219 research outputs found

    Improving winter wheat yield estimation by assimilation of the leaf area index from Landsat TM and MODIS data into the WOFOST model

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    To predict regional-scale winter wheat yield, we developed a crop model and data assimilation framework that assimilated leaf area index (LAI) derived from Landsat TM and MODIS data into the WOFOST crop growth model. We measured LAI during seven phenological phases in two agricultural cities in China’s Hebei Province. To reduce cloud contamination, we applied Savitzky–Golay (S–G) filtering to the MODIS LAI products to obtain a filtered LAI. We then regressed field-measured LAI on Landsat TM vegetation indices to derive multi-temporal TM LAIs. We developed a nonlinear method to adjust LAI by accounting for the scale mismatch between the remotely sensed data and the model’s state variables. The TM LAI and scale-adjusted LAI datasets were assimilated into the WOFOST model to allow evaluation of the yield estimation accuracy. We constructed a four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4DVar) cost function to account for the observations and model errors during key phenological stages. We used the shuffled complex evolution–University of Arizona algorithm to minimize the 4DVar cost function between the remotely sensed and modeled LAI and to optimize two important WOFOST parameters. Finally, we simulated winter wheat yield in a 1-km grid for cells with at least 50% of their area occupied by winter wheat using the optimized WOFOST, and aggregated the results at a regional scale. The scale adjustment substantially improved the accuracy of regional wheat yield predictions (R2 = 0.48; RMSE= 151.92 kg ha−1) compared with the unassimilated results (R2 = 0.23;RMSE= 373.6 kg ha−1) and the TM LAI results (R2 = 0.27; RMSE= 191.6 kg ha−1). Thus, the assimilation performance depends strongly on the LAI retrieval accuracy and the scaling correction. Our research provides a scheme to employ remotely sensed data, ground-measured data, and a crop growth model to improve regional crop yield estimates

    Study of Aerosol Influence on Nighttime Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Based on Two Methods

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the aerosol influence on LST retrieval with two algorithms (split-window (SW) method and a four-channel based method) using simulated data under typical conditions. The results show that the root mean square error (RMSE) decreases to approximately 2.3 K for SW method and 1.5 K for four channel based method when VZA = 60° and visibility = 3 km; an RMSE would be increased by approximately 1.0 K when visibility varies from 3 km to 23 km. Moreover, a detailed sensitivity analysis under a visibility of 3 km and 23 km is performed in terms of uncertainties of land surface emissivity (LSE), water vapor content (WVC), and instrument noise, respectively. It is noted that the four-channel based method is more sensitive to LSE than SW method, especially for dry atmosphere; LST error caused by a WVC uncertainty of 20% is within 1.5 K for SW method and within 0.8 K for four-channel based method; the instrument noise would introduce LST error with a maximum standard deviation of 0.5 K and 0.04 K for the four-channel based method and SW method, respectively

    Higher adjuvant radioactive iodine therapy dosage helps intermediate-risk papillary thyroid carcinoma patients achieve better therapeutic effect

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    ObjectiveThis retrospective study aims to evaluate the therapeutic effect of varying dosages of adjuvant radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy on intermediate-risk papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) patients.MethodsThis retrospective study involved a total of 427 intermediate-risk PTC patients, out of which 202 received a 3.7GBq dosage of RAI, and 225 received a 5.55GBq dosage. The evaluation involved assessing the therapeutic outcomes, number of treatment cycles, and successful remnant ablation rates in both dose groups, six months post-adjuvant RAI therapy. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were employed to identify factors linked with excellent response (ER). Following this, prognostic nomograms were constructed to provide a visual representation of the prediction models. Calibration curves, the concordance index (C-index), and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve were employed to evaluate the predictive performance of these nomograms. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test was applied to assess the models’ goodness-of-fit. Additionally, the clinical utility of the prognostic nomograms was appraised through decision curve analysis (DCA)ResultsThe high-dose (HD) group exhibited significantly higher proportions of ER, single treatment cycles, and successful remnant ablation rates (p<0.05). Being male, receiving a 3.7GBq dose, having an N1b stage, an sTg level ≥10ng/ml, or an sTg/TSH ratio ≥0.11 were independent risk factors for Non-ER. Two prognostic nomograms, “sTg Nomogram” and “sTg/TSH Nomogram”, were established. The ranking of factors contributing to ER, in descending order, included the sTg or sTg/TSH ratio, N stage, therapy dosage, sex, and soft tissue invasion. The “sTg/TSH Nomogram” demonstrated a higher C-index compared to the “sTg Nomogram”. The calibration curves indicated excellent calibration for both nomograms. DCA demonstrated that the net benefit of the “sTg/TSH Nomogram” was higher than that of the “sTg Nomogram”.ConclusionHigher initial RAI therapy doses can improve therapeutic efficacy for intermediate-risk PTC patients. The developed nomograms, particularly the “sTg/TSH Nomogram”, could assist clinicians in optimal therapeutic decision-making

    Location, biophysical and agronomic parameters for croplands in northern Ghana

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    Smallholder agriculture is the bedrock of the food production system in sub-Saharan Africa. Yields in Africa are significantly below potentially attainable yields for a number of reasons, and they are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts. Monitoring of these highly heterogeneous landscapes is needed to respond to farmer needs, develop an appropriate policy and ensure food security, and Earth observation (EO) must be part of these efforts, but there is a lack of ground data for developing and testing EO methods in western Africa, and in this paper, we present data on (i) crop locations, (ii) biophysical parameters and (iii) crop yield, and biomass was collected in 2020 and 2021 in Ghana and is reported in this paper. In 2020, crop type was surveyed in more than 1800 fields in three different agroecological zones across Ghana (the Guinea Savannah, Transition and Deciduous zones). In 2021, a smaller number of fields were surveyed in the Guinea Savannah zone, and additionally, repeated measurements of leaf area index (LAI) and leaf chlorophyll concentration were made on a set of 56 maize fields. Yield and biomass were also sampled at harvesting. LAI in the sampled fields ranged from 0.1 to 5.24 m2 m−2, whereas leaf chlorophyll concentration varied between 6.1 and 60.3 µg cm−2. Yield varied between 190 and 4580 kg ha−1, with an important within-field variability (average per-field standard deviation 381 kg ha−1). The data are used in this paper to (i) evaluate the Digital Earth Africa 2019 cropland masks, where 61 % of sampled 2020/21 cropland is flagged as cropland by the data set, (ii) develop and test an LAI retrieval method from Earth observation Planet surface reflectance data (validation correlation coefficient R=0.49, root mean square error (RMSE) 0.44 m2 m−2), (iii) create a maize classification data set for Ghana for 2021 (overall accuracy within the region tested: 0.84), and (iv) explore the relationship between maximum LAI and crop yield using a linear model (correlation coefficient R=0.66 and R=0.53 for in situ and Planet-derived LAI, respectively). The data set, made available here within the context of the Group on Earth Observations Global Agricultural Monitoring (GEOGLAM) initiative, is an important contribution to understanding crop evolution and distribution in smallholder farming systems and will be useful for researchers developing/validating methods to monitor these systems using Earth observation data. The data described in this paper are available from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6632083 (Gomez-Dans et al., 2022)

    Case Report: Extragonadal Yolk Sac Tumors Originating From the Endometrium and the Broad Ligament: A Case Series and Literature Review

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    Yolk sac tumors (YSTs) of the endometrium and the broad ligament are very rare, with only 29 cases and one case of each other reported before in the English literature. Due to lack of standard guidelines, the treatment strategies of these diseases are controversial. Here, we share two cases of YSTs originating from the endometrium and the broad ligament respectively and review related literature. A 35-year-old woman was diagnosed with endometrial YST in our center and underwent surgery followed by chemotherapy with BEP (bleomycin, cisplatin and etoposide) regimen for six courses. After follow-up for 21 months, there is still no evidence of relapse. Another 36-year-old woman was admitted to our department with YST of the broad ligament. She was treated with surgery followed by chemotherapy with BEP regimen and was lost to follow-up after completing therapy. The case of endometrial YST we shared was similar to cases reported before, while the case with YST of the broad ligament we shared was the second case reported worldwide. Both of these two cases were treated with surgery combined with chemotherapy with BEP regimen

    Long-Term Treatment With Tenofovir Alafenamide for Chronic Hepatitis B Results in High Rates of Viral Suppression and Favorable Renal and Bone Safety

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    INTRODUCTION: The results from 2 phase 3 studies, through 2 years, in chronic hepatitis B infection showed tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) had similar efficacy to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) with superior renal and bone safety. We report updated results through 5 years. METHODS: Patients with HBeAg-negative or HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B infection with or without compensated cirrhosis were randomized (2:1) to TAF 25 mg or TDF 300 mg once daily in double-blind (DB) fashion for up to 3 years, followed by open-label (OL) TAF up to 8 years. Efficacy (antiviral, biochemical, and serologic), resistance (deep sequencing of polymerase/reverse transcriptase and phenotyping), and safety, including renal and bone parameters, were evaluated by pooled analyses. RESULTS: Of 1,298 randomized and treated patients, 866 receiving TAF (DB and OL) and 432 receiving TDF with rollover to OL TAF at year 2 (n = 180; TDF→TAF3y) or year 3 (n = 202; TDF→TAF2y) were included. Fifty (4%) TDF patients who discontinued during DB were excluded. At year 5, 85%, 83%, and 90% achieved HBV DNA &lt;29 IU/mL (missing 5 failure) in the TAF, TDF→TAF3y, and TDF→TAF2y groups, respectively; no patient developed TAF or TDF resistance. Median estimated glomerular filtration rate (by using Cockcroft-Gault) declined &lt;2.5 mL/min, and mean declines of &lt;1% in hip and spine bone mineral density were seen at year 5 in the TAF group; patients in the TDF→TAF groups had improvements in these parameters at year 5 after switching to OL TAF. DISCUSSION: Long-term TAF treatment resulted in high rates of viral suppression, no resistance, and favorable renal and bone safety.</p

    Identification of QTLs for Arsenic Accumulation in Maize (Zea mays L.) Using a RIL Population

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    The Arsenic (As) concentration in different tissues of maize was analyzed using a set of RIL populations derived from an elite hybrid, Nongda108. The results showed that the trend of As concentration in the four measured tissues was leaves>stems>bracts>kernels. Eleven QTLs for As concentration were detected in the four tissues. Three QTLs for As concentration in leaves were mapped on chromosomes 1, 5, and 8, respectively. For As concentration in the bracts, two QTLs were identified, with 9.61% and 10.03% phenotypic variance. For As concentration in the stems, three QTLs were detected with 8.24%, 14.86%, and 15.23% phenotypic variance. Three QTLs were identified for kernels on chromosomes 3, 5, and 7, respectively, with 10.73%, 8.52%, and 9.10% phenotypic variance. Only one common chromosomal region between SSR marker bnlg1811 and umc1243 was detected for QTLs qLAV1 and qSAC1. The results implied that the As accumulation in different tissues in maize was controlled by different molecular mechanism. The study demonstrated that maize could be a useful plant for phytoremediation of As-contaminated paddy soil, and the QTLs will be useful for selecting inbred lines and hybrids with low As concentration in their kernels