118 research outputs found

    Uczniowskie konsekwencje ulegania przez nauczycieli przemocy symbolicznej

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    The main aim of this study is to show – on the basis of teachers’ narratives – the consequences that a teacher’s succumbing to symbolic violence in the educational field has on the student. This goal is accompanied by the need to highlight how the surveyed teachers describe the logic of the operation of this field, how they see their own position in it and what they perceive as their obligations related to it, all of which influences the way the students function within it.Zasadniczym celem niniejszego opracowania jest pokazanie zrekonstruowanych (na podstawie nauczycielskich narracji) uczniowskich konsekwencji ulegania przez nauczycieli przemocy symbolicznej w edukacyjnym polu. Dążności tej towarzyszy konieczność naświetlenia, jak badane nauczycielki opisują logikę działania tego pola, jak odczytują własne w nim położenie oraz co postrzegają jako swoje powinności z nim związane, które nie pozostają bez konsekwencji dla funkcjonowania w nim uczniów

    Obraz i przemiany zawodu nauczyciela w trzecim tysiącleciu

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    Współcześnie i w niedalekiej przeszłości wielu autorów podejmuje i podejmowało wątki dotyczące problemów edukacji na przełomie XX i XXI stulecia, podkreślając złożoność czynników warunkujących obecne funkcjonowanie oświaty oraz osadzonych w niej uczniów i nauczycieli. Dokonując charakterystyki procesów znamionujących świat u progu trzeciego tysiąclecia, wskazać należy na: globalizację życia oraz międzynarodowy charakter problemów wymagających rozwiązania; przechodzenie od społeczeństwa przemysłowego do postindustrialnego i informacyjnego oraz do gospodarki opartej na wiedzy; zakłócenia postępu naukowego i technologicznego; przechodzenie do myślenia strategicznego, długofalowego, innowacyjnego i antycypacyjnego. (fragment tekstu

    Współpraca nauczycieli z rodzicami uczniów - przez pryzmat nauczycielskich narracji

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    The paper aims to present the issues related to the cooperation between teachers and pupils’ parents. Considering the importance and legitimacy of its occurrence in various forms and manifestations, the author conducted a qualitative study in an attempt to answer the following question: What is the image of this collaboration emerging from the teachers’ narrations as a partof the qualitative interviews conducted with them? The picture reveals teachers’ perspective on their pupils’ parents and cooperation with them, indicating some discrepancy and inadequacy in this area

    Nauczyciel administracyjnie ukierunkowany - obszary podporządkowania i lęku

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    According to educational theoreticians, what is introduced into education are some elements of sectionally constructed market economy. This aims at raising educational effectiveness with the application of procedures typical of the business sector. As a result of such undertakings, what appears in schools is the excessive focus on the implementation of top-down imposed guidelines and on the constantly changing legal regulations. Yielding to outer pressure and influence, many teachers apply the administrative direction in their work, which consists in paying a lot of attention to the absolute fulfilling of what is imposed and subjected to unceasing control. One of the meticulously fulfilled requirements is the care for learners’ high scores in external tests. This proves how important the standardization in the measurement of teaching and learning achievements (with simultaneous marginalization of such significant and undoubtedly demanded educational components as individualization, subjectivization, etc.) has become in teachers’ professional practice. A small section of the author’s extended analyses is presented in this study in the form of free interviews with teachers who describe what they experience in their daily professional routine

    Nauczyciel w polu szkolnym - w świetle teorii Pierre'a Bourdieu i nauczycielskich narracji

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    The monograph constitutes an attempt at providing a teacher’s perspective on their work environment. Due to my interest in identifying how – and where – teachers see themselves within the school environment, I decided to provide them with an opportunity to speak for themselves and, through personal interviews, study the everyday challenges of their profession. The possibility to access first‑hand accounts of the professional experiences of teachers has allowed me to gain deeper insight into their work environment. Moreover, it has allowed me to look as if through their eyes at both the people and situations they encounter, and their own initiatives, as well as the standards according to which they operate. In addition, it has enabled me to recognise the meanings which they assign to everyday occurrences, processes and structures of their professional life. On the other hand, Pierre Bourdieu’s theories shed a different light on the study of the teacher’s place in the school life. Those theories, in turn, serve as the methodological basis for the analysis of the teachers’ experiences. The application of that theoretical framework, however, differs from its use in quantitative research projects and does not consist in empirical verification of the assumed theoretical model. Instead, chosen concepts derived from Bourdieu’s conceptual apparatus allowed me to describe and interpret the meanings which teachers assign to their experiences in the school environment. In the opening part of the book, I present the macrosocial conditions regarding the teaching profession, including both the national tendencies to politicise the school environment, as well as the global trends manifesting in – often covert – attempts at construing it as a sphere of neoliberal influence. Further, I introduce the theoretical background utilised in order to interpret the results of the study, and elaborate on selected Polish research studies on the nature of pedagogy, using Bourdieu’s theories. Moreover, the monograph includes an overview of my own methodological perspective on my research concerning teachers in the school environment. This includes: a discussion regarding the subject of the study and my interpretative stance; an outline of aims and selected problem areas; an overview of data gathering, including interview procedures; a characteristic of the research subjects; and, finally, an overview of the applied strategies for working with the empirical research material and the use of analytical tools. In the following parts of the book, I analyse and interpret my research results, which includes: 1) a description of the habitus revealed by the teachers, showing the way in which they inform the teacher’s perception and everyday professional functioning; 2) a reading of the school as a place of reproduction and symbolic violation, resulting from the factual inequality among the students maintained under the guise of official and formal equality, as well as revealing certain mechanisms of reproduction functioning in the school environment, which – according to Bourdieu – result in the capital following the capital, allowing the social structure to remain unchallenged; 3) a discussion of the symbolic violence of the school environment (owing to the description of sources cited by the teachers and the forms of symbolic violation which emerge in the school environment); 4) a description of the teachers’ strategies of surviving in the school environment - since it appears that the subjects engaged in play make efforts designed to maintain the subjects’ positions within the environment, using strategies which, in their understanding, will enable them to retain their status. The subjects engage in those actions according to their habitus, which allow them to find their place within the school structures and enable them to utilise generally acknowledged practices and procedures in the process of developing strategies

    Udział nauczycieli w przemianach edukacyjnych przełomu XX i XXI stulecia w Polsce

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    The evolutionary rush of the world makes the reality in which a contemporary human being lives change constantly. Permanent changes also affect education as people still look for the appropriate direction of necessary transformations, allowing for the preparation of children and youth for the existence in the real world surrounding them. The teacher, recently often perceived as a planner and executor of his/her own and system- -implemented innovations and pedagogic transformations, plays an important role in the processes connected to educational modifications. After the reform of the education system in Poland in 1999, the teachers were assigned new roles, consisting in, above all, their conducting an academicresearch activity and following socio-political changes. The contemporary teacher is also obliged to a constant development of his/her knowledge and abilities in order to be a professional and expert in his/her profession, an initiator and designer of pedagogic innovations, a controller and corrector of his/her own work, development and self-improvement. It is also postulated that the teachers should improve the education model and acquire professional competences during their studies at the universities. Moreover, the teacher should develop and improve him/herself on his/her own way to betterment. Currently, it is emphasized that it is not only the teacher who is obliged to follow the civilization changes, but, above all, the school, which should constantly be improved and adjusted to changing life conditions. It should also systematically improve the plans, syllabuses, methods, tools and conditions of teaching. The very book is devoted to the situation of teachers in educational changes at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries in Poland. It is based not only on theoretical searches within this field, but also on the empirical research thoroughly analyzed and described therein.The evolutionary rush of the world makes the reality in which a contemporary human being lives change constantly. Permanent changes also affect education as people still look for the appropriate direction of necessary transformations, allowing for the preparation of children and youth for the existence in the real world surrounding them. The teacher, recently often perceived as a planner and executor of his/her own and system- -implemented innovations and pedagogic transformations, plays an important role in the processes connected to educational modifications. After the reform of the education system in Poland in 1999, the teachers were assigned new roles, consisting in, above all, their conducting an academicresearch activity and following socio-political changes. The contemporary teacher is also obliged to a constant development of his/her knowledge and abilities in order to be a professional and expert in his/her profession, an initiator and designer of pedagogic innovations, a controller and corrector of his/her own work, development and self-improvement. It is also postulated that the teachers should improve the education model and acquire professional competences during their studies at the universities. Moreover, the teacher should develop and improve him/herself on his/her own way to betterment. Currently, it is emphasized that it is not only the teacher who is obliged to follow the civilization changes, but, above all, the school, which should constantly be improved and adjusted to changing life conditions. It should also systematically improve the plans, syllabuses, methods, tools and conditions of teaching. The very book is devoted to the situation of teachers in educational changes at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries in Poland. It is based not only on theoretical searches within this field, but also on the empirical research thoroughly analyzed and described therein

    Zarys interakcji komunikacyjnych nauczycieli z uczniami z perspektywy szkolnych doświadczeń studentów pierwszego roku pedagogiki

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    Communication is a phenomenon of the universal nature. Its omni-presence contributes to the development of various form and phenomena of so-cial life. The following article attempts to discuss the unique character of educa-tional communicative experiences between learners and teachers in schools from the perspective of the surveyed people, i.e. the 1st year students of pedagogy

    Obszary deficytów twórczych działań nauczycieli dzisiejszej szkoły

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    Many researchers into Polish education put forward the thesis that it has a bureaucratic orientation and yields to the pressure of technological-economic rationality. Yielding to outer pressure and influence, many teachers apply the administrative direction in their work, which consists in paying a lot of attention to absolute fulfilling what is imposed and subjected to unceasing control. One of meticulously fulfilled requirements is the care for learners’ high scores in external tests. This proves how important for teachers’ professional practice becomes standardization in the measurement of teaching and learning achievements (with simultaneous marginalization of such significant and undoubtedly demanded educational components as individualization, subjectivization, etc.). A small section of the author’s extended analyses is presented in this study in the form of free interviews with teachers who describe what they experience in their daily professional routine

    Obraz szkolnych relacji komunikacyjnych nauczyciela z uczniami

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    A teacher is to be responsible for the course of communicative situa­tions in a classroom. First of all, s/he is to be responsible for the communication with learners, which requires among others a recognition of the equal status of subjects in the process of communication, as well as unhindered expression of thoughts, opinions, attitudes and feelings. The present text, based mainly on teachers’ narrative perspectives, is an attempt to demonstrate that teachers treat learners like objects. It describes teachers who implement and follow the imposed top­down requirements related to teaching contents in order to achieve high teaching results, as well as those who want to maintain the unbalanced commu­nication with their learners by implementing and sustaining higher status in this relation. These teachers could be also characterised by a constant lack of estab­lishing the mutual consensus and agreement with students while instilling their role of a main sender of a message what seems to impair the mutual communica­tion, putting a young person in the position of a receiver and continual listener.Nauczyciela czyni się odpowiedzialnym za przebieg sytuacji ko­munikacyjnych w klasie szkolnej, a przede wszystkim za porozumiewanie się z uczniami, które wymaga m.in. uznania równorzędności komunikujących się podmiotów, nieskrępowanego wyrażania myśli i poglądów, nastawień i uczuć. Niniejszy tekst jest próbą pokazania – głównie w świetle nauczycielskich nar­racji – że nauczyciele działający na rzecz realizacji odgórnie stawianych im wy­magań w zakresie przekazywanych uczniom treści i osiągania wysokich efektów nauczania oraz chcący utrzymać nierówną relację komunikowania się z uczniami i swoje nadrzędne w niej miejsce traktują ich w sposób przedmiotowy. Charak­teryzujący ich ponadto brak dążenia do wspólnego konsensusu i ustalania zna­czeń we współpracy z uczniami oraz ciągłe wcielanie się w rolę osoby nadającej komunikat (zwłaszcza w sytuacjach związanych z transmisją wiedzy metodami podającymi), wraz ze stawianiem młodego człowieka na pozycji jego odbiorcy i nieustannego słuchacza, wydają się upośledzać komunikację

    Edukacja w duchu podmiotowości - niektóre obszary deficytów

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    It is assumed that education should be the process of developing subjective identity. The present paper shows the arguments for the subjective dimension of the contemporary education. It also attempts to present the educational areas of its deficiency and some consequences derived from the authoritarian teachers