43 research outputs found

    Use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis for bioethanol production from sugar beet pulp and raw juice

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    Biofuels have received great attention as an alternative energy source mainly due to limited oil reserves. Bioethanol can be produced from wide range of raw materials like starch, sucrose and cellulosic based sources. Sugar beet and raw juice, as its intermediate product, constitute very profitable substrates for bioethanol production, considering content of easy available fermentable sugars. In this study, sugar beet pulp and raw juice were fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae distillery yeasts and bacterium Zymomonas mobilis. Different medium dilution rate as well as yeasts preparations (Fermiol, Safdistil C-70) were investigated. Fermentation was run for 72 h at 30°C. Quality of obtained raw distillates was evaluated using GC method. S. cerevisiae distillery yeasts turned out to be more favourable microorganism than bacterium Z. mobilis for sucrose material fermentation. The ethanol yield obtained from sugar beet pulp and raw juice was 84 and 95% of theoretical yield, respectively. Fermentation of sugar beet raw juice obtained by pressing without enzymatic treatment yielded higher ethanol efficiency as compared to raw juice pressed with enzyme. Dilution ratio 1:1 for fermentation medium appeared to be profitable for effective fermentation process.Keywords: Sugar beet roots, raw juice, fermentation, bioethanol, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Zymomonas mobilisAfrican Journal of BiotechnologyVol. 12(18), pp. 2464-247


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    In the title mol­ecule [systematic name: 10-(prop-2-yn-1-yl)dipyrido[3,4-b:3′,4′-e][1,4]thia­zine], C13H9N3S, the dihedral angle between the two pyridine rings is 146.33 (7)° and the angle between two halves of the thia­zine ring is 138.84 (8)°, resulting in a butterfly shape for the tricyclic system. The central thia­zine ring adopts a boat conformation, with the 2-propynyl substituent at the thia­zine N atom located in a pseudo-equatorial position and oriented to the concave side of the diaza­phenothia­zine system. In the crystal, mol­ecules are arranged via π–π inter­actions between the pyridine rings [centroid–centroid distances = 3.838 (1) and 3.845 (1) Å] into stacks extending along [001]. There are C—H⋯C and C—H⋯N inter­actions between mol­ecules of neighbouring stacks

    Dual action of dipyridothiazine and quinobenzothiazine derivatives : anticancer and cholinesterase-inhibiting activity

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    The inverse correlation observed between Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and cancer has prompted us to look for cholinesterase-inhibiting activity in phenothiazine derivatives that possess anticancer properties. With the use of in silico and in vitro screening methods, our study found a new biological activity in anticancer polycyclic, tricyclic, and tetracyclic compounds. The virtual screening of a library of 120 ligands, which are the derivatives of azaphenothiazine, led to the identification of 25 compounds that can act as potential inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE). Biological assays revealed the presence of selective inhibitors of eeAChE (electric eel AChE) or eqBuChE (equine serum BuChE) and nonselective inhibitors of both enzymes among the tested compounds. Their potencies against eeAChE were in a submicromolar-to-micromolar range with IC50IC_{50} values from 0.78 to 19.32 μ\muM, while their IC50IC_{50} values against eqBuChE ranged from 0.46 to 10.38 μ\muM. The most potent among the compounds tested was the tetracyclic derivative, 6-(4-diethylaminobut-2-ynyl)-9-methylthioquinobenzothiazine 24, which was capable of inhibiting both enzymes. 9-Fluoro-6-(1-piperidylethyl)quinobenzothiazine 23 was found to act as a selective inhibitor of eqBuChE with an IC50IC_{50} value of 0.46 μ\muM. Compounds with such a dual antitumor and cholinesterase-inhibitory activity can be considered as a valuable combination for the treatment of both cancer and AD prevention. The results presented in this study might open new directions of research on the group of tricyclic phenothiazine derivatives

    Institution of debt collection in Polish inheritance law

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    Celem pracy jest charakteryzacja instytucji zapisu windykacyjnego funkcjonującego w polskim prawie spadkowym oraz analiza regulacji prawnych w Kodeksie Cywilnym po nowelizacji. Wdrażając się w tematykę zapisu windykacyjnego we wstępie pracy starałam się krótko wyjaśnić bazę pojęcia oraz gałąź prawa z jakiej się wywodzi. Skupiłam się na omówieniu regulacji prawnej zapisu windykacyjnego, ocenie jego wad i zalet oraz na opisaniu zasad możliwości korzystania z zapisu windykacyjnego poprzez analizę pojęcia przedmiotu zapisu windykacyjnego, zdolności do bycia zapisobiercą windykacyjnym i wymaganej formy. Odwołałam się również do kluczowych pojęć istotnych dla prawa spadkowego jakimi są sukcesja syngularna oraz sukcesja uniwersalna, a także dokonałam porównania go z innymi instytucjami prawa spadkowego.The purpose of the work is to characterize the institution of debt collection records functioning in Polish inheritance law and to analyze legal regulations in the Civil Code after the amendment. Implementing the topic of debt collection in the introduction of the work, I tried to explain briefly the base of the concept and the branch of the law from which it originated. I focused on discussing the legal regulation of the debt collection, assessing its advantages and disadvantages and describing the rules for using the debt collection by analyzing the concept of the debt collection, the ability to be a legatee and the required form. I also referred to key concepts relevant to inheritance law, such as syngular succession and universal succession, and I compared it with other institutions of inheritance law

    Public-law measures to reduce unemployment

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    Temat mojej pracy magisterskiej odnosi się problemu społecznego, którym jest bezrobocie. W pierwszej kolejności nakreślona została definicja osoby bezrobotnej ukształtowana w polskich aktach prawnych, tak aby w wyraźny sposób nakreślić punkt odniesienia do właściwego tematu pracy, który stanowią środki zwalczania bezrobocia. Definicja osoby bezrobotnej jest bardzo rozbudowana i w przepisach Ustawy występuje wiele przesłanek, które trzeba spełnić, aby uzyskać ten status. Wyróżnia się między innymi konieczność pełnej gotowości i zdolności do podjęcia zatrudnienia, brak statusu osoby uczącej się bądź brak posiadania tytułu do świadczeń emerytalno-rentowych.Środki zwalczania bezrobocia wprowadzane są na podstawie Ustawy z dnia 20 kwietnia 2004r. o promocji zatrudnienia i instytucjach rynku pracy. Realizowane są na każdym szczeblu władzy, począwszy od centralnego, który reprezentuje minister do spraw pracy zajmujący się między innymi dysponowaniem środkami z Funduszu Pracy do organów samorządowych, które realizują zadania z zakresu polityki rynku pracy w ramach województwa i powiatu. Ograniczanie zjawiska bezrobocia realizowane jest za pomocą dwóch metod.Pierwsza z nich obejmuje aktywne środki zwalczania bezrobocia i w jej ramach wyróżnia się szkolenia dla bezrobotnych oraz świadczenie usług pośrednictwa pracy. Szkolenia mają podnieść kwalifikacje osób pozostających bez pracy bądź umożliwić im zdobycie nowych umiejętności, tak aby poszerzyć ich perspektywy względem aktualnie panujących warunków na rynku pracy. Natomiast pasywne metody odnoszą się do skutków bezrobocia i mają one przede wszystkim na celu zneutralizowanie ich negatywnego wymiaru. Wyróżnia się wśród nich zasiłek dla bezrobotnych oraz świadczenia przedemerytalne. W pracy magisterskiej zwrócono uwagę na zasiłki dla bezrobotnych, które są dość powszechnie występującym tematem. Ważnym zagadnieniem w związku z zasiłkami jest szereg warunków, które trzeba spełnić, aby móc nabyć uprawnienia do jego pobierania, a także jego wysokość, która nie jest w każdym przypadku taka sama i zależy między innymi od stażu pracy.The topic of my thesis refers to a social problem, which is unemployment. Firstly, the definition of an unemployed person shaped in Polish legal acts is outlined, so as to clearly outline the point of reference for the actual topic of the thesis, which is measures for combating unemployment. The definition of an unemployed person is very broad and in the provisions of the Act there are many prerequisites that have to be met in order to obtain this status. These include, among others, the necessity to be fully ready and able to take up employment, the lack of the status of a student or the lack of the title to pension benefits.Measures to combat unemployment are implemented on the basis of the Act of 20 April 2004 on employment promotion and labour market institutions. They are implemented at each level of government, from the central level, which is represented by the Minister of Labour who, among other things, disposes of funds from the Labour Fund, to self-government bodies which implement tasks concerning labour market policy within the voivodeships and poviats. Unemployment is reduced by means of two methods.The first one includes active measures for combating unemployment and within this framework there are trainings for the unemployed and provision of job placement services. Training is intended to improve the qualifications of the unemployed or enable them to acquire new skills so as to broaden their prospects in relation to the current labour market conditions. Passive methods, on the other hand, address the consequences of unemployment and aim primarily to neutralise their negative dimension. Among them are unemployment benefit and pre-retirement benefits. The thesis focuses on unemployment benefits, which are a fairly common topic. An important issue in connection with the benefits is a number of conditions that have to be met in order to be entitled to it, as well as its amount, which is not the same in every case and depends, among others, on the length of service

    Lipophilicity and Pharmacokinetic Properties of New Anticancer Dipyridothiazine with 1,2,3-Triazole Substituents

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    The lipophilicity parameters (logPcalcd, RM0 and logPTLC) of 10 new active anticancer dipirydothiazines with a 1,2,3-triazole ring were determined theoretically using computational methods and experimentally by reversed-phase TLC. Experimental lipophilicity was assessed using mobile phases (a mixture of TRIS buffer and acetone) using a linear correlation between the RM retention parameter and the volume of acetone. The RM0 parameter was correlated with the specific hydrophobic surface b, revealing two congenerative subgroups: 1,2,3-triazole-1,6-diazaphenothiazines and 1,2,3-triazole-1,8-diazaphenothiazines hybrids. The RM0 parameter was converted into the logPTLC lipophilicity parameter using a calibration curve. The investigated compounds appeared to be moderately lipophilic. Lipophilicity has been compared with molecular descriptors and ADME properties. The new derivatives followed Lipinski’s, Ghose’s and Veber’s rules

    Phenothiazines Modified with the Pyridine Ring as Promising Anticancer Agents

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    Azaphenothiazines are the largest and most perspective group of modified phenothiazines, and they exhibit variety of biological activities. The review sums up the current knowledge on the anticancer activity of isomeric pyridobenzothiazines and dipyridothiazines, which are modified azaphenothiazines with one and two pyridine rings, respectively, against 10 types of cancer cell lines. Some 10-substituted dipyridothiazines and even 10-unsubstituted parent compounds, such as 10H-1,9-diazaphenothiazine and 10H-3,6-diazaphenothiazine, exhibited very potent action with the IC50 values less than 1 µg/mL and 1 µM against selected cancer cell lines. The strength of the anticancer action depends both on the tricyclic ring scaffolds and the substituents at the thiazine nitrogen atom. The review discusses the kind of the substituents, nature of tricyclic ring scaffolds with the location of the azine nitrogen atoms, the types of the cancer cell lines, and the mechanism of action

    Comparison of Three Extraction Techniques for the Determination of Volatile Flavor Components in Broccoli

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    To analyze aroma active components in a food product, the crucial step is to select a suitable extraction technique. It should provide isolation of all components responsible for aroma creation, without the formation of any artifacts during the procedure. Preferably, the extraction method should yield analyzed compounds in detectable levels. The presented study aimed to compare three popular extraction techniques used in flavor studies: solid-phase microextraction (SPME), solvent-assisted flavor evaporation (SAFE), and simultaneous distillation extraction (SDE) in order to isolate aroma components from broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica). Obtained extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography-olfactmetry (GC-O) to determine compounds with aroma activity as well as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-ToFMS) to identify them. Thirty-four aroma active compounds were detected in broccoli by the applied techniques. SPME and SAFE together gave the full profile of aroma active components on chromatograms from GC-O, without artifacts that occurred in the SDE extract. SPME was particularly useful in the identification of early eluting compounds, while SAFE enabled isolating compounds with relatively low partition coefficients. Despite all the disadvantages of the SDE method, it leads to the identification of pyrazines, which were important contributors to the overall aroma