.M.-

    Skin autofluorescence–indicated advanced glycation end products as predictors of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in high-risk subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Chronic deposits of advanced glycation end products produced by enzymatic glycation have been suggested as predictors of atherosclerotic-related disorders. This study aimed to estimate the relationship between advanced glycation end products indicated by skin autofluorescence levels and the risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality based on data from observational studies. Methods and Results We systematically searched Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and the Web of Science databases from their inceptions until November 2017 for observational studies addressing the association of advanced glycation end products by skin autofluorescence levels with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. The DerSimonian and Laird random-effects method was used to compute pooled estimates of hazard ratios and their respective 95% confidence intervals for the risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality associated with levels of advanced glycation end products by skin autofluorescence. Ten published studies were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. Higher skin autofluorescence levels were significantly associated with a higher pooled risk estimate for cardiovascular mortality (hazard ratio: 2.06; 95% confidence interval, 1.58-2.67), which might not be important to moderate heterogeneity (I2=34.7%; P=0.163), and for all-cause mortality (hazard ratio: 1.91; 95% confidence interval, 1.42-2.56) with substantial heterogeneity (I2=60.8%; P=0.0.18). Conclusions Our data suggest that skin autofluorescence levels could be considered predictors of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality in patients at high and very high risk.Cavero-Redondo and Martínez-Hortelano are supported by a grant from the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (FPU13/ 01582 and PREDUCLM16/14, respectively). Soriano-Cano is supported by a grant from Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness (Fi 17/332). Garrido-Miguel and Berlanga-Macías are supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport (FPU15/ 03847 and FPU16/02380, respectively).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análisis de algoritmos de detección de objetos para la creación de un prototipo basado en la fusión de dos modelos de reconocimiento

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    En el presente estudio se muestra una metodología experimental deductiva basada en redes neuronales para el reconocimiento de objetos con el uso de CNN. Nuestro objetivo es generar un prototipo el cual está  basado en un mapa de características en combinación con RPN y propuesta de recorte en tronco que usa TNET para la detección 3D, dado por modelos de reconocimiento de objetos de la plataforma KITTI ,enfocados especialmente en AVOD y FPOINTNET, obteniendo una mayor  precisión en objetos más pequeños que fácilmente son descartables por la nube de puntos proporcionados por el sensor laser 3d LIDAR HDL-64  pero no por el mapeado de características

    The role of the direction in tissue P systems with cell separation

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    Tissue P systems with cell separation where the communication among cells is performed by means of symport and antiport rules are able to efficiently solve computationally hard problems in a feasible time by a space-time trade off. Symport and antiport rules formally capture the cases where a number of chemical substances pass through a membrane at the same time, with the help of each other, either in the same direction (symport) or in opposite directions (antiport). The present paper investigates the role of the direction in communication rules from a computational complexity point of view. More precisely, the efficiency of tissue P systems with cell separation is analyzed in the case when their communication rules are all of the same type: either symport rules or antiport rules. The main result is that in the framework of tissue P systems with cell separation, passing from using only symport rules to using only antiport rules amounts to passing from non-efficiency to efficiency, assuming that P ≠ NP.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-37434Junta de Andalucía P08 – TIC 0420

    Una propuesta que facilita el uso eficaz de los libros de texto a los futuros profesores de matemáticas

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    En este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados de una experiencia piloto desarrollada en el marco del Máster de Formación de Profesores de Matemáticas de Secundaria, Bachillerato e Idiomas (MFP) de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC), en la que se trata de obtener información, a través de cuestionarios diseñados a tal efecto por el equipo de investigadores que presenta esta propuesta, sobre qué conocimientos matemáticos específicos necesita un profesor de matemáticas para usar de manera eficaz en el aula el libro de texto. Como punto de partida, y a través del trabajo colaborativo de los autores de la propuesta aquí presentada, se ha diseñado un conjunto de ítems para analizar minuciosamente los contenidos de una Unidad Didáctica de un libro de texto