166 research outputs found

    Development of a protocol that allows safe consumption of the hypoallergenic apple cultivar Santana

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    The apple (Malus ×domestica) cultivar Santana was shown to have a low allergenicity in a previously reported clinical trial. A protocol was developed to validate these results outside a clinical setting and to market the Santana as a hypoallergenic apple for large-scale consumption. This protocol was designed to ensure safe consumption of the Santana by consumers suffering from apple allergy. We tested the protocol in a pilot in 100 supermarket stores and evaluated in an internet-based survey with 295 respondents. Forty-one percent of the consumers with an apple allergy did not have an allergic reaction to the Santana. Only five percent of the allergic consumers that tried the Santana reported a strong allergic reaction. In concordance with this, the majority (78%) of the mild apple allergic consumers appreciated the Santana. The developed protocol is considered suitable for safe consumption of the Santana providing that information about the possibility of having an allergic reaction among consumers with a mild apple allergy is added to the label

    Reducing russeting of organically grown Elstar to increase quality

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    Sales organisations indicated that opportunities for organic apples sales can increase when quality increases, in particular reducing the amount of russeting. The use of copper is probably the most important factor for russeting. Therefore a worst case scheme was compared with a scheme with reduced copper application. Furthermore, there was a particular interest in the effects on russeting of potassium bicarbonate (Armicarb) because this product might be an important element in a copper free fungicide scheme. Application of Armicarb was investigated on wet or dry canopy and effects of two different dosages were studied. All the schemes were compared with a worst case organic fungicide scheme with copper. The experiment was done on two year old Elstar trees because Elstar is the most important organically grown cultivar in the Netherlands. Effects of the schedules on russet and scab control were evaluated. At harvest no effects were found on scab. Between the different schemes with copper no differences were found in amount of russet. Only the highest dosage of Armicarb (10 kg/ha) and the schedules with Armicarb on a wet canopy gave more russet compared with the worst case scheme. Also effects on fruit rot were evaluated

    Smaak van morgen/onderdeel fruit : systeeminnovaties met winst voor milieu en markt

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    Toekomstverkenningen en systeeminnovaties betreffende de projecten; Nutriënten Waterproof: Innovatie Schone Sloot, Topsoil+ Smaak van Morgen: Santana voor mensen met voedselallergie, Ziekteresistente rassen met marktpotentie, Open Boomgaard en Fruitteelt en belevin

    Allergische consument is tevreden met Santana

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    Nederland had twee jaar geleden de primeur: Santana, een hyperallergeen appelras voor mensen met appelallergie. Wageningen UR heeft de ervaringen van de consumenten over 2006 en 2007 onderzocht. De vermindering van de allergische reactie is ongeveer volgens verwachting en de tevredenheid blijkt hoog te zij

    Santana en Topaz: schurftresistent en succesvol

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    Eenderde van de biologische appels in Nederland is Santana of Topaz. Tien jaar geleden waren deze rassen nog niet op markt

    Systems innovations in agriculture in the Netherlands

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    In recent years scientists of Wageningen UR (University & Research centre) dedicated much effort to systems innovations in agriculture and horticulture. Complex and persistent environmental problems require new approaches, new so-called proof of principles that should offer farmers and growers of the future new perspectives in a development course towards more sustainable farm management systems. And this course was – and still is - characterised by intensive cooperation with a large number of stakeholders: farmers and growers and their representatives, businesses in various links of the chain, regional organisations, service industries and knowledge institutions, societal organisations and authorities. This is because development and implementation of sustainable farming requires the development of new techniques as well as – at the same time - acquiring support for the implementation of such changes among all stakeholders. This is why communication and knowledge transfer were playing such an important role in the systems innovation programmes. This report presents the four innovation projects and their results, together with a short description of the embedding of these projects in the future explorations that have been conducted together with stakeholders

    Wortelvelden op onderstammen zijn deels te voorkomen

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    Wortelvelden op onderstammen zijn vooral bij appelbomen een bekend verschijnsel. Wortelvelden zijn initiatiepuntjes voor wortels op het bovengrondse deel van een onderstam. Bomen waarop wortelvelden voorkomen lopen een grotere kans geïnfecteerd te worden met bacterievuur of vruchtboomkanker. PPO Fruit heeft een oriënterend onderzoek uitgevoerd naar het optreden van wortelvelden en de mogelijkheden om deze wortelvelden te beperken

    Grenzen verleggen in de fosfaatbemesting van Conference-peer

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    Gebruik van varkensmest in de fruitteelt

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    From literature and practical experiences an investigation has been done to the needs and possibilities to use pig manure in the fruit producing sector
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