184,252 research outputs found

    Quantization of static space-times

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    A 4-dimensional Lorentzian static space-time is equivalent to 3-dimensional Euclidean gravity coupled to a massless Klein-field. By canonically quantizing the coupling model in the framework of loop quantum gravity, we obtain a quantum theory which actually describes quantized static space-times. The Kinematical Hilbert space is the product of the Hilbert space of gravity with that of imaginary scalar fields. It turns out that the Hamiltonian constraint of the 2+1 model corresponds to a densely defined operator in the underlying Hilbert space, and hence it is finite without renormalization. As a new point of view, this quantized model might shed some light on a few physical problems concerning quantum gravity.Comment: 14 pages, made a few modifications, added Journal-re

    Numerical framework for transcritical real-fluid reacting flow simulations using the flamelet progress variable approach

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    An extension to the classical FPV model is developed for transcritical real-fluid combustion simulations in the context of finite volume, fully compressible, explicit solvers. A double-flux model is developed for transcritical flows to eliminate the spurious pressure oscillations. A hybrid scheme with entropy-stable flux correction is formulated to robustly represent large density ratios. The thermodynamics for ideal-gas values is modeled by a linearized specific heat ratio model. Parameters needed for the cubic EoS are pre-tabulated for the evaluation of departure functions and a quadratic expression is used to recover the attraction parameter. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in the ability to account for pressure and temperature variations from the baseline table. Cryogenic LOX/GH2 mixing and reacting cases are performed to demonstrate the capability of the proposed approach in multidimensional simulations. The proposed combustion model and numerical schemes are directly applicable for LES simulations of real applications under transcritical conditions.Comment: 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Dallas, T

    Information processing with topologically protected vortex memories in exciton-polariton condensates

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    We show that in a non-equilibrium system of an exciton-polariton condensate, where polaritons are generated from incoherent pumping, a ring-shaped pump allows for stationary vortex memory elements of topological charge m=1m = 1 or m=1m = -1. Using simple potential guides we can choose whether to copy the same charge or invert it onto another spatially separate ring pump. Such manipulation of binary information opens the possibility of a new type processing using vortices as topologically protected memory components

    Instability-induced formation and non-equilibrium dynamics of phase defects in polariton condensates

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    We study, theoretically and numerically, the onset and development of modulational instability in an incoherently pumped spatially homogeneous polariton condensate. Within the framework of mean-field theory, we identify regimes of modulational instability in two cases: 1) Strong feedback between the condensate and reservoir, which may occur in scalar condensates, and 2) Parametric scattering in the presence of polarization splitting in spinor condensates. In both cases we investigate the instability induced textures in space and time including non-equilibrium dynamics of phase dislocations and vortices. In particular we discuss the mechanism of vortex destabilization and formation of spiraling waves. We also identify the presence of topological defects, which take the form of half-vortex pairs in the spinor case, giving an "eyelet" structure in intensity and dipole type structure in the spin polarization. In the modulationally stable parameter domains, we observe formation of the phase defects in the process of condensate formation from an initially spatially incoherent low-density state. In analogy to the Kibble-Zurek type scaling for nonequilibrium phase transitions, we find that the defect density scales with the pumping rate.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, revised manuscript sent to Phys. Rev.

    Semi-classical States in Homogeneous Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    Semi-classical states in homogeneous loop quantum cosmology (LQC) are constructed by two different ways. In the first approach, we firstly construct an exponentiated annihilation operator. Then a kind of semi-classical (coherent) state is obtained by solving the eigen-equation of that operator. Moreover, we use these coherent states to analyze the semi-classical limit of the quantum dynamics. It turns out that the Hamiltonian constraint operator employed currently in homogeneous LQC has correct classical limit with respect to the coherent states. In the second approach, the other kind of semi-classical state is derived from the mathematical construction of coherent states for compact Lie groups due to Hall.Comment: 13 pages, submitted to CQ

    Nonequilibrium phase transition in surface growth

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    Conserved growth models that exhibit a nonlinear instability in which the height (depth) of isolated pillars (grooves) grows in time are studied by numerical integration and stochastic simulation. When this instability is controlled by the introduction of an infinite series of higher-order nonlinear terms, these models exhibit, as function of a control parameter, a non-equilibrium phase transition between a kinetically rough phase with self-affine scaling and a phase that exhibits mound formation, slope selection and power-law coarsening.Comment: 7 pages, 4 .eps figures (Minor changes in text and references.

    Dynamics of Scalar Field in Polymer-like Representation

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    In recent twenty years, loop quantum gravity, a background independent approach to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics, has been widely investigated. We consider the quantum dynamics of a real massless scalar field coupled to gravity in this framework. A Hamiltonian operator for the scalar field can be well defined in the coupled diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space, which is both self-adjoint and positive. On the other hand, the Hamiltonian constraint operator for the scalar field coupled to gravity can be well defined in the coupled kinematical Hilbert space. There are 1-parameter ambiguities due to scalar field in the construction of both operators. The results heighten our confidence that there is no divergence within this background independent and diffeomorphism invariant quantization approach of matter coupled to gravity. Moreover, to avoid possible quantum anomaly, the master constraint programme can be carried out in this coupled system by employing a self-adjoint master constraint operator on the diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space.Comment: 24 pages, accepted for pubilcation in Class. Quant. Gra

    The Interaction of Venus-like, M-dwarf Planets with the Stellar Wind of Their Host Star

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    We study the interaction between the atmospheres of Venus-like, non-magnetized exoplanets orbiting an M-dwarf star, and the stellar wind using a multi-species Magnetohydrodynaic (MHD) model. We focus our investigation on the effect of enhanced stellar wind and enhanced EUV flux as the planetary distance from the star decreases. Our simulations reveal different topologies of the planetary space environment for sub- and super-Alfvenic stellar wind conditions, which could lead to dynamic energy deposition in to the atmosphere during the transition along the planetary orbit. We find that the stellar wind penetration for non-magnetized planets is very deep, up to a few hundreds of kilometers. We estimate a lower limit for the atmospheric mass-loss rate and find that it is insignificant over the lifetime of the planet. However, we predict that when accounting for atmospheric ion acceleration, a significant amount of the planetary atmosphere could be eroded over the course of a billion years.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Ap

    easySTORM: a robust, lower-cost approach to localisation and TIRF microscopy

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    TIRF and STORM microscopy are super-resolving fluorescence imaging modalities for which current implementations on standard microscopes can present significant complexity and cost. We present a straightforward and low-cost approach to implement STORM and TIRF taking advantage of multimode optical fibres and multimode diode lasers to provide the required excitation light. Combined with open source software and relatively simple protocols to prepare samples for STORM, including the use of Vectashield for non-TIRF imaging, this approach enables TIRF and STORM imaging of cells labelled with appropriate dyes or expressing suitable fluorescent proteins to become widely accessible at low cost