7 research outputs found

    Bud burst induction in BRS-Carmem vine minicuttings under controlled environment

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    A search for new products and alternative techniques to artificially overcome the dormancy of temperate climate plants has increased. Thus, the present work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the application of vegetable oil, mineral oil, garlic extract and hydrogenated cyanamide on budburst of ‘BRS Carmem’ vine under controlled environment (B.O.D). The randomized design arranged in a 2 × 6 factorial scheme was used as a statistical model, with four repetitions with nine minicuttings per plot. The first factor consisted of the exposure or not of the minicuttings to 400 hrs of cold (<7.2 ºC), and the second factor was composed by the alternative tests: control; mineral oil (MO), vegetable oil (VO); MO + VO, hydrogenated cyanamide; and garlic extract. The bud swell and sprouting formation at 20 days after the application were evaluated, and the average time and speed index of bud swell, and the average time and speed index of sprouting were calculated. For minicuttings not exposed to the cold, the best results in terms of bud swell and sprouting was observed with the application of MO, followed by the application of hydrogenated cyanamide. For minicuttings exposed to 400 hrs, the best results regarding bud swell and sprouting was observed with the application of the oils association. It can be concluded that the best results for sprouting were obtained when minicuttings were not exposed to cold with an application of the association of MO and VO.A busca por novos produtos e técnicas alternativas para superar artificialmente a dormência das plantas de clima temperado tem aumentado. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência da aplicação de óleo vegetal, óleo mineral, extrato de alho e cianamida hidrogenada (H 2 CN 2 ) na indução da brotação de gemas em 'BRS Carmem' em ambiente controlado (BOD). O experimento foi realizado em laboratório, sendo conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 × 6, com quatro repetições de nove microestacas cada. O primeiro fator consistiu na exposição ou não das microestacas a 400 h de frio (<7,2 ºC), e o segundo fator foi composto pelos tratamentos alternativos: testemunha;óleo mineral (OM), óleo vegetal (OV); OM + OV, cianamida hidrogenada e extrato de alho. Foi avaliada a formação de gemas de algodão e a brotação ao longo de 20 dias após a implantação do experimento, foi obtida o tempo médio e o índice índice de velocidade de formação de gemas de algodão, e o tempo médio e o índice índice velocidade de brotação dos ramos. Nas microestacas que não foram expostas ao frio, a formação de gema algodão e de brotação imparcial os melhores resultados com a aplicação de OM, seguido da aplicação de cianamida hidrogenada. As microestacas expostas a 400 h de frio independente as melhores formações de gema algodão e de brotação com a aplicação da associação dos óleos.Pode-se concluir que os melhores resultados para a brotação foram obtidos com microestacas que não foram expostas ao frio, com a aplicação da associação de OM e OV e a cianamida hidrogenada, sendo que a aplicação de cianamida hidrogenada foi prejudicial em microestacas de 'BRS Carmem 'submetidas a 400 h de frio. As microestacas expostas a 400 h de frio independente as melhores formações de gema algodão e de brotação com a aplicação da associação dos óleos. Pode-se concluir que os melhores resultados para a brotação foram obtidos com microestacas que não foram expostas ao frio, com a aplicação da associação de OM e OV e a cianamida hidrogenada, sendo que a aplicação de cianamida hidrogenada foi prejudicial em microestacas de 'BRS Carmem 'submetidas a 400 h de frio. As microestacas expostas a 400 h de frio independente as melhores formações de gema algodão e de brotação com a aplicação da associação dos óleos. Pode-se concluir que os melhores resultados para a brotação foram obtidos com microestacas que não foram expostas ao frio, com a aplicação da associação de OM e OV e a cianamida hidrogenada, sendo que a aplicação de cianamida hidrogenada foi prejudicial em microestacas de 'BRS Carmem 'submetidas a 400 h de frio

    Fenologia e qualidade de frutos de ameixeira japonesa (Prunus salicina Lind.) cultivar byron no município de Ponta Grossa-PR

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    The temperate climate fruit crop in Brazil occurs mainly in the South region, being one of the limiting factors for the increase of the productive area of these fruits the small amount of cultivars adapted and available to the producers. The objective of this work was to analyze the performance of a cultivar developed in the United States, aiming to adapt to the climate of the Campos Gerais region in Paraná. This work was carried out during the years 2013 to 2015, in which the phenological evaluations analyzed were: beginning and end of flowering and fruiting; on the fruits, it was evaluated: diameter (DM), fruit weight (PF), stone weight (PC), mass of fruits (MF), total soluble solids (SST), total titratable acidity (ATT), ratio (RAT) and pH. The phenological results obtained related to the production cycles show that this introduction in the region presents the fruit harvest in December and the physical and chemical characteristics present in the fruits present a quality equal to or higher than those obtained in cultivars already available in the market. Through the study it is possible to recommend planting for the Campos Gerais region in Paraná and other studies with introduction in other regions of the state are recommended.El cultivo de frutas templadas en Brasil ocurre principalmente en la región sur, siendo uno de los factores limitantes para el aumento del área de producción de estas frutas la pequeña cantidad de cultivares adaptados y disponibles para los productores. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el rendimiento de un cultivar desarrollado en los Estados Unidos, visando adaptarse al clima de la región de Campos Gerais en Paraná. Este trabajo se llevó a cabo entre 2013 y 2015, en el cual las evaluaciones fenológicas analizadas fueron: inicio y fin de la floración y fructificación; Los frutos evaluados fueron: diámetro (DM), peso del fruto (PF), peso del hueso (PC), masa del fruto (MF), sólidos solubles totales (TSS), acidez titulable total (TTA), ratio (RAT) y pH. Los resultados fenológicos obtenidos relacionados con los ciclos de producción muestran que esta introducción en la región presenta la cosecha de fruta en diciembre y las características físicas y químicas presentes en las frutas presentan una calidad igual o superior a las obtenidas en cultivares ya disponibles en el mercado. A través de este estudio es posible recomendar el cultivo para la región de Campos Gerais en Paraná y se recomiendan otros estudios con introducción en otras regiones del estado.A fruticultura de clima temperado no Brasil ocorre principalmente na região Sul, sendo um dos fatores limitantes para o aumento da área produtora destes frutos a pequena quantidade de cultivares adaptadas e disponíveis para os produtores. O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar o desempenho de uma cultivar desenvolvida nos Estados Unidos, visando a adaptação ao clima da região dos Campos Gerais no Paraná. Este trabalho foi realizado durante os anos de 2013 a 2015, nos quais as avaliações fenológicas analisadas foram: início e final do florescimento e frutificação; quanto aos frutos avaliou-se: diâmetro (DM), peso dos frutos (PF), peso do caroço (PC), massa dos frutos (MF), sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT), ratio (RAT) e pH. Os resultados fenológicos obtidos relacionados com os ciclos de produção mostram que esta introdução na região apresenta a colheita dos frutos no mês de dezembro e as características físicas e químicas presente nos frutos apresentam qualidade igual ou superior aos obtidos em cultivares já disponíveis no mercado. Através do estudo realizado é possível recomendar o plantio para a região dos Campos Gerais no Paraná e recomendam-se outros estudos com introdução em outras regiões do estado

    Phenological behavior and quality of fruits of japanese plum genotypes in the municipality of Ponta Grossa-PR

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    Apesar do crescente aumento na produção de ameixa japonesa (PrunussalicinaLind.) no Brasil, ainda é escasso o número de cultivares adaptadas a baixas exigências de frio hibernal. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar os ciclos fenológicos e as qualidades físico-químicasdos frutos de diferentes acessos de ameixa japonesa durante três anos de avaliação no município de Ponto Grossa-PR. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, composto de 10 tratamentos e 4 repetições, totalizando 40 parcelas de 5 plantas cada. Os tratamentos consistiram de 10 acessos (G2; G3; G7; G12; G13; G19; G21; G23; G43 e G51) de ameixa japonesa, desenvolvidos pelo Programa de Melhoramento Genético do IAPAR. As avaliações fenológicas analisadas foram: início do florescimento (IF), queda de pétalas (QP), início de frutificação (IFr) e época de colheita (C); quanto aos frutos, avaliou-se: diâmetro equatorial (DM), massa total do fruto (MTF), massa do caroço (MC), massa da polpa (MP), relação MC/MTF, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez titulável(AT) e ratio.Observou-se variabilidade no ciclo fenológico dos acessos estudados, bem como nos anos avaliados, em que na safra 2015/2016 o florescimento ocorreu mais precocemente. Os acessos G23 e G51 apresentaram maior estabilidade nos componentes físicos dos frutos nos anos avaliados, entretanto, não foi observado variação nas características químicas entre os acessos. Pode-se concluir que os acessos apresentaram características físico-químicas dos frutos desejáveis ao consumidor, podendo ser uma alternativa para o produtor de ameixa.A pesar del creciente aumento en la producción de ciruela japonesa (Prunus salicina Lind.) En Brasil, el número de cultivares adaptados a las bajas demandas de frío hibernal aún es escaso. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los ciclos fenológicos y las cualidades fisicoquímicas de los frutos de diferentes accesiones de ciruela japonesa durante tres años de evaluación en Ponto Grossa-PR. El diseño experimental fue en bloques al azar, que consta de 10 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones, totalizando 40 parcelas de 5 plantas cada una. Los tratamientos consistieron en 10 accesiones (G2; G3; G7; G12; G13; G19; G21; G23; G43 y G51), desarrolladas por el Programa de Mejoramiento Genético de IAPAR. Las evaluaciones fenológicas analizadas fueron: inicio de floración (IF), caída de pétalos (QP), inicio de fructificación (IFr) y tiempo de cosecha (C); Para las frutas, se evaluó: diámetro ecuatorial (DM), masa total de fruta (MTF), masa de hueso (MC), masa de pulpa (MP), relación MC / MTF, sólidos solubles totales (TSS), acidez titulable. (TA) y relación. Se observó variabilidad en el ciclo fenológico de las accesiones estudiadas, así como en los años evaluados, cuando la floración ocurrió en 2015/2016 antes. Las accesiones G23 y G51 presentaron mayor estabilidad en los componentes físicos de los frutos en los años evaluados, sin embargo, no se observó variación en las características químicas entre las accesiones. Se puede concluir que las accesiones presentan características fisicoquímicas de las frutas deseables para el consumidor, y pueden ser una alternativa para el productor de ciruelas.Although the growing increase in japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lind.) production in Brazil, the number of cultivars adapted to low cold winter requirements is still scarce. Thus, the objective of this work was to analyze the phenological cycles and physical-chemical qualities of fruits of different japanese plum accesses during three years of evaluation in the city of Ponta Grossa-PR. The experimental design was randomized block, consisting of 10 treatments and 4 replications, totaling 40 plots of 5 plants each. The treatments consisted of 10 accessions (G2, G3, G7, G12, G13, G19, G21, G23, G43 and G51) of the japanese plum, developed by the Genetic Breeding Program at IAPAR. The phenological evaluations analyzed were: beginning of flowering (IF), falling of petals (QP), beginning of fruiting (IFr) and harvesting season (C); on the fruits, it was evaluated: equatorial diameter (DM), total fruit mass (MTF), stone mass (MC), pulp mass (MP), relation MC/MTF, total soluble solids (SST), titratable acidity (AT) and ratio. It was observed variability in the phenological cycle of the accesses studied, as well as in the evaluated years, in which in the 2015/2016 harvest flowering occurred earlier. The accessions G23 and G51 presented greater stability in the physical components of the fruits in the evaluated years, however, no variation was observed in the chemical characteristics between the accessions. It can be concluded that the accesses presented physical-chemical characteristics of the fruits desirable to the consumer, and could be an alternative for the plum producer

    Substrate incubation time after fungi inoculation in the control tomato seedling damping-off

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    The use of fungi of the genus Trichoderma spp. for the control of plant diseases it has proved to be an important and promising tool, mainly for the tomato crop production system, however, there are difficulties in establishing the bioagent. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of substrate incubation time after inoculation with Trichoderma harzianum to control the damping-off of tomato seedlings. The experimental design was completely randomized, consisting of six treatments and four replications. The treatments are two incubation times in two doses of T. harzianum (0 and 10 days of substrate incubation [DIST] after inoculation with T. harzianum in 1.0 or 5.0 g of T. harzianum) and two controls (control inoculated and not inoculated with Rhizoctonia solani). The variables analyzed were incidence of damping-off, area under the disease progress curve, percentage of emergence, emergency speed index, average emergency time, germination speed coefficient, total fresh mass, root length (cm) and height of the area part (cm). The treatments containing Trichoderma harzianum have proven to be promising for the control of R. solani and for the growth of tomato seedlings

    SO<sub>2</sub>-Generating Pads and Packaging Materials for Postharvest Conservation of Table Grapes: A Review

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    Table grapes are one of the leading fruit species cultivated in several countries due to their distinguishing sensory and nutritional properties. However, grapes are a non-climacteric fruit with relatively low physiological activity after harvest, and they are highly perishable due to gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea as well to mass loss, berry softening, color degradation, and dehydration and darkening of the stem. To avoid all these difficulties, several packaging materials are used during cold storage to keep table grapes fresh and healthy for consumers. Proper packaging and cold storage combined can extend the shelf life of high-quality bunches by protecting them from mechanical injuries and decays during transportation and storage. In recent years, several packaging materials have been developed to be used for domestic and export markets, especially those when the conservation of table grapes has to be extended for several weeks or even months. This review addresses the main recent packaging materials for postharvest conservation of table grapes during cold storage, including SO2-generating pads, perforated plastic, and bio-based liners

    Postharvest Conservation of ‘BRS Nubia’ Hybrid Table Grape Subjected to Field Ultra-Fast SO<sub>2</sub>-Generating Pads before Packaging

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    The gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea is the main concern for the postharvest conservation of table grapes worldwide, and the use of sulfur dioxide (SO2) is the most common practice for its control. The aim of this work was to assess the postharvest conservation of the hybrid table grape ‘BRS Nubia’ by using a new technology known as a field ultra-fast SO2-generating pad before packaging the grapes. The fruits were harvested in the 2021 season from a commercial vineyard located at Marialva, Parana, Brazil. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, with 4 treatments and 4 replications, and each plot consisted of 10 bunches. The treatments included: (a) control; (b) field ultra-fast SO2-generating pad (FUFR) during the 4 h before packaging; (c) dual-release SO2-generating pad (DR) during cold storage; and (d) FUFR pad during the 4 h before packaging in combination with the DR pad during cold storage. The bunches were packaged in 0.5 kg plastic clamshells and placed in carton boxes with a capacity of 10 units each. The treatments were evaluated after 30 and 45 days in cold storage (1 ± 1 °C) by means of the incidence of gray mold, shattered berries, stem browning, bunch mass loss and bleaching. After 45 days, the boxes were removed from cold storage and kept without the pads and liners for 3 days at room temperature (22 ± 1 °C), and the incidence of gray mold, shattered berries and stem browning were assessed. The use of the FUFR pad before packaging and the DR pad during cold storage, combined or not, were efficient at controlling gray mold, keeping the incidence of the disease very low. Both pads were also efficient at preventing the mass loss of grapes, but the percentage of shattered berries was lower when the FUFR pad was used. This allowed grapes to arrive already sanitized to the packing house, and no additional SO2-generating pads were needed, representing savings in economic terms for packaging operations. The stem browning, the chemical properties, and the color attributes of berries were not influenced by any treatment

    Active Packaging Systems to Extend the Shelf Life of ‘Italia’ Table Grapes

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    Sulfur dioxide (SO2)-generating pads associated with perforated plastic liners are often used to control gray mold in table grapes during cold storage; however, SO2 may cause bleaching, shattered berries, and an unwanted taste. To overcome this difficulty, a field ultrafast SO2-generating pad was designed to be used for a few hours before packaging grape bunches as an alternative for eradicating spores of fungi from berry skin. This study aimed to assess the postharvest conservation and shelf life of ‘Italia’ table grapes packaged in plastic clamshells and perforated plastic liners using the field ultra-fast SO2-generating pads before packaging, associated with or without slow- or dual-phase SO2-generating pads during cold storage. The packaged grapes were cold stored (1.0 ± 1.0 °C; 95% relative humidity), and after 45 d, grapes were placed at room temperature (22.0 ± 1.0 °C) without plastic liners and SO2-generating pads for 3 d. Before and after the grapes had been subjected to the field ultra-fast SO2-generating pads, the quantification of filamentous fungi on the surface of the berries was assessed. The use of field ultra-fast SO2-generating pads before packaging, associated with slow- or dual-phase SO2-generating pads during cold storage, resulted in a lower incidence of gray mold after 45 d of storage, with low weight loss and shattered berries, good preservation of stem freshness, and no impairment in the color and firmness of the berries. Additionally, a significant decrease in disease incidence was observed when using only the dual-phase SO2-generating pads in cold storage, with good maintenance of bunch quality