26 research outputs found

    Dwie bransolety ze starszego okresu epoki brązu z kujawskiej części Torunia i Brudzynia na Pałukach w świetle badań archeologicznych i archeometalurgicznych

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    The article presents two metal bracelets found separately but both associated with the manufacturing phase of the early Bronze Age. The lack of data on the original contexts for the finding of both features significantly limits the scope of their cultural interpretation. Therefore, the features might have come from grave goods, treasures, or they could simply have been lost.The artefact found in Toruń (Kujawy part) is from the artillery training area, although it shows analogies in its manufacturing style to features representing the Tumulus culture (proto-Lusatian); it was in fact found in a settlement of the Trzciniec culture, where such funerary artefacts are only sporadically listed as part of metal treasure hoards. On the other hand, the feature found in Brudzyń, in the district of Żnin, suggests a fairly large number of close similarities with the funerary treasures and grave goods found in the Kujawy, Wielkopolska (Greater Poland) and Śląsk (Silesia) regions. The feature was found in the zone where the influences of the Tumulus culture and the Trzciniec culture once overlapped. The results of archaeo-metallurgical expert appraisal indicate that both features represent body ornamentation but can be associated with separate  metallurgical traditions. While there is no doubt that the bracelet from Brudzyń is a bronze product made in a workshop following the south-western style of Tumulus culture, the feature from Toruń might be an example of a local (“Trzciniec”) product, though having the aesthetic features characteristic of Tumulus metal artwork. Based on the results of the archaeo-metallurgical analysis for the artefact from Brudzyń, a virtual model of the process of pouring metal into a casting mould was produced.W artykule zaprezentowano dwie luźno znalezione bransolety metalowe, obie łączone z fazą wytwórczości starszego okresu epoki brązu. Artefakt z Torunia, mimo, że znajduje analogie w wytwórczości kultury mogiłowej, to jednak został znaleziony w przestrzeni środowiska osadniczego kultury trzcinieckiej, w którym tego rodzaju ozdoby południowo-zachodniej proweniencji notowane są sporadycznie. Z kolei wyrób z Brudzynia, znaleziony w strefie zazębiającego się osadnictwa kultur mogiłowej i trzcinieckiej, to okaz mający bliskie i dość liczne analogie w skarbach i wyposażeniu grobów Kujaw, Wielkopolski i Śląska. Wyniki ekspertyzy archeometalurgicznej, wskazują, że prezentowane okazy można wiązać z technologicznie różnymi tradycjami wytwórczości brązowniczej. O ile raczej nie ma wątpliwości, że bransoleta z Brudzynia jest kolejnym wyrobem powstałym w warsztacie „mogiłowym”, o tyle ta z Torunia może być przykładem lokalnego („trzcinieckiego”) produktu mającego cechy stylistyki mogiłowej

    Genomic and Genic Deletions of the FOX Gene Cluster on 16q24.1 and Inactivating Mutations of FOXF1 Cause Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia and Other Malformations

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    Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins (ACD/MPV) is a rare, neonatally lethal developmental disorder of the lung with defining histologic abnormalities typically associated with multiple congenital anomalies (MCA). Using array CGH analysis, we have identified six overlapping microdeletions encompassing the FOX transcription factor gene cluster in chromosome 16q24.1q24.2 in patients with ACD/MPV and MCA. Subsequently, we have identified four different heterozygous mutations (frameshift, nonsense, and no-stop) in the candidate FOXF1 gene in unrelated patients with sporadic ACD/MPV and MCA. Custom-designed, high-resolution microarray analysis of additional ACD/MPV samples revealed one microdeletion harboring FOXF1 and two distinct microdeletions upstream of FOXF1, implicating a position effect. DNA sequence analysis revealed that in six of nine deletions, both breakpoints occurred in the portions of Alu elements showing eight to 43 base pairs of perfect microhomology, suggesting replication error Microhomology-Mediated Break-Induced Replication (MMBIR)/Fork Stalling and Template Switching (FoSTeS) as a mechanism of their formation. In contrast to the association of point mutations in FOXF1 with bowel malrotation, microdeletions of FOXF1 were associated with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and gastrointestinal atresias, probably due to haploinsufficiency for the neighboring FOXC2 and FOXL1 genes. These differences reveal the phenotypic consequences of gene alterations in cis

    Catalog of Methods and Forms of Humanization of Urban Space (Part 1)

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    Przemiany cywilizacyjne, postęp gospodarczy i techniczny odbijają swoje piętno także na przestrzeniach miejskich. Zaczęły stawać się odhumanizowane, skomercjalizowane, podporządkowane mechanizmom rynkowym. Konieczna jest ciężka praca wielu środowisk zawodowych i grup społecznych, ukierunkowana na miasto dla wszystkich, miasto piękne, zielone, ekologiczne, w ludzkiej skali i dla każdego. Miasto, z którym się identyfikujemy, współodczuwamy miejsca, w których przebywamy, jest naszym „domem” – mówiąc najprościej miasto zhumanizowane. Artykuł przedstawia część wybranych metod i form humanizacji przestrzeni miejskiej oraz skupiono się na najbliższych mieszkańcom miast.Transformations of civilization, economic and technical progress are also reflected in urban spaces. They become dehumanized, commercialized, subordinated to market mechanisms. It is necessary to work hard for many professional and community-oriented communities, for everyone, to a beautiful city, green, ecological, in a human scale and for everyone. The city, which we identify, we feel the places where we are staying, is our “home” – simply saying , the city unhumanized. The article presents a part of selected methods and forms of humanization of urban space and focuses on the nearest inhabitants of cities, according to the author

    Catalog of Methods and Forms of Humanization of Urban Space. Part 2

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    Przemiany cywilizacyjne, postęp gospodarczy i techniczny odbijają swoje piętno także na przestrzeniach miejskich. Stają się one odhumanizowane, skomercjalizowane, podporządkowane mechanizmom rynkowym. Artykuł przedstawia dalszą część wybranych metod i form humanizacji przestrzeni miejskiej (www1). Duży nacisk został położony na metody ekologiczne i w mniejszej skali przestrzennej oraz skali użytych środków.Transformations of civilization, economic and technical progress are also reflected in urban spaces. They become dehumanized, commercialized, subordinated to market mechanisms. The article presents a part of selected methods and forms humanization of urban space and focuses on the nearest inhabitants of cities, according to the author. A lot of emphasis has been placed on ecological methods and on a smaller spatial scale and on the scale of the means used

    Proces skośnego przeładunku w systemie transportu intermodalnego

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    An innovative solution of the new intermodal transport system used to carry standardsemitrailers is presented in this paper. The basic components of the system structure are shown. The stages of loading semi-trailers in the horizontal handling technology and benefits connected with this type of handling are described. The presented technology is able to compete with German and French solution like CargoBeamer or Modalohr due to the automation of forming the set of train and other advantages. The construction of the wagon and the loading structure have been applied for patent protection in the Polish Patent Office.W pracy przedstawiono innowacyjne rozwiązanie nowego systemu transportu intermodalnego służącego do przewozu standardowych naczep drogowych. Zaprezentowano podstawowe składowe struktury systemu. Opisano etapy załadunku naczep drogowych w technologii poziomej oraz związane z tym rodzajem przeładunku zalety. W związku z automatyzacją procesu formowania składu pociągu oraz innymi zaletami prezentowana technologia jest w stanie konkurować z rozwiązaniami niemieckimi i francuskimi jak CargoBeamer czy Modalohr. Konstrukcja wagonu oraz struktury przeładunkowej zostały zgłoszone do ochrony patentowej w Urzędzie Patentowym RP

    Intermodal rail transport in selected European countries

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    Paper presents analysis of intermodal rail transport in selected loading units. The brief description of the loading units is presented. The volume of intermodal rail transport of load units in European countries in 2021 is shown, taking into account mass of transported goods, transport performance and average transport distance. Goods in the intermodal transport are carried out in container, swap bodies, semi-trailers and road sets. The most frequently used loading unit is the container. Semi-trailers is the most often used loading unit in road freight transport. However, semitrailers are rarely used in intermodal transport in most European countries. In the case of Poland, the share of intermodal transport of containers and swap bodies by rail constitutes a significant share in the European market, however, the transport of semi-trailers and road sets is still a rather unpopular form of transport compared to other European countries

    Brain metastasis as the first symptom of gastric cancer – case report and literature review

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    The study presented a patient with asymptomatic gastric cancer, in whom the first symptom was metastasis to the brain. The patient was initially diagnosed by a neurologist and subject to surgical intervention in the area of residence, where he underwent craniotomy with the excision of the metastatic lesions located in the occipital lobe. The histopathological examination revealed the presence of adenocarcinoma metastases. Following complex diagnostics the patient was diagnosed with cardial carcinoma, being subject to cerebral radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The patient was then referred to surgery at the Wielkopolska Cancer Center in Poznań. After final exclusion of disease dissemination (by means of PET-CT) the patient underwent total gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy, and gastrointestinal tract reconstruction by means of the Roux-en-Y method. The histopathological examination result was as follows: tubular-papillary G2 adenocarcinoma (intestinal type), pT2 pN0 (23 evaluated lymph nodes without cancer metastasis), vascular neoplastic emboli, and positive HER2 protein expression. After surgery the patient was subject to adjuvant chemotherapy. Control brain CT examinations revealed the presence of 4 recurrent metastatic lesions-the patient was disqualified from stereotactic radiation therapy and was subject to palliative chemotherapy. The discussion presented the problem of treating patients with stage IV gastric cancer, including current management guidelines, as well as literature review concerning the treatment of patients with diagnosed gastric cancer and brain metastases

    The Role of the N-Terminal Domains of Bacterial Initiator DnaA in the Assembly and Regulation of the Bacterial Replication Initiation Complex

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    The primary role of the bacterial protein DnaA is to initiate chromosomal replication. The DnaA protein binds to DNA at the origin of chromosomal replication (oriC) and assembles into a filament that unwinds double-stranded DNA. Through interaction with various other proteins, DnaA also controls the frequency and/or timing of chromosomal replication at the initiation step. Escherichia coli DnaA also recruits DnaB helicase, which is present in unwound single-stranded DNA and in turn recruits other protein machinery for replication. Additionally, DnaA regulates the expression of certain genes in E. coli and a few other species. Acting as a multifunctional factor, DnaA is composed of four domains that have distinct, mutually dependent roles. For example, C-terminal domain IV interacts with double-stranded DnaA boxes. Domain III drives ATP-dependent oligomerization, allowing the protein to form a filament that unwinds DNA and subsequently binds to and stabilizes single-stranded DNA in the initial replication bubble; this domain also interacts with multiple proteins that control oligomerization. Domain II constitutes a flexible linker between C-terminal domains III–IV and N-terminal domain I, which mediates intermolecular interactions between DnaA and binds to other proteins that affect DnaA activity and/or formation of the initiation complex. Of these four domains, the role of the N-terminus (domains I–II) in the assembly of the initiation complex is the least understood and appears to be the most species-dependent region of the protein. Thus, in this review, we focus on the function of the N-terminus of DnaA in orisome formation and the regulation of its activity in the initiation complex in different bacteria

    New Insight on Water Status in Germinating <i>Brassica napus</i> Seeds in Relation to Priming-Improved Germination

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    Seed priming is a pre-sowing method successfully used to improve seed germination. Since water plays a crucial role in germination, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between better germination performances of osmoprimed Brassica napus seeds and seed water status during germination. To achieve this goal, a combination of different kinds of approaches was used, including nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, TEM, and SEM as well as semi-quantitative PCR (semi-qPCR). The results of this study showed that osmopriming enhanced the kinetics of water uptake and the total amount of absorbed water during both the early imbibition stage and in the later phases of seed germination. The spin&#8315;spin relaxation time (T2) measurement suggests that osmopriming causes faster water penetration into the seed and more efficient tissue hydration. Moreover, factors potentially affecting water relations in germinating primed seeds were also identified. It was shown that osmopriming (i) changes the microstructural features of the seed coat, e.g., leads to the formation of microcracks, (ii) alters the internal structure of the seed by the induction of additional void spaces in the seed, (iii) increases cotyledons cells vacuolization, and (iv) modifies the expression pattern of aquaporin genes

    Immunopathogenesis of Atopic Dermatitis: Focus on Interleukins as Disease Drivers and Therapeutic Targets for Novel Treatments

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    Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, recurrent inflammatory skin disorder manifesting by eczematous lesions and intense pruritus. Atopic dermatitis develops primarily as a result of an epidermal barrier defect and immunological imbalance. Advances in understanding these pathogenetic hallmarks, and particularly the complex role of interleukins as atopic dermatitis drivers, resulted in achieving significant therapeutic breakthroughs. Novel medications involve monoclonal antibodies specifically blocking the function of selected interleukins and small molecules such as Janus kinase inhibitors limiting downstream signaling to reduce the expression of a wider array of proinflammatory factors. Nevertheless, a subset of patients remains refractory to those treatments, highlighting the complexity of atopic dermatitis immunopathogenesis in different populations. In this review, we address the immunological heterogeneity of atopic dermatitis endotypes and phenotypes and present novel interleukin-oriented therapies for this disease