12 research outputs found

    Foot arches and physical fitness of 5-year-old children

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    Introduction Preschool age is a period of further changes in physical development, improvement of motor skills, and strengthening of the child's movement apparatus. At that time, especially between the ages of 4 and 7, morpho-functional changes in the feet are observed, leading to their longitudinal and transverse arches. The aim of the research was to try to assess the relationship between the curvature of the feet and the level of fitness and coordination abilities of children under the age of 5. Material and methods  414 children aged 5 participated in the study, including 178 girls and 236 boys. Podoscopic examination made it possible to assess the longitudinal arch of the feet using the Clarke's angle. The level of the child's motor development was characterized on the basis of the results of the tests of the Physical Fitness Test for Sekita's Preschoolers, and the Great Motility Test TGMD II was used to assess the coordination abilities. The results were statistically processed. Differences between the selected groups were estimated with the Student's t-test for independent groups. Results Based on our own research, it was found that preschoolers with flat feet are characterized by significantly lower body height and a higher BMI. On the other hand, such differences were not noted in body weight. On the other hand, the analysis of fitness abilities and motor predispositions proved the occurrence of small and insignificant differences between the described syndromes. Conclusion Therefore, it can be assumed that at this stage of ontogenesis, the level of the arched feet does not have a significant effect on the motor skills of the studied children

    Expression of KIM-1, VEGF and bFGF in the transplanted kidney as predictive factors of kidney allograft function

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    Introduction: Transplantation is now a common treatment for kidney failure. However, it is associated with numerous complications, among which is rejection. Currently, factors that can predict the function of the transplanted kidney are being sought. This study aimed to investigate whether the expression of KIM-1 (kidney injury molecule-1), VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor) assessed in the transplanted kidney before transplantation can be a predictive marker of the later function of the transplanted kidney and the occurrence of complications such as delayed graft function (DGF) and acute rejection (AR). Material and methods: The study group included 44 kidney allograft recipients who underwent kidney transplantation. Results: There were no statistically significant correlations between KIM-1, VEGF and bFGF gene expression in transplanted kidney biopsies and the occurrence of DGF and AR. The expression of the bFGF gene correlated significantly with the creatinine levels before and on the first day after transplantation. There were no statistically significant correlations between creatinine levels and expression of the KIM-1 and VEGF genes. There was also no statistically significant correlation between bFGF, KIM-1 and VEGF gene expression in the transplanted kidney and later eGFR and diuresis values. A statistically significant negative correlation was found between bFGF and serum potassium levels before transplantation and up to one month after transplantation. KIM-1 expression correlated significantly negatively with pre-transplant serum potassium levels. VEGF expression correlated significantly negatively with potassium levels 2 and 24 months after transplantation. Conclusions: The present results suggest that the expression of KIM-1, VEGF and bFGF assessed in the transplanted kidney before transplantation is not a significant predictor of the later function of the transplanted kidney. The expression of the bFGF gene correlates with the creatinine levels before and on the first day after transplantation. The expression of KIM-1, VEGF and bFGF may correlate with potassium serum levels

    Anterior-posterior curvatures of the spine in students from the university of physical education in Biała Podlaska

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    The aim of the study was to determine the size of kyphosis and lumbar lordosis in women and men aged 19-23 with varied body structures. The research, conducted in the academic year of 2017/2018, included 210 students from the University of Physical Education in Biala Podlaska. The Diers formetric III 4D device was used to assess their body postures. Anterior-posterior curvatures of the spine as well as pelvic and torso positions in the sagittal plane were characterized. Body height and weight measurements were used to calculate BMI. The data were analyzed using basic statistical characteristics, Student's t-test, and Pearson's linear correlation coefficient. The participants mostly demonstrated a proper body structure. Slim body build was more common among women, while overweight was prevalent among men. The mean values of thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis angles as well as pelvic angles were higher in women. In turn, the mean values of the trunk inclination amplitude in a standing position was higher in men. The flattening of thoracic kyphosis and the deepening of two anterior-posterior cu-rvatures of the spine were more common in women than in men. The proper body posture prevailed in male students. In the case of female students, the proper posture, the concave back, and the round concave back occurred equally often. Significant intersexual differences were discovered in the size of curvatures of the spine in groups with different BMI values.Celem pracy było określenie wielkości kifozy i lordozy lędźwiowej kobiet i mężczyzn w wieku 19-23 lata o zróżnicowanej budowie ciała. Badaniami, prowadzonymi w roku akademickim 2017/2018 objęto 210 studentów Filii AWF w Białej Podlaskiej. W ocenie postawy ciała wykorzystano urządzenie Diers formetric III 4D. Scharakteryzowano wielkość przednio-tylnych krzywizn kręgosłupa, ustawienie miednicy oraz pochylenie tułowia w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej. Pomiary wysokości i masy ciała posłużyły do obliczenia BMI. W opracowaniu danych wykorzystano podstawowe charakterystyki statystyczne, test t-Studenta oraz współczynnik korelacji liniowej Pearsona. Wśród badanych dominowała prawidłowa budowa ciała, smukła budowa częściej występowało wśród kobiet, a nadwaga wśród mężczyzn. Średnie wartości kąta kifozy piersiowej i lordozy lędźwiowej oraz kąta nachylenia miednicy były większe u kobiet. Natomiast przeciętna wartość amplitudy nachylenia tułowia w staniu podczas badań była większa u mężczyzn. U kobiet częściej niż u mężczyzn stwierdzano spłaszczenie kifozy piersiowej oraz pogłębienie obu badanych przednio-tylnych krzywizn kręgosłupa. U studentów dominowała postawa prawidłowa, a u studentek równie często występowała postawa prawidłowa, plecy wklęsłe i okrągło-wklęsłe. Stwierdzono istotne różnice międzypłciowe w zakresie wielkości krzywizn kręgosłupa w grupach o zróżnicowanej wartości BMI

    Postural stability of 5-year-old girls and boys with different body heights.

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    BACKGROUND:Postural stability is one of the determinants of proper body posture and a condition for developing motor abilities in every human being. The measurement of the centre of pressure (COP) location and displacement is the most common technique of postural stability assessment. OBJECTIVE:The aim of this study was to assess differences in postural stability depending on sex of 5-year-old children with different body heights. METHODS:A study included 435 healthy children (200 girls and 235 boys) born in 2010 whose parents gave a written consent to their participation in the project. Postural stability was assessed with the use of the dynamographic platform (Zebris FDM 1.8). The assessment of postural stability was based on COP shift parameters (sway path length of COP and average velocity of COP) and COP surface area parameters (area of the ellipse, length of ellipse in the anterior-posterior direction and length of the ellipse in the medial-lateral direction). Body height was measured with Holtein anthropometer and the obtained values were compared with percentile ranks determined by the WHO. RESULTS:The analysis of the parameters describing postural stability in the examined children revealed dimorphism. For the COP shift parameters and COP surface area parameters, the level of statistical significance was recorded for girls and boys. Girls achieved lower results of these parameters than boys regardless of their body height. In the groups of normal- and tall-statured children, differences between the genders were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS:The present study characterised sex differences in postural stability of 5-year-old children. Sex-related differences were found during a natural stance for all COP parameters. Girls maintained a two-legged standing position with lower sway velocity and a smaller range of sway than their male counterparts. Normal- and tall-statured girls demonstrated better postural stability significantly more often than boys

    Influence of Running Phases on the Postural Balance of Modern Pentathlon Athletes in a Laser Run Event

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    Background: The Laser Run combined event is part of the modern pentathlon, consisting of successive shooting and running phases. The main factor hindering accurate and fast shooting is the increasing fatigue caused by running effort. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the running phases on the postural balance in the shooting position of pentathletes in a Laser Run event. Methods: 25 modern pentathletes (18.6 ± 1.7 years), members of the Polish Association of Modern Pentathlon, completed a Laser Run event. During each shooting series, a Zebris dynamometric platform recorded the displacement of the centre of pressure (COP). Results: Significant changes in the average velocity of the COP (F = 3.43; p = 0.0223) and the width of the ellipse of the COP shifts area WoE (F = 3.30; p = 0.0259) between the first and the second shooting series were observed. The average velocity of the COP in series I was 72.6 m/s and increased to 84.3 m/s in series II. In turn, the average width of the ellipse of the COP in series I reached 29.1 mm and in series II, 34.1 mm. Conclusions: The fatigue caused by the running phases in the Laser Run affects the stability of the shooting position of pentathletes. Disturbances that occur after the first running phase are maintained at the same level during the subsequent shooting series. The fatigue level does not affect the magnitude of the disturbances of the postural balance in the shooting position

    Body posture of rural boys with deficiency or excess of body fat

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the body posture and arches of the feet of rural boys with deficiency or excess of body fat, and to compare these parameters with those of participants with normal adiposity. The study was conducted in 2008 among rural children and adolescents from Biała Podlaska Province. Adiposity and body posture of 589 boys aged between 7 and 18 years were analyzed. Three groups of boys, with deficiency or excess of adipose tissue and normal adiposity, were identified on the basis of percentile charts of percentage body fat. Body posture was examined with Posturometr-S device and classified according to Wolański’s typology modified by Zeyland-Malawka. Arches of the feet were determined with podoscope, according to Weissflog. Analysis of the prevalence of various types of body posture revealed that the kyphotic type was most frequent among boys with normal percentage of body fat. Balanced type of body posture was more prevalent among the participants with deficiency of body fat, and the lordotic type among those with excessive adiposity. Scoliosis was documented most often among boys with low percentage of body fat, and flat feet among those characterized by high adiposity.Celem pracy była ocena postawy ciała oraz wysklepienia stóp chłopców wiejskich z niedoborem i nadmiarem tkanki tłuszczowej na tle badanych o prawidłowej zawartości tej tkanki w organizmie. Badania przeprowadzono w 2008 roku wśród dzieci i młodzieży wiejskiej z powiatu bialskiego. Scharakteryzowano otłuszczenie i postawę ciała 589 chłopców w wieku 7-18 lat. Wykorzystując wartości centylowe tkanki tłuszczowej w procentach wydzielono 3 grupy chłopców: z niedoborem, z nadmiarem i o prawidłowej zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej. Postawę ciała oceniono przy pomocy Posturometru-S, określając typ postawy ciała wg metody Wolańskiego z uwzględnieniem modyfikacji Zeyland-Malawki. Wysklepienie stóp badano podoskopem, przy zastosowaniu metody Wejsfloga. Analizując częstość występowania poszczególnych typów postawy ciała można stwierdzić, że najwięcej sylwetek kifotycznych zaobserwowano u chłopców o prawidłowej zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej. Postawy równoważne dotyczyły w większym stopniu badanych z niedoborem, a postawy lordotyczne z nadmiarem tkanki tłuszczowej. Boczne skrzywienie kręgosłupa najczęściej stwierdzano u chłopców o niskim otłuszczeniu, natomiast płaskostopie u badanych o dużej zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej

    Static Postural Balance in Modern Pentathletes: A Pilot Study

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    Postural balance is a key element of shooting effectiveness, which determines the outcome of modern pentathlon competitions. The aim of the study is to examine the postural balance of 27 pentathletes (12 females and 15 males; mean age: 18.0 ± 1.8 years), and 26 physically active, untrained subjects (12 females and 14 males; mean age: 22.5 ± 1.4 years), and to investigate the impact of footwear on the stability of the shooting position in pentathletes. Methods: Static postural balance was examined during quiet stance in four test conditions (standing in footwear with eyes opened, standing in footwear with eyes closed, standing barefoot with eyes opened, and standing barefoot with eyes closed). During each postural balance measurement, the participant remained still on the platform, with their arms in front of their body. Postural balance in the shooting position was only evaluated in the group of pentathletes. The athlete was asked to assume a comfortable shooting position on the platform and to aim at the target. Standard pentathlon targets and pistols were used in the study. Measurements were carried out twice (barefoot and in footwear). Results: In all conditions, pentathletes achieved lower values of posturographic measures than in the control group. In non-visual conditions, measures describing the surface area of the centre of pressure decreased in pentathletes and increased in the control group. Both pentathletes and non-athletes were equally stable barefoot as in footwear. Footwear did not affect postural sway in the shooting position in pentathletes. Conclusions: Pentathletes were found to have significantly better stance stability and were less vision-dependent in postural balance than untrained subjects. Bearing in mind that the shooting position of pentathletes was as stable barefoot as in footwear, the main factors which were most likely responsible for minimising body oscillations in the pentathletes were their high level of concentration and conscious control of body alignment