8 research outputs found

    Pharmacotherapy of heart failure A.D. 2023. Expert opinion of Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, Polish Cardiac Society

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    Heart failure (HF) remains one of the most common causes of hospitalization and mortality among Polish patients. The position of the Section of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy presents the currently applicable options for pharmacological treatment of HF based on the latest European and American guidelines from 2021–2022 in relation to Polish healthcare conditions. Treatment of HF varies depending on its clinical presentation (acute/chronic) or left ventricular ejection fraction. Initial treatment of symptomatic patients with features of volume overload is based on diuretics, especially loop drugs. Treatment aimed at reducing mortality and hospitalization should include drugs blocking the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, preferably angiotensin receptor antagonist/neprilysin inhibitor, i.e. sacubitril/valsartan, selected beta-blockers (no class effect — options include bisoprolol, metoprolol succinate, or vasodilatory beta-blockers — carvedilol and nebivolol), mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, and sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitor (flozin), constituting the 4 pillars of pharmacotherapy. Their effectiveness has been confirmed in numerous prospective randomized trials. The current HF treatment strategy is based on the fastest possible implementation of all four mentioned classes of drugs due to their independent additive action. It is also important to individualize therapy according to comorbidities, blood pressure, resting heart rate, or the presence of arrhythmias. This article emphasizes the cardio- and nephroprotective role of flozins in HF therapy, regardless of ejection fraction value. We propose practical guidelines for the use of medicines, profile of adverse reactions, drug interactions, as well as pharmacoeconomic aspects. The principles of treatment with ivabradine, digoxin, vericiguat, iron supplementation, or antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy are also discussed, along with recent novel drugs including omecamtiv mecarbil, tolvaptan, or coenzyme Q10 as well as progress in the prevention and treatment of hyperkalemia. Based on the latest recommendations, treatment regimens for different types of HF are discussed

    Histopathological lesions caused by experimental Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina infections in farm mink (Neovison vison)

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    Introduction: Canine roundworm T. canis and T. leonina infections were investigated in experimentally infected farm mink (Neovison vison) to describe the pattern of pathological lesions in this paratenic host. Material and Methods: Infections in mink developed following ingestion of embryonated eggs of either parasite or mice tissue infected with both parasite species. Results: Comparative analysis of haematoxylin- and eosin-stained slides showed essential differences among the experimental groups. The lesions observed included eosinophil and mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates of the intestinal wall and local lymph nodes, inflammation and haemorrhages in liver tissues, and interstitial inflammation and mineralisation of the kidneys and lungs. Larvae migrating through the minks’ bodies also caused particularly salient enlargement of lymphoid follicles in the spleen and inflammatory infiltrates of mononuclear cells in skeletal and heart muscles. Conclusions: It is assumed that histopathological lesions appeared as a local and general host response to invasive L3 T. canis and T. leonina larvae migrating through the tissues of infected farm mink. Interestingly, mink infected with embryonated eggs had more pronounced lesions than animals infected with tissue larvae. Detailed histopathological examinations of parenchymal organs and striated muscles revealed lesions resembling those observed in other paratenic host species due to toxocarosis

    Experimental infection with T. canis and T. leonina in farm mink (Neovison vison)

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    Introduction: Farm mink (Neovison vison) can be naturally exposed to T. canis and T. leonina pathogens on the farm. If mink were hosts, it would imply some veterinary public health as well as animal welfare issues. For this reason, the aim of the study was to determine whether mink might be definitive or paratenic hosts of these parasites. Material and Methods: Four groups of mink were infected with both parasite species using larvated eggs or feed containing mouse tissue previously infected with the parasites. Following inoculation, the infections were monitored in vivo by faecal examination for 14 weeks p.i., and then western blotting and ELISA were performed. Results: Coprology did not reveal any canine roundworm eggs, neither were nematodes found in mink intestines during post mortem examination. The specific IgG antibodies recognising excretory/secretory (ES) antigens of both parasite species were identified in mink sera. Single T. leonina tissue larvae were found in digested organs. Conclusions: Our results confirm that farm mink may contribute both T. canis and T. leonina infections. It was proved that farm mink were not their definitive hosts, and therefore mink faeces need not be considered a source of canine roundworm eggs in any soil it fertilises. Nonetheless, as farm mink may be a paratenic host for both parasite species, this may have some impact on the health and welfare of infected animals

    Retrospective liver histomorphological analysis in dogs in instances of clinical suspicion of congenital portosystemic shunt

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    Introduction: The clinical symptoms of portosystemic shunts (PSSs) and hepatic microvascular dysplasia (HMD) – portal vein hypoplasia (PVH) in dogs are similar. PSSs are abnormal vascular connections between the portal vein system and systemic veins. HMD is a very rare developmental vascular anomaly, recognisable during histopathological examination. The study aim was to assess the prevalence of HMD–PVH and hepatocellular and vascular pathologies in the liver. Material and Methods: Liver biopsies from 140 dogs (of different breeds and both sexes) arousing clinical suspicion of PSS were examined histopathologically. Results: An initial PSS diagnosis was confirmed in 125 dogs (89.29%). HMD–PVH was found in 12.32% of dogs, as an isolated disease in 9.29%, especially in Yorkshire terriers, and with extrahepatic PSS in 6.67%. Histopathological analysis of muscles around sublobular veins showed that HMD cases presented hypertrophy or hypertrophy with fibrosis. In 2.17% of all dogs with liver vascular developmental disorders calcification was visible around vessels (without correlation by degenerative changes in those vessels), suggesting prior onset of deep metabolic disorders. Clinical suspicion of PSS was also formed upon quite different pathological processes in young dogs. Conclusion: Histopathological findings diagnosed the type of vascular anomalies (PSS or HMD–PVH) or other pathological changes conclusively, therefore detailed hepatic histopathology is an indispensable component of the clinical diagnostic process

    Effect of <i>Artemisia absinthium</i> and <i>Malva sylvestris</i> on Antioxidant Parameters and Abomasal Histopathology in Lambs Experimentally Infected with <i>Haemonchus contortus</i>

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    This study evaluated the effect of Artemisia absinthium and Malva sylvestris on antioxidant response and histopathological changes in the abomasa of the Haemonchus contortus infected lambs. Twenty-four lambs were divided into four groups: unsupplemented lambs (UNS), lambs supplemented with A. absinthium (ART), lambs supplemented with M. sylvestris (MAL), and lambs supplemented with both plants (ARTMAL). Lambs were infected orally with approximately 5000 third-stage (L3) larvae of H. contortus. The experiment was conducted for 75 d (days), all animals were then slaughtered, and the abomasal tissues were examined for antioxidant parameters and histopathology. The concentration of malondialdehyde in the abomasal mucosa was lower in ARTMAL (p p p p p A. absinthium and M. sylvestris on antioxidant parameters and local immune responses of abomasal mucosa of lambs infected with a GIN parasite

    The Prevalence of Histopathological Features of Pneumonia in Goats with Symptomatic Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis

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    Chronic interstitial pneumonia (CIP) is a main pathology of sheep infected with small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV). Caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) is caused by the same pathogen; however, the presence of CIP has been only occasionally reported in SRLV-infected goats. We carried out a cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of histopathological lesions indicative of CIP in goats with symptomatic CAE, and to investigate whether CIP was associated with a higher prevalence of other types of pneumonia (purulent bronchopneumonia, fibrinous pleuropneumonia) or bacterial infections. Lung specimens and bronchial swabs were collected for histopathological and bacteriological examination, respectively, from 116 goats from a CAE-affected herd. All goats were euthanized due to severe clinical signs of CAE. The goats were seropositive for SRLV infection in two different ELISAs and the presence of SRLV antigen in the lung tissue was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Histopathologically, pneumonia of any type was confirmed in 82 goats (70.7%) and CIP was present in 67 goats (57.8%). In most goats, the severity of the histopathological features of pneumonia was mild. Bacteria were detected in bronchial swabs from 73 goats (62.9%). CIP proved to be significantly positively linked to the occurrence of purulent bronchopneumonia (p &lt; 0.001), fibrinous pleuropneumonia (p = 0.001), and of the infection of lungs with bacteria capable of causing pneumonia (p = 0.050). The causal character of these associations should be considered and warrants further investigation