39 research outputs found
La recherche en soins infirmiers au Maroc
La recherche scientifique est, en premier lieu, l’ensemble des actions entreprises en vue de produire et de développer les connaissances scientifiques. C’est par principe le meilleur outil d’accumulation et de transfert du savoir et du savoir-faire. C’est un ensemble d’activités intellectuelles et expérimentales, d’efforts d’investigations systématiques soutenus par un certain nombre de ressources technologiques appropriées et consenties par une communauté de chercheurs pour le compte d’une entreprise ou d’un état. Elle est considérée comme le moteur le plus puissant du développement socio- économique et culturel d’une nation
Diagnosis of the rainfall-wheat yield relationship in the current and future climate change conditions in Eastern Algeria
Future projections indicate that rain-fed agriculture in North Africa is among the most vulnerable in the world in the context of future climate change. This article aims to diagnose the relationship between rainfall and wheat yield in both current and future climatic situations in a semi arid agro-climatic conditions represented by the region of Bordj Bou Arreridj. For the current situation, we used 15 years (1995–2009) of recorded rainfall and durum wheat yield series. Future rainfall projections (2071–2100) were generated by the MED-CORDEX climate model version CCLM4-8-19 under RCP 6.0 scenario. Simulated data over the observed period and that of the future on the maximum evapotranspiration (ETM) of durum wheat and the water deficit (WD) accumulated over the cycle as well as future yields are obtained using a simple agro meteorological crop simulation model, previously validated. In both current and future situations, precipitations, ETM, WD and yields data are first analyzed, then yields are related by regression to three components of rainfall: annual rainfall, cumulative rainfall over the crop cycle (November–June) and cumulative rainfall during spring (March–May). In the observed climate, annual precipitation averages 382.3 ± 96.3 mm, cumulative rainfall over the crop cycle (November–June) averages 278.3 mm and cumulative rainfall during spring is 101.9 mm. These last decrease to 303.7 ± 99.4, 232.3 and 83.3 mm in the future situation. Observed yields (1995–2009) averages1.9 ± 0.64 q/ha in the observed situation and decrease to 15.5 ± 0.54 q/ha in future climate. ETM are low and WD values are high in the current climate, with a worsening of the situation in the future climate, particularly during spring. The correlation between yields and précitations is always positive in both weather conditions, but the best R2 are 0.65 and 0.82 and concern spring rains. In semi-arid regions, cumulative rainfall towards the end of the growing season is currently impacting the grain yield of durum wheat and will become more decisive in the context of future climate change
Canopy Temperature Efficiency as Indicators for Drought Tolerance in Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum Desf.) in Semi Arid Conditions
Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) is one of the more widely cultivated crops in the Mediterranean basin, where drought is the main abiotic stress limiting its production. This study was conducted on the experimental site of station ITGC in Setif, Algeria. The objectives of this study were (i) to determine differences in canopy temperature (CT) and canopy temperature depression (CTD) of different durum wheat under both well-watered and moisture stressed conditions and (ii) to correlate canopy temperature (CT) and canopy temperature depression (CTD) with drought resistance indices value and yield of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) under both conditions. The results of study showed a significant difference between CT and CTD under both conditions and among genotypes. Under dryland conditions, grain yield and mean CTD were correlated positively (r = 0.32**), this correlation is similar to other studies (Blum et al., 1989; Royo et al., 2002). Similar results of correlation between canopy temperature (CT), canopy temperature depression (CTD) and grain yield suggest that the use of CT and CTD in screening for highly tolerant varieties to drought is similar. The significant correlation of CT and CTD with Mean productivity (MP) and Stress tolerance index (STI) suggests that CTD and/or CT can be favorite selection criteria in plant breeding for drought tolerance
Étude expérimentale de la bio-accumulation des lanthanides chez la moule Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck) du littoral méditerranéen marocain
La microscopie ionique et la microanalyse X ont été utilisées pour détecter in situ, sur coupes histologiques, les éléments bio-accumulés dans la moule Mytilus galloprovincialis, contaminée expérimentalement in vitro par le cérium, le thulium et le lanthane. Les éléments absorbés, sous forme soluble à l’état de traces dans les organites cibles (les lysosomes), sont concentrés sous forme de précipités de phosphate insolubles dans les cellules épithéliales des branchies, des glandes digestives et des palpes labiaux
Durum Wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) Evaluation under Semi Arid Conditions in Eastern Algeria by Path Analysis
This study was aimed to characterize yield components and plant traits related to grain yield. Correlation and path analysis were carried out in durum wheat genotypes grown under irrigated and non-irrigated field conditions during two cropping seasons (2010/2011 and 2011/2012). In the path coefficient analysis, grain yield represented the dependent variable and the number of spikes m-2, number of grains spike-1, kernel weight and number of grains m-2 were the independent ones. Grain yield showed positive phenotypic correlation with number of spikes m-2 and number of grains per m-2under both conditions and during two cropping seasons.Path analysis revealed positive direct effect of 1000- kernels weight, number of spike m-2 and number of grains per spike on grain yield. These results indicated that the 1000- kernels weight and number of spikes m-2 followed by the number of grains per spike and number of grains per m-2 were the traits related to higher grain yield, under irrigated and late season water stress conditions.
Facteurs associés au mauvais contrôle glycémique chez des diabétiques de type 2 au Nord-Est du Maroc : à propos de 80 cas
MalgrĂ© les efforts dĂ©ployĂ©s dans la prise en charge du diabète, une proportion encore Ă©levĂ©e de diabĂ©tiques connait un mauvais contrĂ´le glycĂ©mique qui constitue le facteur le plus dĂ©terminant des complications et du dĂ©cès prĂ©maturĂ© liĂ©s au diabète 2.L’objectif de ce travail Ă©tait d’identifier les facteurs de risque potentiels qui seraient associĂ©s au mauvais contrĂ´le glycĂ©mique chez des diabĂ©tiques au niveau de la ville de Nador. A ce propos, une enquĂŞte a Ă©tĂ© entreprise auprès de ces patients en prenant comme indicateur biologique les taux d’hĂ©moglobine glyquĂ©e « HbA1c ».Les femmes reprĂ©sentaient 90% des enquĂŞtĂ©s et l’âge moyen Ă©tait de 59,96 ± 2,07 ans. Les niveaux de HbA1c Ă©taient supĂ©rieurs Ă 9% pour près de 54%. La population en question se caractĂ©rise par un bas niveau d’instruction (90%), un statut socioĂ©conomique fragile, des taux inquiĂ©tants de surpoids (47%) et d’obĂ©sitĂ© (44%) et par des comportements hygiĂ©no-diĂ©tĂ©tiques insatisfaisants.Agir sur les dĂ©terminants socioĂ©conomiques et rĂ©former la prise en charge des diabĂ©tiques amĂ©lioreraient leur Ă©tat de santĂ© et limiteraient la survenue prĂ©coce des complications liĂ©es Ă cette maladie.Â
A critical comparison of techniques for estimating bacterial abundance on leaf litter decaying in Oued Zegzel (Morocco)
A critical comparison of four techniques used to estimate the abundance and biomass of bacteria associated with leaves decaying in a small river in the North-East of Morocco is given. The relative efficiency of the four methods was as follows: homogenisation > direct count > stomacher > sonication. However, each one of these techniques presents its advantages and disadvantages. No technique is perfect by itself
La rétention des feuilles mortes dans un cours d'eau de montagne, au Maroc : variations saisonnières
Dans le but d'examiner l'effet du débit sur la rétention, la méthode de marquage, lâcher et recapture de feuilles marquées (Salixpedicellata et Nerium oleander à l'état frais et à l'état sec) a été appliquée dans deux stations de l'Oued Zeghzel (la Branche Sud-Ouest et le Bas Zeghzel) aux quatre saisons de l'année 1991-1992. Les feuilles lâchées durant les saisons à fort débit (automne et hiver) étaient moins retenues que celles lâchées durant les saisons à débit faible (printemps et été). Dans le Bas Zeghzel en particulier, le pourcentage des feuilles retenues augmentait visiblement lorsque le débit diminuait. La rétention en fonction de la distance répondait à un modèle exponentiel négatif et à un modèle linéaire (dispersion aléatoire des feuilles retenues). Mais dans l'ensemble, le premier décrivait mieux les conditions de plus faible débit, le second celles de plus fort débit. Les petits barrages de débris de bois, la végétation riveraine et les branchages étaient les structures de rétention les plus efficaces. Leur efficacité augmentait lorsque le débit diminuait. Quelle que soit la saison d'étude, elles hébergeaient une faune variée et très riche en dilacérateurs dans le secteur amont du Zeghzel. Elles étaient plus rares et moins peuplées dans le secteur aval
Invertebrate dynamics during the decomposition of dry and fresh willow leaves in Oued Zegzel (Eastern Morocco)
Decomposition of dry and fresh willow leaves and the dynamics of invertebrates during this decomposition were followed in upstream and downstream Oued Zegzel, Eastern Morocco. A seasonal comparison of the two studied sites stressed the importance of the structure of the benthic fauna in the process of decomposition. The rate of decomposition was faster in summer, following an increase in the biomass of invertebrates. It was slower in winter, when abundances of Chironomidae reached their maxima. The decomposition of willow leaves was faster upstream, where invertebrates biomass was greater. The artificial drying of leaves before their immersion had a positive effect on the activity of invertebrates. Whereas Melanopsis praemorsa preferred the dry leaves during the four seasons in upstream Zegzel, the preference of Hydropsyche maroccana for the fresh leaves in the downstream station changed according to the season. The seasonal variation of leaves quality seems to especially influence invertebrate colonisation, and thereafter the decomposition process in downstream Zegzel