49 research outputs found

    Differential influence of four invasive plant species on soil physicochemical properties in a pot experiment

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    Purpose This study compared the effects of four invasive plants, namely Impatiens glandulifera, Reynoutria japonica, Rudbeckia laciniata, and Solidago gigantea, as well as two native species-Artemisia vulgaris, Phalaris arundinacea, and their mixture on soil physicochemical properties in a pot experiment. Materials and methods Plants were planted in pots in two loamy sand soils. The soils were collected from fallows located outside (fallow soil) and within river valley (valley soil) under native plant communities. Aboveground plant biomass, cover, and soil physicochemical properties such as nutrient concentrations, pH, and water holding capacity (WHC) were measured after two growing seasons. Discriminant analysis (DA) was used to identify soil variables responsible for the discrimination between plant treatments. Identified variables were further compared between treatments using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s HSD test. Results and discussion Plant biomass, cover, and soil parameters depended on species and soil type. DA effectively separated soils under different plant species. DA on fallow soil data separated R. laciniata from all other treatments, especially I. glandulifera, native species and bare soil, along axis 1 (related mainly to exchangeable K, N-NH_{4}, total P, N-NO_{3}, and WHC). Large differences were found between R. laciniata and S. gigantea as indicated by axis 2 (S-SO_{4}, exchangeable Mg, total P, exchangeable Ca, and total Mg). DA on valley soil data separated R. japonica from all other treatments, particularly S. gigantea, R. laciniata, and native mixture, along axis 1 (N-NO_{3}, total N, S-SO_{4}, total P, pH). Along axis 2 (N-NO_{3}, N-NH_{4}, Olsen P, exchangeable K, WHC), large differences were observed between I. glandulifera and all other invaders. Conclusions Plant influence on soil differed both among invasive species and between invasive and native species. Impatiens glandulifera had a relatively weak effect and its soil was similar to both native and bare soils. Multidirectional effects of different invaders resulted in a considerable divergence in soil characteristics. Invasion-driven changes in the soil environment may trigger feedbacks that stabilize or accelerate invasion and hinder re-colonization by native vegetation, which has implications for the restoration of invaded habitats

    Metagenomic analysis of duodenal microbiota reveals a potential biomarker of dysbiosis in the course of obesity and type 2 diabetes : a pilot study

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    Numerous scientific studies confirm that, apart from environmental and genetic factors, a significant role is played by gastrointestinal microbiota in the aetiology of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Currently, scientists mainly focus on the distal intestinal microbiota, while the equally important proximal parts of the intestine are overlooked. The aim of the study was a qualitative analysis of the structure of the duodenal mucosa microbiota in groups of patients with obesity and with type 2 diabetes and where obesity qualified for bariatric surgery: sleeve gastrectomy. The microbiological results obtained were compared with some clinical parameters. As a result, it was possible to determine the microbiological core that the treatment and control groups had in common, including phyla: Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria. The patients with obesity and with type 2 diabetes and obesity presented a significantly lower number of genus Bifidobacterium compared to healthy subjects. Furthermore, the numbers of Bifidobacterium were positively correlated with the high density lipoprotein (HDL) concentration in the groups under study. The obtained results indicate that bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium should be considered in the future in the context of a potential biomarker in the progress of type 2 diabetes and obesity

    Rzadka anomalia rozwojowa wyrostka kolczystego kręgu szyjnego (hiperplazja wyrostka kolczystego kręgu C5) : opis przypadku

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    Background: Hyperplasia of a spinous process on a cervical vertebra is a very rare developmental anomaly of the spine. Case Report: A patient, without any distinct disorders in cervical spine mobility, presented with hyperplasia of the right part of a spinous process of vertebra C5 in the form of an osseous structure near the right side of cervical vertebra C5, positioned from the upper-medial to the lateral-inferior direction and vanishing close to the transversal process of thoracic vertebra Th1, visible by radiogram. Conclusion: It seems that hyperplasia of a spinous process does not cause any significant disorders in spine mobility with subsequent clinical symptoms

    Clinical expression of Holt-Oram syndrome on the basis of own clinical experience considering prenatal diagnosis

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    Objectives: Holt-Oram syndrome manifests with defects of upper limbs, pectoral girdle and cardiovascular system. The aim of this paper was to present complex clinical picture of the syndrome and its variable expression on the example of the family diagnosed genetically on the neonatal ward, after proband’s prenatal examination. Maretial and methods: Nine family members were tested for TBX5 gene mutation. Results: Four of family members were diagnosed with Holt-Oram syndrome and five had correct genetic test results. The diagnosis allowed to identify a genetic risk family and enabled to provide them with genetic counselling. Conclusions: Diagnosis of Holt-Oram syndrome is possible as early as in prenatal period and it can be verified by genetic tests

    Fandom as a heterogeneous construction. Fandom ethnography on example otaku in Poland.

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    Pierwsza część pracy traktuje o rozwoju akademickiego spojrzenia na zbiorowości fanów i perspektywie badawczej fan studies. Stanowi także wstęp teoretyczny do badań nad otaku, porusza zagadnienia: etymologii słowa, dystynkcji kulturowej, a także skłonności do wspólnotowego przeżywania i konsumowania tekstów kulturowych. Druga część przybliża metody badawcze, które zastosowałam podczas moich badań. Trzeci rozdział traktuje o hierarchii wewnątrz fandomu i czynnikach, które mają wpływ na jej kształtowanie. Czwarty rozdział został podzielony na dwie części. Pierwsza z nich skupia się na konfliktach wewnętrznych, druga natomiast skupia się na relacji fani – nie-fani, oraz negatywnej stereotypizacji tych pierwszych. Zarówno trzecia jak i czwarta część stanowią analizę zebranego materiału badawczego.The first part deals with the development of the academic community to look at the fans and fan-term research studies. It is also a theoretical introduction to the study of otaku, raises issues: the etymology of the word, cultural refinement, as well as the tendency for the Community to live and consuming cultural texts. The second part introduces the research methods that I used during my research. The third chapter deals with the hierarchy within the fandom and the factors that influence its development. The fourth chapter is divided into two parts. The first one focuses on internal conflicts, while the second focuses on the relationship of fans - non-fans, and negative stereotypes of the former. Both the third and fourth part are the analysis of the collected research material

    Masculinity degraded or liberated? An anthropological analysis of selected discourses and popular imagery about males and the crisis of masculinity

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest charakterystyka i problematyzacja zjawiska tzw. kryzysu męskości. W oparciu o zebrany materiał empiryczny (wywiady etnograficzne, materiały z Internetu oraz obserwację wybranych tekstów kultury popularnej) starałam się odtworzyć nastroje społeczne względem kulturowo konstruowanej męskości w obrębie współczesnego społeczeństwa polskiego. Kryzys męskości potraktowałam przede wszystkim jako zjawisko negocjowane i kształtowane społecznie. W pracy podjęłam próbę antropologicznej analizy różnych postaw i kulturowych narracji budowanych wobec dyskursu o kryzysie męskości. Pierwszy rozdział pracy zatytułowany Męskość w kontekście naukowej refleksji i dyskursów popularnych został podzielony na trzy części. Pierwsza z nich, zatytułowana „Męskość” przedmiotem naukowej refleksji, stanowi wstęp teoretyczny do refleksji nad kondycją współczesnych mężczyzn, gdzie przybliżam kwestię rozwoju subdyscypliny men’s studies w powiązaniu z antropologiczną refleksją nad mężczyznami, a także wiodące tendencje naukowe dotyczące konstruktu męskości. Druga część, zatytułowana Kreacja mężczyzny tradycyjnego, traktuje o sylwetce tzw. mężczyzny tradycyjnego w literaturze naukowej, jak również w obrębie wybranych tekstów kulturowych, takich jak film czy reklama. Trzeci podrozdział, zatytułowany Kryzys męskości, czyli męskość o wielu twarzach, stanowi natomiast próbę problematyzacji samego kryzysu męskości jako pojęcia analitycznego, a także kryzysu w relacji do konstruktu męskości tradycyjnej. Drugi rozdział zatytułowany W reakcji na kryzys: maskulinizacja został podzielony na dwie części. Pierwsza z nich pt. „Facet udowodni, że jest mężczyzną starając się o dziewczynę”– czyli męskość społecznie sankcjonowana traktuje o wymogu permanentnego podtrzymywania męskości, charakterystycznym dla modelu męskości tradycyjnej. Niniejsze zagadnienie poddaję analizie w kontekście współczesnego społeczeństwa polskiego. W drugiej części, zatytułowanej Mężczyzna w wymiarze performatywnym, czyli „męskość na pokaz”, przechodzę do omówienia tego, w jaki sposób konstrukt męskości tradycyjnej jest używany i interpretowany przez współczesnych mężczyzn – zarówno na poziomie cielesnym (podrozdział pt. Ciało muskularne, ciało owłosione), jak i behawioralnym (podrozdział pt. Krew, pot i łzy – czyli „męski sposób bycia”). Dokonuję także opisu dwóch kulturowych emanacji męskości tradycyjnej, samca alfa i mężczyzny macho, które to określiłam mianem „męskości skompresowanej” w celu uwypuklenia ich sumarycznego charakteru. Ostatni z podrozdziałów części trzeciej został w całości poświęcony produktom for men oraz związanej z nimi akcji hasztagowej #MasculinitySoFragile. Trzeci i zarazem ostatni rozdział niniejszej pracy zatytułowany W reakcji na kryzys: feminizacja, traktuje o zjawisku feminizacji ciała męskiego, spowodowanej dezaktualizacją omówionego wcześniej wzorca męskości tradycyjnej. Rozdział ten stanowi próbę analizy kulturowego, potocznego obrazu „mężczyzny sfeminizowanego”, tzn. takiego, który w swej pracy tożsamościowej korzysta nie tylko z repertuaru cech kulturowo utożsamianych z męskością, ale również tych na ogół utożsamianych z kobiecością. Dalsze podrozdziały oscylują wokół czterech zasadniczych zagadnień: seksualizacji ciała męskiego, męskich praktyk depilacyjnych, tabuizacji męskiego płaczu oraz zagadnienia męskiego makijażu i tzw. vlogerów. Następnie (w podrozdziale pt. V. Mężczyzna androgyniczny) przybliżam zjawisko androgynii w kulturze, przytaczając konkretne jednostki androgyniczne, które na przestrzeni lat zyskały na popularności, by kolejno (w podrozdziale pt. VI. Gender-bending) rozważyć androgynię jako możliwą formę sprzeciwu wobec ról płciowych, rozumianych niekiedy jako opresyjne.The aim of this work is to characterize and problematize the so-called crisis of masculinity. Based on the collected empirical material (ethnographic interviews, materials from the Internet and observation of selected popular culture texts), I tried to recreate the social moods towards culturally constructed masculinity within contemporary Polish society. I treated the crisis of masculinity primarily as a phenomenon that was negotiated and shaped socially. In my work, I attempted anthropological analysis of various attitudes and cultural narratives built about the discourse on the crisis of masculinity. The first chapter of the work entitled Masculinity in the context of scientific reflection and popular discourses has been divided into three parts. The first of these, titled "Masculinity", the subject of scientific reflection, is a theoretical introduction to reflection on the condition of contemporary men, where I present the development of the subdiscipline of men's studies in connection with anthropological reflection on men, as well as leading scientific tendencies concerning the construct of masculinity. The second part, entitled Creation of a traditional man, treats the silhouette of the so-called traditional man in the scientific literature, as well as within selected cultural texts, such as film or advertising. The third subsection, entitled Crisis of masculinity, masculinity of many faces, is an attempt to problematize the crisis of masculinity as an analytic concept, as well as a crisis in relation to the construct of traditional masculinity. The second chapter entitled In response to the crisis: masculinization has been divided into two parts. The first of them entitled "The guy proves that he is a man trying to get a girl" - socially sanctioned masculinity treats about the requirement of permanent support of masculinity, characteristic for the policy of traditional masculinity. I am analyzing this issue in the context of contemporary Polish society. In the second part, entitled Man in the performative dimension, or "masculinity for the show", I go on to discuss how the construct of traditional masculinity is used and interpreted by modern men - both on the bodily level (subsection entitled Muscular body, hairy body) as well as behavioral (subsection entitled Blood, sweat and tears - male way of being). I am also describing the two cultural emanations of the traditional masculinity, male alpha and macho man, which I described as "compressed masculinity" in order to emphasize their summary character. The last part of subsections of the third part was entirely devoted to for men's products and related to hashtag #MasculinitySoFragile. The third and final chapter of this work entitled In response to the crisis: feminization, treats the phenomenon of feminisation of the male body caused by the outdated traditional masculinity policy. This chapter is an attempt to analyze the cultural, common image of a "feminized man" – the one that in its identity work uses not only the repertoire of cultural attributes identified with masculinity, but also those usually identified with femininity. Further subchapters oscillate around four basic issues: the sexualization of the male body, male epilation practices, the taboo of men’s tears, and the issue of male makeup and the so-called vlogers. Then (in subsection entitled V.Androgynous man) I present the phenomenon of androgyny in culture, citing specific androgynous units, which over the years gained popularity, in order (in subsection entitled VI. Gender-bending) to consider androgyny as a possible form of opposition to gender roles, sometimes understood as oppressive

    Safe debonding of fixed appliances : a comparison of traditional techniques and LODI devices on different bracket types in terms of enamel cracks, site of bond failure, and bracket reusability

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    The objective of this study was to compare the effects of the debonding of three different bracket types by means of three popular debonding methods. A total of 180 human third molars was divided into six groups, consisting of 20 teeth each. Three bracket types were bonded to the enamel (metal brackets with an integral base and a foil mesh base, and ceramic brackets) and three methods of bracket debonding were employed (bracket removal pliers, Weingart pliers, and Lift-Off Debonding Instrument). The samples were examined with scanning electron microscopy to assess the number of enamel cracks, measure the area of adhesive remaining on the enamel, and calculate the adhesive remnant index (ARI). There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in terms of the number of enamel cracks after bracket debonding. The amount of adhesive remaining on the teeth after the brackets were removed was significantly different between the groups. LODI and Weingart pliers are considered to be the safest methods of debonding brackets with an integral base, while LODI is the best tool for brackets with foil mesh. Bracket removal pliers are considered to be the preferred method for ceramic bracket debonding