16 research outputs found

    On the {\eta} pseudo PT symmetry theory for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians: time-dependent systems

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    In the context of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics, many systems are known to possess a pseudo PT symmetry , i.e. the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian H is related to its adjoint H^{{\dag}} via the relation, H^{{\dag}}=PTHPT . We propose a derivation of pseudo PT symmetry and {\eta} -pseudo-Hermiticity simultaneously for the time dependent non-Hermitian Hamiltonians by intoducing a new metric {\eta}(t)=PT{\eta}(t) that not satisfy the time-dependent quasi-Hermiticity relation but obeys the Heisenberg evolution equation. Here, we solve the SU(1,1) time-dependent non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and we construct a time-dependent solutions by employing this new metric and discuss a concrete physical applications of our results.Comment: 11 pages, Minor correction in the list and name of authors in reference

    Supersymmetric Extension of Non-Hermitian su(2) Hamiltonian and Supercoherent States

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    A new class of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with real spectrum, which are written as a real linear combination of su(2) generators in the form H=ωJ3+αJ+βJ+ H=\omega J_{3}+\alpha J_{-}+\beta J_{+}, αβ\alpha \neq \beta, is analyzed. The metrics which allows the transition to the equivalent Hermitian Hamiltonian is established. A pseudo-Hermitian supersymmetic extension of such Hamiltonians is performed. They correspond to the pseudo-Hermitian supersymmetric systems of the boson-phermion oscillators. We extend the supercoherent states formalism to such supersymmetic systems via the pseudo-unitary supersymmetric displacement operator method. The constructed family of these supercoherent states consists of two dual subfamilies that form a bi-overcomplete and bi-normal system in the boson-phermion Fock space. The states of each subfamily are eigenvectors of the boson annihilation operator and of one of the two phermion lowering operators

    Quantum features of a charged particle in ionized plasma controlled by a time-dependent magnetic field

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    Quantum characteristics of a charged particle traveling under the influence of an external time-dependent magnetic field in ionized plasma are investigated using the invariant operator method. The Hamiltonian that gives the radial part of the classical equation of motion for the charged particle is dependent on time. The corresponding invariant operator that satisfies Liouville-von Neumann equation is constructed using fundamental relations. The exact radial wave functions are derived by taking advantage of the eigenstates of the invariant operator. Quantum properties of the system is studied using these wave functions. Especially, the time behavior of the radial component of the quantized energy is addressed in detail

    A new symmetry theory for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians

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    The {\eta} pseudo PT symmetry theory, denoted by the symbol {\eta}, explores the conditions under which non-Hermitian Hamiltonians can possess real spectra despite the violation of PT symmetry, that is the adjoint of H, denoted H^{{\dag}} is expressed as H^{{\dag}}=PTHPT. This theory introduces a new symmetry operator, {\eta}=PT{\eta}, which acts on the Hilbert space. The {\eta} pseudo PT symmetry condition requires the Hamiltonian to commute with the {\eta} operator, leading to real eigenvalues. We discuss some general implications of our results for the coupled non hermitian harmonic oscillator.Comment: Section 4 (end of page 7 until page 8 before the conclusion in this new version) has been rewritten , minor typos corrected , 10 page

    Time-dependent coupled oscillator model for charged particle motion in the presence of a time varyingmagnetic field

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    The dynamics of time-dependent coupled oscillator model for the charged particle motion subjected to a time-dependent external magnetic field is investigated. We used canonical transformation approach for the classical treatment of the system, whereas unitary transformation approach is used when managing the system in the framework of quantum mechanics. For both approaches, the original system is transformed to a much more simple system that is the sum of two independent harmonic oscillators which have time-dependent frequencies. We therefore easily identified the wave functions in the transformed system with the help of invariant operator of the system. The full wave functions in the original system is derived from the inverse unitary transformation of the wave functions associated to the transformed system.Comment: 16 page