523,571 research outputs found

    A Short Ion Path High Voltage Tube

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    A vacuum tube for the acceleration of charged particles is described. The total acceleration of the ions takes place in a distance of 18 inches although the total height of the tube is about 14 feet. It has been used at one million volts peak a.c. with target currents of 5 ma of electrons and 0.2 ma of positive ions

    An assessment of interference cancellation applied to BWA

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    Detrital zircon from a late Paleozoic accretionary complex of SW Iberia (Variscan Belt): History of crustal growth and recycling at the Rheic convergent margin

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    In this study we present new U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from greywackes and quartzites of the Pulo do Lobo Anticline (PLA) that have been interpreted to represent a Late Paleozoic accretionary complex in SW Iberia. The PLA separates the Ossa Morena Zone, which has a North- Gondwana affinity throughout Late Ediacaran and Early Paleozoic times, from the South Portuguese Zone, which is considered to be underlain by Laurussia basement. The PLA stratigraphy most likely represents a synorogenic basin that records the closure of the Late Paleozoic Rheic Ocean and the amalgamation of Pangaea. The youngest formations of the PLA contain upper Devonian microfossils.The results obtained indicate that the detrital zircons from the PLA represent a wide range of Precambrian and Paleozoic crystallization ages. Recycling of older sedimentary units of the Late Ediacaran active margin (Cadomian/Pan-African orogenies) as well as of the Early Paleozoic rifting and passive margin (Rheic Ocean) stages, accounts for the older populations with North-Gondwana affinity (Cambrian, Neoproterozoic, Paleoproterozoic and Archean, with a gap of Mesoproterozoic-age). However, the Mesoproterozoic detrital zircon ages found in the greywackes of the Pulo do Lobo Formation (< 7%) that do not correspond to any substantial source within North-Gondwana, could come from recycled sedimentary deposits or from denudation of Grenville-age basement (Laurussia?). The more recent formations present in the northern limb (Ferreira-Ficalho Group) of the PLA show a significant age cluster in the upper Devonian (c. 378 Ma), whereas on the southern limb (Chança Group), samples have from base to top of the stratigraphic sequence: a minor age cluster in the middle Devonian (c. 390 Ma), a significant age cluster in upper Devonian (c. 380 Ma) and very significant age cluster in the upper Devonian (c. 372 Ma). The presence of middle-upper Devonian detrital zircons in combination with very low abundances of Mesoproterozoic detrital zircon suggests that the PLA sedimentary rocks were not derived from exotic sources but rather have a North-Gondwanan origin. The zircon population in the interval c. 390-380 Ma has no identified corresponding magmatic or stratigraphic source in SW Iberia. Considering that, during the development of the upper Devonian basins of SW Iberia, Laurussia basement was not exposed and that there was no magmatic arc on the North-Gondwana margin, we suggest that the c. 390- 380 Ma detrital zircons are most probably derived from denudation of a (intra-oceanic) magmatic arc related to the closure of the Rheic Ocean

    Pembuatan dan Penerapan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Sekolah pada SMK Al-Jauhar dan MA Al-Karomah Ngawi

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    Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Al Jauhar dan Madrasah Aliyah Al Karomah merupakan sekolah menengah yang terletak di Kecamatan Bringin, Kabupaten Ngawi. Kedua sekolah tersebut telah memiliki masing-masing 1 (satu) Ruang Perpustakaan. Pada ruang perpustakaan tersebut terdapat beberapa koleksi buku bacaan yang disediakan sekolah bagi siswa-siswa yang membutuhkan buku pendukung untuk proses belajar di kelas. Namun pencatatan keluar masuknya buku (peminjaman dan pengembalian) masih dilakukan secara manual, dicatat dibuku laporan dan tanpa nomor buku atau nomor rak. Sehingga buku perpustakaan ada yang tidak kembali atau hilang. Dengan adanya pembuatan sistem informasi perpustakaan, proses kegiatan peminjaman dan pengembalian buku dapat tercatat pada sistem komputer secara up to date. Untuk menghasilkan aplikasi sistem informasi perpustakaan ini, tahapan yang dilakukan dimulai dengan survei dan wawancara dengan pihak sekolah, serta melakukan studi literatur. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisa sistem dan perancangan sistem

    Superconductivity and Stoichiometry in the BSCCO-family Materials

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    We report on magnetization, c-axis and ab-plane resistivity, critical current, electronic band structure and superconducting gap properties. Bulk measurements and photoemission data were taken on similar samples.Comment: 4 pages, latex, to be published in Journal of Superconductivity. two figures available from Jian Ma at [email protected]


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    Tor soro merupakan ikan air tawar asli Indonesia bernilai ekonomis tinggi yang belum banyak dibudidayakan secara intensif karena ketersediaan benih banyak mengandalkan hasil pemijahan di alam. Salah satu faktor keberhasilan dalam pembenihan adalah kondisi lingkungan terutama suhu. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menentukan suhu optimal bagi perkembangan embrio, lama waktu penetasan, dan daya tetas telur ikan Tor soro. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September 2015 di Instalasi Riset Plasma Nutfah Perikanan Air Tawar, Bogor. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan suhu (19°C-21°C, 22°C-24°C, 25°C-27°C, dan 28°C-30°C) dan tiga kali ulangan. Perbedaan suhu inkubasi pada penelitian ini mempengaruhi perkembangan embrio, lama waktu penetasan, dan persentase daya tetas pada telur ikan Tor soro. Suhu inkubasi yang tinggi (28°C-30°C) menyebabkan telur mati setelah delapan jam atau pada saat fase calon embrio. Suhu inkubasi 25°C-27°C menghasilkan waktu penetasan tercepat yaitu selama 77,33 ± 1,15 jam dengan daya tetas yang tinggi yaitu sebesar 84,44 ± 6,94%.Tor soro is a native freshwater fish to Indonesia. Despite its high value in local and national markets, the fish has not been widely and intensively cultured because its seed supply relies heavily on spawning in nature. One of the success factors of spawning a fish and rearing its seed in a hatchery is controlling environmental conditions, especially temperature. The aim of the study was to determine the optimal temperature for embryo development, hatching time, and hatchability of Tor soro eggs. The study was conducted in September 2015 at the Freshwater Fisheries Germplasm Research Installation, Bogor. A completely randomized design (CRD) was used in the experiment with four temperature treatments (19°C-21°C, 22°C-24°C, 25°C-27°C,and 28°C-30°C) and each treatment had three replications. Differences in incubation temperature in this study affect ed embryo development, hatching time, and the percentage of hatchability on Tor soro eggs. High incubation temperatures (28°C-30°C) had caused the eggs or embryo candidates to die off after eight hours. The incubation temperature of 25°C-27°C generated produces the fastest hatching time of 77.33 ± 1.15 hours with a high hatchability of 84.44 ± 6.94%

    New age data on the geological evolution of Southern India

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    The Peninsular Gneisses of Southern India developed over a period of several hundred Ma in the middle-to-late Archaean. Gneisses in the Gorur-Hassan area of southern Karnataka are the oldest recognized constituents: Beckinsale et al. reported a preliminary Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age of 33558 + or - 66 Ma, but further Rb-Sr and Pb/Pb whole-rock isochron determinations indicate a slightly younger, though more precise age of ca 3305 Ma (R. D. Beckinsale, Pers. Comm.). It is well established that the Peninsular Gneisses constitute basement on which the Dharwar schist belts were deposited. Well-documented exposures of unconformities, with basal quartz pebble conglomerates of the Dharwar Supergroup overlying Peninsular Gneisses, have been reported from the Chikmagalur and Chitradurga areas, and basement gneisses in these two areas have been dated by Rb-Sr and Pb/Pb whole-rock isochron methods at ca 3150 Ma and ca 3000 Ma respectively. Dharwar supracrustal rocks of the Chitradurga schist belt are intruded by the Chitradurga Granite, dated by a Pb/Pb whole-rock isochron at 2605 + or - 18 Ma. These results indicate that the Dharwar Supergroup in the Chitradurga belt was deposited between 3000 Ma and 2600 Ma

    MA-IRRI Industrial Extension Program for Small Farm Equipment

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    This article is part of the seminar-workshop on the “Consequences of Small Farm Mechanization on Production, Employment and Incomes in the Philippines” sponsored jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Economic and Development Authority, the Philippine Institute for Development Studies and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) held on December 1-2, 1983 at Tagaytay City. It discusses the extension programs implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and IRRI. It then points out areas where policies and actions are likely to be useful.agriculture sector, mechanization
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