543 research outputs found

    Exploring the dynamics of inclusive innovation systems through event history analysis

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    Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Innovation is commonly viewed as an important factor in stimulating economic growth. Despite the positive effect of innovation, it is often focussed on high-income groups, excluding economically marginalised individuals and groups. This results in a distancing of economic growth from the marginalised groups and leads to inequality. In response, the Innovation for Inclusive Development (I4ID) model has been introduced, which draws on the theory of the conventional Innovation Systems (IS) perspective, to include the marginalised in the process or outcome of innovation. Many I4ID projects have been implemented, but with limited success. In fact, the successful projects are consistently outnumbered by the failed ones, particularly in developing countries. It is argued that reasons for this are the weak understanding of the definition, nature and dynamics of I4ID, among others. This research project addresses the weak understanding, by specifically focussing on enhancing the understanding of the dynamics within I4ID. The Event History Analysis (EHA) research method is used, together with feedback loops and causal loop diagrams (CLDs) (methods from the System Dynamics domain), to formulate an analytical approach to analyse three successful I4ID projects – identifying the core dynamics consisting of causal relationships between the system functions of innovation that are present within each case. The findings of each case are synthesised to identify five core dynamics across the three cases. Lastly, these five dynamics are combined into one CLD that explains the development of the combined I4ID system, with reference to the system functions. The findings of each case are synthesised to identify five phases that translate to five core dynamics across the three cases. There are: Pre-engagement Project Preparation (First Phase), Obtain Buy-in from Target Audience (Second Phase), Training and First Usage (Third Phase), Routine Usage, Feedback and Adjustment (Fourth Phase) and Project Disengagement and Handover (Fifth Phase). Lastly, these five dynamics from the five phases are combined into one final CLD that explains the development of the combined I4ID system, with reference to the system functions.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Innovasie word oor die algemeen beskou as ‘n belangrike stimulant van ekonomiese groei. Ten spyte van die positiewe gevolge van innovasie, is dit dikwels gefokus op hoër inkomstegroepe en in die proses word ekonomies gemarginaliseerde individue en gemeenskapsgroepe meestal uitgesluit. Dit veroorsaak dat die ekonomies gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe nie deel het aan die ekonomiese groei nie, wat lei tot ongelykheid. Om hierdie negatiewe gevolge te oorbrug, is die model van Innovasie vir Inklusiewe Ontwikkeling (IVIO) in die onlangse verlede ontwikkel, wat die teoretiese beginsels en perspektief van die konvensionele Innovasie-Sisteem (IS) gebruik om gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe te bevoordeel. Hierdeur word gepoog om die gemeenskappe óf te bevoordeel deur die eindproduk van die innovasieproses, óf om die gemeenskappe deel te maak van die innovasieproses. Heelwat IVIO-projekte is as gevolg hiervan geïmplementeer, maar ongelukkig met beperkte sukses - die meerderheid van hierdie projekte is onsuksesvol, veral in ontwikkelende lande. ‘n Verskeidenheid faktore is geïdentifiseer wat moontlik die groot aantal onsuksesvolle projekte kan verduidelik, onder andere ‘n swak begrip van die definisie, aard en dinamiek van IVIO-projekte. Hierdie navorsingsprojek spreek spesifiek die swak begrip van IVIO-projekte aan, deur te poog om die begrip van die dinamiek in hierdie projekte te verbeter. Die Historiese Gebeurtenis Analise-navorsingsmetode word saam met terugvoerlusse en kousale lusdiagramme (vanuit die gebied van sisteemdinamika) gebruik om ‘n analitiese metode te formuleer wat gebruik word in die analise van drie suksesvolle IVIO-projekte, om sodoende die kern-dinamiek in elk van die drie gevallestudies te identifiseer. Hierdie dinamieke bestaan uit die kousale verhouding tussen die funksies eie aan die IS-perspektief, en word saamgevat om uiteindelik vyf gemeenskaplike kern-dinamieke te identifiseer. Laastens word die vyf kern-dinamieke gekombineer binne een finale kousale lusdiagram, wat die ontwikkeling van die gekombineerde IVIO-sisteem verduidelik binne die konteks van die funksies.Master

    Dizziness in older patients in general practice: a diagnostic challenge

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    Horst, H.E. van der [Promotor]Schellevis, F.G. [Promotor]Weert, H.C.P.M. van [Copromotor

    Arginase:A novel key enzyme in the pathophysiology of allergic asthma

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    Allergisch astma is een chronische luchtwegaandoening, die onder meer gekenmerkt wordt door allergeen-geïnduceerde vroege en late bronchusobstructieve reacties en ontwikkeling van overgevoeligheid van de luchtwegen voor luchtwegvernauwende prikkels na deze reacties. In dit proefschrift werd met behulp van geïsoleerde luchtwegpreparaten aangetoond dat luchtweghyperreactiviteit na de vroege astmatische reactie veroorzaakt wordt door een tekort aan zowel neuronaal als non-neuronaal bronchusverwijdend stikstofmonoxide (NO), als gevolg van een verlaagde beschikbaarheid van het substraat L-arginine voor constitutieve NO-synthases (cNOS). Ontdekt werd dat deze substraatdeficientie in hoge mate wordt veroorzaakt door een toegenomen activiteit van het enzym arginase in de luchtwegwand, dat L-arginine omzet in L-ornithine en ureum. Daarnaast bleek het tekort aan non-neuronaal NO mede veroorzaakt te kunnen worden door een verhoogde afgifte van polykationen door ontstekingscellen, waarschijnlijk door inhibitie van kationische aminozuurtransporters die zorgen voor de L-arginine-opname in de NO-producerende cellen. Toegenomen arginase-activiteit en polykationen bleken eveneens ten grondslag te liggen aan de luchtweghyperreactiviteit na de late astmatische reactie. Tijdens de late reactie wordt induceerbaar NOS (iNOS) tot expressie gebracht, dat bij lage argininebeschikbaarheid zowel NO als superoxide anionen produceert. Beide stoffen reageren tot de uiterst reactieve stikstofverbinding peroxynitriet dat de reactiviteit van de luchtwegen verhoogt. Naast substraatcompetitie met NOS draagt toegenomen arginase-activiteit tevens bij aan de hyperreactiviteit door de productie van L-ornithine, dat eveneens het cellulaire argininetransport kan remmen. Verhoging van de argininebeschikbaarheid door specifieke arginaseremmers bleek de reactiviteit van de hyperreactieve luchtwegen te normaliseren. Arginaseremmers openen daarmee een geheel nieuw perspectief in de behandeling van allergisch astma

    The Effects of Stress Mindset, Manipulated Through Serious Game Intervention, on Performance and Situation Awareness of Elite Female Football Players in the Context of a Match:An Experimental Study

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    Background: Performance levels in football are ever more important and no longer are just physical, technical, and tactical skills, the ones that make an athlete stand out. Cognitive variables, such as stress-coping, become more important and seem to be explaining differences in performance, for example, through reaching an optimal level of arousal. In addition, it is suggested that stress-coping skills also affect situation awareness (SA), important for decision-making in the complex and dynamic situations in football. Objective: This study was conducted to examine how stress-coping skills, such as stress mindset, affect performance and SA in the context of a football match. Methods: Twenty elite female football players participated in the study. The final sample size consisted of 15 players for the Stress Mindset Measure (SMM) analysis and 8 players for the multilevel model analyses. Two types of intervention were used to manipulate stress mindset and control over heart rate variability (HRV); a serious game called "Stressjam,"and a reflection tool called "Brainjam."Questionnaires for stress mindset and SA and video analysis for performance were used. A total of three matches were assessed. Results: The "Stressjam"intervention resulted in significant differences in stress mindset throughout the intervention [F(1,5) = 7.357, P = 0.008]. Subsequently, multilevel analysis showed a positive, strong, and significant correlation between stress mindset, manipulated through "Stressjam"and SA [r(14) = 0.69, P = 0.014]. A correlation of practical interest, given the confidence intervals, was found between stress mindset, manipulated through "Stressjam,"and performance. Conclusion: Cognitive variables, such as stress-coping, correlate significantly with SA in football. A correlation of practical interest was found between stress-coping and performance. Further research is needed to study the relationship between stress-coping and performance in football.</p

    Multiple facets of cAMP signalling and physiological impact:cAMP compartmentalization in the lung

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    Therapies involving elevation of the endogenous suppressor cyclic AMP (cAMP) are currently used in the treatment of several chronic inflammatory disorders, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Characteristics of COPD are airway obstruction, airway inflammation and airway remodelling, processes encompassed by increased airway smooth muscle mass, epithelial changes, goblet cell and submucosal gland hyperplasia. In addition to inflammatory cells, airway smooth muscle cells and (myo)fibroblasts, epithelial cells underpin a variety of key responses in the airways such as inflammatory cytokine release, airway remodelling, mucus hypersecretion and airway barrier function. Cigarette smoke, being next to environmental pollution the main cause of COPD, is believed to cause epithelial hyperpermeability by disrupting the barrier function. Here we will focus on the most recent progress on compartmentalized signalling by cAMP. In addition to G protein-coupled receptors, adenylyl cyclases, cAMP-specific phospho-diesterases (PDEs) maintain compartmentalized cAMP signalling. Intriguingly, spatially discrete cAMP-sensing signalling complexes seem also to involve distinct members of the A-kinase anchoring (AKAP) superfamily and IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein (IQGAPs). In this review, we will highlight the interaction between cAMP and the epithelial barrier to retain proper lung function and to alleviate COPD symptoms and focus on the possible molecular mechanisms involved in this process. Future studies should include the development of cAMP-sensing multiprotein complex specific disruptors and/or stabilizers to orchestrate cellular functions. Compartmentalized cAMP signalling regulates important cellular processes in the lung and may serve as a therapeutic target