148 research outputs found

    The United States as the Guarantor of the Security for the Republic of Korea

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    The purpose of this study is introducing the role and importance of the United States in ensuring the safety of South Korea. The USA, in act of signing the ROK-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty with the Republic of Korea in October, 1953, has committed to safeguard the national security of South Korea, and, in particular, to provide protection against external aggression, mainly from North Korea. The strengthening of the guarantees is assisted by the American military presence in the territory of the Republic of Korea, and as well holding of joint military exercises by the U.S. and Korean Armies several times a year. The attention is also drawn to the currently U.S.-South Korean military alliance that has been evolving for years, and seeks to adapt it to the challenges and problems of the modern world, such as common missions in Iraq or Afghanistan

    Social exclusion paradox in Poland

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    The process of social exclusion can be described from two perspectives: of the society that stigmatizes and of the stigmatized group. The paper explores the paradox of social exclusion of football hooligans in Poland. The authors argue that social exclusion is not necessarily connected with the reduced level of the quality of life. The sense of belonging to a hooligan group becomes the essential source of support. Simultaneously it is a foundation for shaping one’s identity

    Perspektywa temporalna jako czynnik ochrony zdrowia i ryzyka zaburzeń

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    Celem opracowania jest prezentacja opracowanej przez Zimbardo i Boyda koncepcji perspektyw temporalnych w kontekście zdrowia i zachowań zdrowotnych osób dorosłych. Wskazujemy na poszczególne perspektywy i rozpatrujemy ich wzajemne układy podkreślając, iż mogą być ważnym zasobem lub stanowić potencjalny czynnik ryzyka rozwoju zaburzeń. Dokonany przegląd wyników badań empirycznych i zebranie dotychczasowej, dość rozproszonej wiedzy na ten temat pozwala zaproponować konkretne rozwiązania praktyczne. Postulujemy uwzględnienie indywidualnych perspektyw temporalnych oraz rozpoznanych trendów rozwojowych w budowaniu programów profilaktycznych, mających na celu ograniczenie szkodliwych zachowań i rozwój zaburzeń oraz upowszechnienie działań i postaw sprzyjających zachowaniu pełni zdrowia psychofizycznego. Pozwoli to uczynić ewentualne interwencje skuteczniejszymi i trwalszymi w czasie.The aim of this paper is to present the Time Theory by Zimbardo and Boyd in relation to health and health behaviours in adults. Particular perspectives and their mutual configurations are addressed both as an important resource, and as a potential disorder risk factor. A review of empirical research results and collecting the existing, although fragmented, data allows to propose specific practical applications. It is suggested that the individual time perspectives and the identified developmental trends should be taken into account in creating prophylactic programmes which are aimed at containing harmful behaviours and development of disorders, as well as promoting activities and attitudes facilitating retaining full psycho-physical health. Taking such measures can increase the effectiveness and longevity of possible interventions

    Clinical and biochemical nutritional status among non-cancerous elderly patients with pressure sores

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    Background. Identification of nutritional problems can facilitate strategies which need to be employed in the frail, non-cancerous elderly patient with bed sores at the end of their life. Aim of study was to investigate nutritional status among elderly patients with pressure sores. Material and methods. Newly admitted 313 elderly patients to Home Hospice For Adults were examined and 42 of them were non-cancerous with pressure sores in sacral region of 10–15 cm in diameter. Pressure ulcers severity was assessed due to Torrance scale and second (PS2), third (PS3), fourth (PS4) and fifth (PS5) stages of pressure sores were categorized. There was no patient with first stage severity. Nutritional status was assessed by Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF). Additionally we assessed complete blood count (CBC), erythrocytes sedimentation rate (ESR), plasma albumin (Alb), lipids and glucose (glu) concentrations, as well as glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level. Results. 1. All patients were malnourished. 2. The PS5 group had the lowest systolic blood pressure (106 ± 9 mm Hg), albumin concentration (20,4 ± 5,3 g/l), the highest red division width (RDW) (15.3 ± 1.1%) and glucose concentration tendency to drop down. 3. In all 42 persons MNA-SF correlated positively only with glu (R = 0.54; p = 0.0002) and from PS2 to PS4 subgroups, separately. 4. The positive correlation MNA-SF& Alb was found in PS4 subgroup only. Conclusions. These data suggest that metabolic status may influence the development and the severity of pressure sores in elderly, non-cancerous, frail patients. Adv. Pall. Med. 2011; 10, 2: 73–78Background. Identification of nutritional problems can facilitate strategies which need to be employed in the frail, non-cancerous elderly patient with bed sores at the end of their life. Aim of study was to investigate nutritional status among elderly patients with pressure sores. Material and methods. Newly admitted 313 elderly patients to Home Hospice For Adults were examined and 42 of them were non-cancerous with pressure sores in sacral region of 10–15 cm in diameter. Pressure ulcers severity was assessed due to Torrance scale and second (PS2), third (PS3), fourth (PS4) and fifth (PS5) stages of pressure sores were categorized. There was no patient with first stage severity. Nutritional status was assessed by Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF). Additionally we assessed complete blood count (CBC), erythrocytes sedimentation rate (ESR), plasma albumin (Alb), lipids and glucose (glu) concentrations, as well as glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level. Results. 1. All patients were malnourished. 2. The PS5 group had the lowest systolic blood pressure (106 ± 9 mm Hg), albumin concentration (20,4 ± 5,3 g/l), the highest red division width (RDW) (15.3 ± 1.1%) and glucose concentration tendency to drop down. 3. In all 42 persons MNA-SF correlated positively only with glu (R = 0.54; p = 0.0002) and from PS2 to PS4 subgroups, separately. 4. The positive correlation MNA-SF& Alb was found in PS4 subgroup only. Conclusions. These data suggest that metabolic status may influence the development and the severity of pressure sores in elderly, non-cancerous, frail patients. Adv. Pall. Med. 2011; 10, 2: 73–7

    Skin dysfunction in diabetes. Part 2 — microangiopathy and neuropathy

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    Znalezienie wiarygodnych metod oceniających wczesne zmiany w mikrokrążeniu oraz wczesne wykładniki neuropatii cukrzycowej ma istotne znaczenie kliniczne. W pracy przedstawiono patogenezę zaburzeń funkcji skóry w cukrzycy jako obrazu zmian zarówno mikroangiopatycznych, jak i w obrębie nerwów obwodowych. Opisano również aktualnie dostępne metody badania skóry.Searching for reliable methods for evaluating early changes in the microcirculation and early markers of diabetic neuropathy has important clinical significance. The paper presents the pathogenesis of skin changes in diabetes as a result of microangiopathy and pathology in the peripheral nerves. We also describe currently available methods to evaluate skin dysfunction

    The effects of quercetin vs cisplatin on proliferation and the apoptotic process in A549 and SW1271 cell lines in in vitro conditions

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    Experience over several years has indicated that chemotherapy, even if widely used, does not always remain effective in the therapy of lung tumours and, in addition, is linked to serious side effects. In parallel, some plant polyphenols are known to exert a proapoptotic action on tumour cells while, in contrast, representing anti-cancerogenic anti-oxidants in living organisms. Our studies were aimed at comparing the effects of a polyphenol, quercetin, and cisplatin on cells of various types of lung cancer in in vitro conditions. In these studies we also attempted to define the relationship between the dose and the duration of the activity of the compounds. Cisplatin alone was found to induce only a small reaction in the cells, while in combination with quercetin its anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects were amplified, depending upon the type of tumour, the dose and the duration of the drug’s action

    An Investigation into the Relation between the Technique of Movement and Overload in Step Aerobics

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    The aim of this research was to determine the features of a step workout technique which may be related to motor system overloading in step aerobics. Subjects participating in the research were instructors (n=15) and students (n=15) without any prior experience in step aerobics. Kinematic and kinetic data was collected with the use of the BTS SMART system comprised of 6 calibrated video cameras and two Kistler force plates. The subjects’ task was to perform basic steps. The following variables were analyzed: vertical, anteroposterior, and mediolateral ground reaction forces; foot flexion and abduction and adduction angles; knee joint flexion angle; and trunk flexion angle in the sagittal plane. The angle of a foot adduction recorded for the instructors was significantly smaller than that of the students. The knee joint angle while stepping up was significantly higher for the instructors compared to that for the students. Our research confirmed that foot dorsal flexion and adduction performed while stepping up increased load on the ankle joint. Both small and large angles of knee flexion while stepping up and down resulted in knee joint injuries. A small trunk flexion angle in the entire cycle of step workout shut down dorsal muscles, which stopped suppressing the load put on the spine

    Skin dysfunction in diabetes. Part 1 — function of skin cells

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    Skóra jest jednym z największych narządów w ustroju. Zbudowana jest z naskórka, skóry właściwej i tkanki podskórnej. Zmiany skórne w cukrzycy przypominają przyspieszony proces jej starzenia. W pracy przedstawiono zmiany funkcji poszczególnych komórek skóry w warunkach hiperglikemii. Opisano również mechanizmy glikacji białek skóry, a także ich wpływ na jej właściwości. Różnorodność komórek skóry, uzależnienie ich czynności od stężeń glukozy we krwi oraz łatwa dostępność do przeprowadzania badań powinny czynić zmiany czynności skóry w cukrzycy wczesnym ekwiwalentem powikłań choroby.Skin is one of the largest organs in the body. It is composed of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Skin changes in diabetes are similar to accelerated aging process. This paper presents the changes in the skin cells functions in the presence of hyperglycemia. We also describe the mechanisms of assessment of glycation of skin proteins, and the impact of the formation of advanced glycation end products on the properties of the skin. The variety of skin cells, glucose dependence, and their easy availability should make changes in the skin an equivalent of late diabetic complications

    Cancer gene therapy – state-of-the-art

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    A number of gene therapy clinical trials are being carried out the world over. Gene therapy is being applied in (I) cancer diseases, involving the largest number of patients, (II) monogenic diseases, (III) infectious diseases, (IV) vascular diseases, (V) autoimmune diseases and others. In the last decade, several strategies of cancer gene therapy have emerged due to a rapid development of gene delivery systems, both viral (recombinant retroviruses, adenoviruses, AAVs, herpes viruses) and nonviral (liposomes, gene guns, electroporation). To date four main strategies of cancer gene therapy have been evaluated in clinical trials: (I) immunogene therapy, (II) suicide gene therapy, (III) antiangiogenic gene therapy, (IV) and administration of tumour suppressor genes.These strategies mostly involve: malignant melanoma, prostate cancer, renal cell cancer, colon cancer, breast and ovarian cancers, lung cancers, neoplastic diseases of the blood and brain tumours.At the Department of Cancer Immunology at the GreatPoland Cancer Center Gene Modified Tumour Vaccine has been tested in malignant melanoma patients for more than six years. Due to encouraging results from phase I and II of clinical trials a phase III was designed and will be started in 2003