19 research outputs found

    Fascinating fructophilic lactic acid bacteria associated with various fructose-rich niches

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    Fructophilic lactic acid bacteria (FLAB) are recently described group of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that prefer fructose instead of glucose as a carbon source. FLAB have been isolated from fructose-rich niches such as flowers, fruits, fermented fruits, and gastrointestinal tracts of insects whose diet is based on fructose. These bacteria are divided into obligate and facultative fructophilc lactobacilli based on biochemical features. All FLAB are heterofermentative microorganisms, which during fermentation of carbohydrates, in addition to lactic acid, produce also acetic acid, and alcohol as end-products. The fructophilic bacteria, inhabiting the honeybee guts positively impact the health of their hosts, improve their longevity, and are promising probiotic candidates. These symbionts of honeybees play a key role in the production of honey by bees and are present in a large number in fresh honey. The combination of osmolarity with antibacterial, and therapeutic properties of these bacteria make fresh honey optimal alternative for future wound healing

    Effective augmentation of complex networks

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    Networks science plays an enormous role in many aspects of modern society from distributing electrical power across nations to spreading information and social networking amongst global populations. While modern networks constantly change in size, few studies have sought methods for the difficult task of optimising this growth. Here we study theoretical requirements for augmenting networks by adding source or sink nodes, without requiring additional driver-nodes to accommodate the change i.e., conserving structural controllability. Our "effective augmentation" algorithm takes advantage of clusters intrinsic to the network topology, and permits rapidly and efficient augmentation of a large number of nodes in one time-step. "Effective augmentation" is shown to work successfully on a wide range of model and real networks. The method has numerous applications (e.g. study of biological, social, power and technological networks) and potentially of significant practical and economic value

    Putative novel Bradyrhizobium and Phyllobacterium species isolatedfrom root nodules of Chamaecytisus ruthenicus

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    In this study, the diversity and the phylogenetic relationships of bacteria isolated from root nodules ofChamaecytisus ruthenicus growing in Poland were investigated using ERIC-PCR fingerprinting and by mul-tilocus sequence analysis (MLSA). Two major clusters comprising 13 and 3 isolates were detected which16S rRNA gene sequencing identified as Bradyrhizobium and Phyllobacterium. The results of phylogeneticanalysis of individual and concatenated atpD, gyrB and recA gene sequences showed that the studiedstrains may represent novel species in the genera Bradyrhizobium and Phyllobacterium. In the phyloge-netic tree based on the atpD-gyrB-recA concatemers, Bradyrhizobium isolates were split into two groupsclosely related to Bradyrhizobium algeriense STM89Tand Bradyrhizobium valentinum LmjM3T. The genusPhyllobacterium isolates formed a separate cluster close to Phyllobacterium ifriqiyense LMG27887Tin theatpD-gyrB-recA phylogram. Analysis of symbiotic gene sequences (nodC, nodZ, nifD, and nifH) showed thatthe Bradyrhizobium isolates were most closely related to Bradyrhizobium algeriense STM89T, Bradyrhizo-bium valentinum LmjM3Tand Bradyrhizobium retamae Ro19Tbelonging to symbiovar retamae. This isthe first report on the occurrence of members of symbiovar retamae from outside the Mediterraneanregion. No symbiosis related genes were amplified from Phyllobacterium strains, which were also unableto induce nodules on C. ruthenicus roots. Based on these findings Phyllobacterium isolates can be regardedas endophytic bacteria inhabitating root nodules of C. ruthenicus.Appendix A. Supplementary dataFaculty of Biotechnology and Biology, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/syapmam2020BiochemistryForestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)GeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Przydatność obrazowania metodą rezonansu magnetycznego u dzieci z chorobami mięśnia sercowego

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    Background: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging is a clinically proven and reliable diagnostic method for the assessment of morphology, function, and characteristics of myocardial tissue in patients with myocardial diseases. The use of gadolinium contrast agents has created new diagnostic possibilities for tissue characterisation in patients with suspected or known cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, and cardiac tumours. Aim: To evaluate the usefulness of CMR in the diagnostic process in children with myocardial diseases and to compare the results of CMR and other non-invasive cardiovascular methods, including echocardiography. Methods: The study included 112 children, with an average age of 12 ± 4.64 years, with various forms of myocardial disease: 63 children with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), 9 with suspected myocarditis, 5 with history of myocarditis, 4 with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), 9 with suspected arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), 6 with left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy (LVNC), 9 with suspected restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) to be differentiated with constrictive pericarditis (CP), and 7 with cardiac tumours. Results: CMR confirmed the echocardiographic diagnosis of HCM in 92% of children and ruled it out in 8%, and in three children apical hypertrophy was found. CMR revealed the presence of myocardial fibrosis in 60% of patients with HCM. In 33% of children with clinically suspected myocarditis CMR confirmed this diagnosis, while in 44% of them DCM was recognised. Of the five children with a history of myocarditis, in one patient CMR performed 13 years after myocarditis revealed features of post-inflammatory DCM. In 75% of patients with the echocardiographic diagnosis of post-inflammatory DCM the result of CMR was consistent. CMR ruled out the presence of ARVC in 89% of children. Echocardiographic and CMR diagnosis of LVNC was consistent in 67% of children. CMR confirmed the clinical diagnosis of RCM in 63% of patients, and in one patient CP was recognised. CMR confirmed the presence of cardiac tumour in 57% of children and excluded it in 43% of patients. Conclusions: CMR is increasingly recognised as an important tool in the investigation of myocardial disease and should be part of routine clinical work-up. CMR provides an additional diagnostic technique to assess the presence or exclusion of an active myocarditis. In children with clinical and echocardiographic suspicion of LVNC, ARVC, RCM, CP, and cardiac tumours CMR can conclusively confirm the presence of the disease.  Wstęp: Obrazowanie serca metodą rezonansu magnetycznego (CMR) jest klinicznie sprawdzoną i niezawodną metodą diagnostyczną służącą do oceny morfologii, funkcji i właściwości tkanki mięśnia sercowego u pacjentów z chorobami miokardium. Zastosowanie gadolinowych środków kontrastowych stworzyło nowe możliwości oceny tkanki mięśnia sercowego u pacjentów z podejrzeniem lub rozpoznaniem kardiomiopatii, zapalenia mięśnia sercowego i guzami serca. Cel: Celem pracy była ocena przydatności CMR w diagnostyce chorób miokardium u dzieci oraz porównanie wyników badania CMR i innych nieinwazyjnych metod kardiologicznych, w tym echokardiografii. Metody: Badaniami objęto 112 dzieci, w wieku średnio 12 ± 4,64 roku, z różnymi formami patologii mięśnia sercowego; 63 dzieci z kardiomiopatią przerostową (HCM), 9 z podejrzeniem zapalenia mięśnia sercowego, 5 po przebytym zapaleniu mięśnia sercowego, 4 z kardiomiopatią rozstrzeniową (DCM), 9 z podejrzeniem arytmogennej kardiomiopatii prawej komory (ARVC), 6 z niescalonym mięśniem lewej komory (LVNC), 9 z podejrzeniem kardiomiopatii restrykcyjnej (RCM), do różnicowania z zaciskającym zapaleniem osierdzia (CP) i 7 z guzami serca. Wyniki: Wyniki CMR potwierdziły echokardiograficzne rozpoznanie HCM u 92% dzieci i wykluczyły u 8% pacjentów, u 3 dzieci stwierdzono przerost mięśnia koniuszka serca. Na podstawie CMR ujawniono obecność włóknienia mięśnia sercowego u 60% chorych z HCM. U 33% dzieci z klinicznym podejrzeniem zapalenia mięśnia sercowego wyniki CMR potwierdziły to rozpoznanie, podczas gdy u 44% z nich stwierdzono cechy DCM. Spośród 5 dzieci po przebytym zapaleniu mięśnia sercowego u 1 pacjenta w CMR wykonanym 13 lat po zapaleniu mięśnia sercowego stwierdzono cechy pozapalnej DCM. U 75% pacjentów z echokardiograficznym rozpoznaniem pozapalnej DCM wynik CMR był zgodny. W CMR wykluczono obecność ARVC u 89% dzieci. Rozpoznanie LVNC na podstawie echokardiografii i CMR było zgodne u 67% dzieci. Wyniki CMR potwierdziły kliniczne i echokardiograficzne podejrzenie RCM u 63% pacjentów, u 1 dziecka stwierdzono CP. Za pomocą CMR potwierdzono obecność guza serca u 57% dzieci, a wykluczono — u 43% pacjentów.  Wnioski: CMR jest uznawane za niezwykle ważną metodę w badaniu pacjentów z chorobami mięśnia sercowego i powinno być częścią rutynowego klinicznego postępowania diagnostycznego. CMR dostarcza dodatkowych możliwości oceny obecności lub wykluczenia aktywnego zapalenia mięśnia sercowego. U dzieci z klinicznym i echokardiograficznym podejrzeniem LVNC, ARVC, RCM, CP i guzów serca CMR może jednoznacznie potwierdzić obecność choroby

    Fascinating fructophilic lactic acid bacteria associated with various fructose-rich niches

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    Fructophilic lactic acid bacteria (FLAB) are recently described group of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that prefer fructose instead of glucose as a carbon source. FLAB have been isolated from fructose-rich niches such as flowers, fruits, fermented fruits, and gastrointestinal tracts of insects whose diet is based on fructose. These bacteria are divided into obligate and facultative fructophilc lactobacilli based on biochemical features. All FLAB are heterofermentative microorganisms, which during fermentation of carbohydrates, in addition to lactic acid, produce also acetic acid, and alcohol as end-products. The fructophilic bacteria, inhabiting the honeybee guts positively impact the health of their hosts, improve their longevity, and are promising probiotic candidates. These symbionts of honeybees play a key role in the production of honey by bees and are present in a large number in fresh honey. The combination of osmolarity with antibacterial, and therapeutic properties of these bacteria make fresh honey optimal alternative for future wound healing

    The phenotypic and genomic diversity of Aspergillus strains producing glucose dehydrogenase

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    Twelve Aspergillus sp. strains producing glucose dehydrogenase were identified using ITS region sequencing. Based on the sequences obtained, the genomic relationship of the analyzed strains was investigated. Moreover, partial gdh gene sequences were determined and aligned. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) method was applied for genomic fingerprinting of twelve Aspergillus isolates. Using one PstI restriction endonuclease and five selective primers in an AFLP assay, 556 DNA fragments were generated, including 532 polymorphic bands. The AFLP profiles were found to be highly specific for each strain and they unambiguously distinguished twelve Aspergilli fungi. The AFLP-based dendrogram generated by the UPGMA method grouped all the Aspergillus fungi studied into two major clusters. All the Aspergillus strains were also characterized using Biolog FF MicroPlates to obtain data on C-substrate utilization and mitochondrial activity. The ability to decompose various substrates differed among the analyzed strains up to three folds. All of the studied strains mainly decomposed carbohydrates

    The phenotypic and genomic diversity of Aspergillus strains producing glucose dehydrogenase

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    Twelve Aspergillus sp. strains producing glucose dehydrogenase were identified using ITS region sequencing. Based on the sequences obtained, the genomic relationship of the analyzed strains was investigated. Moreover, partial gdh gene sequences were determined and aligned. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) method was applied for genomic fingerprinting of twelve Aspergillus isolates. Using one PstI restriction endonuclease and five selective primers in an AFLP assay, 556 DNA fragments were generated, including 532 polymorphic bands. The AFLP profiles were found to be highly specific for each strain and they unambiguously distinguished twelve Aspergilli fungi. The AFLP-based dendrogram generated by the UPGMA method grouped all the Aspergillus fungi studied into two major clusters. All the Aspergillus strains were also characterized using Biolog FF MicroPlates to obtain data on C-substrate utilization and mitochondrial activity. The ability to decompose various substrates differed among the analyzed strains up to three folds. All of the studied strains mainly decomposed carbohydrates