26 research outputs found

    Towards a systematic description of distance in autobiographical narratives of mental illness

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    BACKGROUND: Over the last two decades, the relationship between distance and mental health and the role of distance in psychotherapy has generated considerable research interest. Up to date, operationalisations have primarily focused on verbal content whereas descriptions of distance on the level of communicative form are lacking in the psychological literature. DESIGN AND METHODS: Five open-ended narrative interviews with persons with an experience of psychotic (two) or depressive (three) illness were transcribed and systematically coded for characteristics of distance described in the psychological and linguistic literature up to date. Codes for further characteristics of distance were developed bottom-up from the data. Codes were then grouped into broader interpretative categories and these categories were again applied to the data. RESULTS: Distance was displayed at the level of content and form. In total, 29 individual characteristics of distance could be identified, and three interpretative categories emerged: "detachment", "balanced oscillation" and "immersion". DISCUSSION: Our study provides an in-depth, nuanced and gestaltic description of distance and raises awareness for displays of distance at the level of communicative form in addition to content. Our results also support an understanding of distance as a continuous phenomenon and highlight its processual character. Possible connections between distancing and coping as well as implications for psychotherapy are discusse

    Neue Forschungsräume eröffnen. Einblicke in Raum und psychische Gesundheit

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    Die Autorinnen stellen ein Forschungsprojekt vor, welches die in Gesprächen über psychische Gesundheit verwendeten verbalen und nonverbalen Strategien untersucht. Sie präsentieren die partizipatorischen Prozesse des multidisziplinaren Projektes sowie Ergebnisse zu physischen und metaphorischen Räumen in Gesprächen über psychische Gesundheit. (DIPF/Orig.

    Heritability and Tissue Specificity of Expression Quantitative Trait Loci

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    Variation in gene expression is heritable and has been mapped to the genome in humans and model organisms as expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs). We applied integrated genome-wide expression profiling and linkage analysis to the regulation of gene expression in fat, kidney, adrenal, and heart tissues using the BXH/HXB panel of rat recombinant inbred strains. Here, we report the influence of heritability and allelic effect of the quantitative trait locus on detection of cis- and trans-acting eQTLs and discuss how these factors operate in a tissue-specific context. We identified several hundred major eQTLs in each tissue and found that cis-acting eQTLs are highly heritable and easier to detect than trans-eQTLs. The proportion of heritable expression traits was similar in all tissues; however, heritability alone was not a reliable predictor of whether an eQTL will be detected. We empirically show how the use of heritability as a filter reduces the ability to discover trans-eQTLs, particularly for eQTLs with small effects. Only 3% of cis- and trans-eQTLs exhibited large allelic effects, explaining more than 40% of the phenotypic variance, suggestive of a highly polygenic control of gene expression. Power calculations indicated that, across tissues, minor differences in genetic effects are expected to have a significant impact on detection of trans-eQTLs. Trans-eQTLs generally show smaller effects than cis-eQTLs and have a higher false discovery rate, particularly in more heterogeneous tissues, suggesting that small biological variability, likely relating to tissue composition, may influence detection of trans-eQTLs in this system. We delineate the effects of genetic architecture on variation in gene expression and show the sensitivity of this experimental design to tissue sampling variability in large-scale eQTL studies

    SARS-CoV-2 entry factors are highly expressed in nasal epithelial cells together with innate immune genes.

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    We investigated SARS-CoV-2 potential tropism by surveying expression of viral entry-associated genes in single-cell RNA-sequencing data from multiple tissues from healthy human donors. We co-detected these transcripts in specific respiratory, corneal and intestinal epithelial cells, potentially explaining the high efficiency of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. These genes are co-expressed in nasal epithelial cells with genes involved in innate immunity, highlighting the cells' potential role in initial viral infection, spread and clearance. The study offers a useful resource for further lines of inquiry with valuable clinical samples from COVID-19 patients and we provide our data in a comprehensive, open and user-friendly fashion at www.covid19cellatlas.org.This work was supported by the Wellcome Sanger Institute core funding (WT206194) and the Wellcome Strategic Scientific Support award “Pilot projects for the Human Cell Atlas” (WT211276/Z/18/Z), a Seed Network grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to P.B., T.D., T.E.D., O.E., P.H., N.H., N.K., M.K., K.B.M., A.M., M.C.N., M.N., D.P., J.R., P.R.T., S.Q., A.R., O.R., M.S., J.S., J.G.S., C.E.S., H.B.S., D.S., A.T., J.W. and K.Z. and by the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 874656 (discovAIR) to P.B., A.B., M.K., S.L., J.L., K.B.M., M.C.N., K.S.P., C.S., H.B.S., J.S., F.J.T. and M.vd.B. W.S. acknowledges funding from the Newton Fund, Medical Research Council (MRC), The Thailand Research Fund (TRF), and Thailand’s National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA). M.C.N acknowledges funding from GSK Ltd, Netherlands Lung Foundation project no. and T.D. acknowledges funding from HubMap consortium and Stanford Child Health Research Institute- Woods Family Faculty Scholarship. T.E.D. acknowledges funding from HubMap. P.H. acknowledges funding from LENDULET-BIOMAG Grant (2018-342) and the European Regional Development Funds (GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00006, GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00026, GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00037). J.L.B. acknowledges funding from Medical Research Council (MRC), and the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform (MR/ 5005579/1). P.B. acknowledges funding from Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (DEQ20180339158), Agence Nationale de la Recherche (UCAJEDI, ANR-15-IDEX-01; SAHARRA, ANR-19-CE14-0027; France Génomique, ANR-10-INBS-09-03), and Conseil Départemental des Alpes Maritimes (2016-294DGADSH-CV; 2019-390DGADSH-CV). N.E.B. and J.K. acknowledge funding from NIH grant R01HL145372 and DOD grant W81XWH1910416. I.G. acknowledges funding from NIH (5R24HD000836) and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human. N.H., J.G.S. and C.E.S. acknowledge funding by the Leducq foundation. N.H. is recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant. J.K. acknowledges funding from NIH grant K08HL130595 and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. N.K. acknowledges funding from NIH grants R01HL127349, U01HL145567 and an unrestricted grant from Three Lakes Foundation. M.K. acknowledges HHMI and Wall Center for Pulmonary Vascular Disease. H.L. acknowledges funding from National Research Foundation of Korea. K.M. acknowledges funding from Wellcome Trust. A.M. acknowledges funding from NIH grants HL135124, AG049665 and AI135964. M.Z.N. acknowledges funding from Rutherford Fund Fellowship allocated by the Medical Research Council and the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform (MR/ 5005579/1 to M.Z.N.). M.Z.N. and M.Y. have been funded by the Rosetrees Grant (Grant number M899). M.N. acknowledges funding from a BHF/DZHK grant and British Heart Foundation (PG/16/47/32156). J.O.-M. acknowledges funding from Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation. D.P. acknowledges funding from Alan and Sandra Gerry Metastasis and Tumor Ecosystems Center. J.P. acknowledges funding from National Health and Medical Research Council. P.R.T. acknowledges funding from R01HL146557 from NHLBI/NIH. E.L.R. acknowledges funding from MRC MR/P009581/1 and MR/SO35907/1. A.R. and O. R. acknowledge HHMI, the Klarman Cell Observatory, and the Manton Foundation. K.S.-P. acknowledges NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. C.S. acknowledges Swedish research Council, Swedish Cancer Society, and CPI. H.B.S. acknowledges German Center for Lung Research and Helmholtz Association. J.S. acknowledges Boehringer Ingelheim, by the German Research Foundation (DFG; EXC2151/1, ImmunoSensation2 - the immune sensory system, project number 390873048), project numbers 329123747, 347286815) and by the HGF grant sparse2big. A.K.S. acknowledges the Beckman Young Investigator Program, a Sloan Fellowship in Chemistry, the NIH (5U24AI118672), and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. F.J.T. acknowledges the German Center for Lung Research. M.vd.B. acknowledges from Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy by means of the PPP. K.B.W. is funded by the University College London-Birkbeck MRC Doctoral Training Programme. J.W. and Y.Y. acknowledge NIH, U01 HL148856 LungMap Phase II. R.X. acknowledges the NIH (DK043351). H.Z. is supported by the National Key R&D Program (no. 2019YFA0801703) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 31871370

    Human model of primary carnitine deficiency cardiomyopathy reveals ferroptosis as a novel mechanism

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    Primary carnitine deficiency (PCD) is an autosomal recessive monogenic disorder caused by mutations in SLC22A5. This gene encodes for OCTN2, which transports the essential metabolite carnitine into the cell. PCD patients suffer from muscular weakness and dilated cardiomyopathy. Two OCTN2-defective human induced pluripotent stem cell lines were generated, carrying a full OCTN2 knockout and a homozygous OCTN2 (N32S) loss-of-function mutation. OCTN2-defective genotypes showed lower force development and resting length in engineered heart tissue format compared with isogenic control. Force was sensitive to fatty acid-based media and associated with lipid accumulation, mitochondrial alteration, higher glucose uptake, and metabolic remodeling, replicating findings in animal models. The concordant results of OCTN2 (N32S) and -knockout emphasizes the relevance of OCTN2 for these findings. Importantly, genome-wide analysis and pharmacological inhibitor experiments identified ferroptosis, an iron- and lipid-dependent cell death pathway associated with fibroblast activation as a novel PCD cardiomyopathy disease mechanism

    Cells of the adult human heart

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    Abstract: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Advanced insights into disease mechanisms and therapeutic strategies require a deeper understanding of the molecular processes involved in the healthy heart. Knowledge of the full repertoire of cardiac cells and their gene expression profiles is a fundamental first step in this endeavour. Here, using state-of-the-art analyses of large-scale single-cell and single-nucleus transcriptomes, we characterize six anatomical adult heart regions. Our results highlight the cellular heterogeneity of cardiomyocytes, pericytes and fibroblasts, and reveal distinct atrial and ventricular subsets of cells with diverse developmental origins and specialized properties. We define the complexity of the cardiac vasculature and its changes along the arterio-venous axis. In the immune compartment, we identify cardiac-resident macrophages with inflammatory and protective transcriptional signatures. Furthermore, analyses of cell-to-cell interactions highlight different networks of macrophages, fibroblasts and cardiomyocytes between atria and ventricles that are distinct from those of skeletal muscle. Our human cardiac cell atlas improves our understanding of the human heart and provides a valuable reference for future studies

    Nichts zu lachen? Humor in Gesprächen über psychische Erkrankungen

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