35,693 research outputs found

    Geometric effects in applied-field MPD thrusters

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    Three applied-field magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) thruster geometries were tested with argon propellant to establish the influence of electrode geometry on thruster performance. The thrust increased approximately linearly with anode radius, while the discharge and electrode fall voltages increased quadratically with anode radius. All these parameters increased linearly with applied-field strength. Thrust efficiency, on the other hand, was not significantly influenced by changes in geometry over the operating range studied, though both thrust and thermal efficiencies increased monotonically with applied field strength. The best performance, 1820 sec I(sub sp) at 20 percent efficiency, was obtained with the largest radius anode at the highest discharge current (1500 amps) and applied field strength (0.4 Tesla)

    Speech and language difficulties in children with and without a family history of dyslexia

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    Comorbidity between SLI and dyslexia is well documented. Researchers have variously argued that dyslexia is a separate disorder from SLI, or that children with dyslexia show a subset of the difficulties shown in SLI. This study examines these hypotheses by assessing whether family history of dyslexia and speech and language difficulties are separable risk factors for literacy difficulties. Forty-six children with a family risk of dyslexia (FRD) and 36 children receiving speech therapy (SLT) were compared to 128 typically developing children. A substantial number (41.3%) of the children with FRD had received SLT. The nature of their difficulties did not differ in severity or form from those shown by the other children in SLT. However, both SLT and FRD were independent risk factors in predicting reading difficulties both concurrently and 6 months later. It is argued that the results are best explained in terms of Pennington's (2006) multiple deficits model

    Federations, Constitutions, and Political Bargaining

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    The paper studies a world where a region provides essential inputs for the successful implementation of a local public policy project with spill-overs, and where bargaining between different levels of government may ensure efficient decision making ex post. We ask whether the authority over the public policy measure should rest with the local government or be centralized, allowing financial relationships within the federation to be designed optimally. We show that centralization is always dominant when governments are benevolent, and that both governance structures are otherwise inefficient as long as political bargaining is disregarded. With bargaining, however, the first best can often be achieved under decentralization, but not under centralization. At the root of the result is the alignment of decision making over both essential inputs and final project size under decentralization.Federalism, Constitutions, Decentralization, Grants, Political Bargaining.

    Quantitative ultraviolet measurements on wetted thin-layer chromatography plates using a charge-coupled device camera

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    This paper presents the first study of the UV imaging of spots on thin-layer chromatographic plates whilst still wet with solvent. Imaging of spots of benzophenone during and after development was carried out using a charge-coupled device camera. Limits of detection were found to be 5 ng on a wetted plate and 3 ng for a dry plate and the relationship between peak area and sample loading was found to be linear in the low nanograrn range over an order of magnitude for both wet and dry modes with r(2) values > 0.99. It was found that UV measurements on wet glass-backed plates suffer from low sensitivity; however, the use of aluminium-backed plates gave increased sensitivity. The apparent absorption coefficient (epsilon(app)) of 10AU m(2) g(-1) at 254 nm is consistent with reflection of the light from the aluminium surface with a double pass through the sorbent layer, and suggests that use of aluminium-backed plates should enable monitoring of separations by UV absorbance during TLC development. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Tomography of atomic number and density of materials using dual-energy imaging and the Alvarez and Macovski attenuation model

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    Dual-energy computed tomography and the Alvarez and Macovski [Phys. Med. Biol. 21, 733 (1976)] transmitted intensity (AMTI) model were used in this study to estimate the maps of density (ρ) and atomic number (Z) of mineralogical samples. In this method, the attenuation coefficients are represented [Alvarez and Macovski, Phys. Med. Biol. 21, 733 (1976)] in the form of the two most important interactions of X-rays with atoms that is, photoelectric absorption (PE) and Compton scattering (CS). This enables material discrimination as PE and CS are, respectively, dependent on the atomic number (Z) and density (ρ) of materials [Alvarez and Macovski, Phys. Med. Biol. 21, 733 (1976)]. Dual-energy imaging is able to identify sample materials even if the materials have similar attenuation coefficients at single-energy spectrum. We use the full model rather than applying one of several applied simplified forms [Alvarez and Macovski, Phys. Med. Biol. 21, 733 (1976); Siddiqui et al., SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2004); Derzhi, U.S. patent application 13/527,660 (2012); Heismann et al., J. Appl. Phys. 94, 2073–2079 (2003); Park and Kim, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 2709 (2011); Abudurexiti et al., Radiol. Phys. Technol. 3, 127–135 (2010); and Kaewkhao et al., J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 109, 1260–1265 (2008)]. This paper describes the tomographic reconstruction of ρ and Z maps of mineralogical samples using the AMTI model. The full model requires precise knowledge of the X-ray energy spectra and calibration of PE and CS constants and exponents of atomic number and energy that were estimated based on fits to simulations and calibration measurements. The estimated ρ and Z images of the samples used in this paper yield average relative errors of 2.62% and 1.19% and maximum relative errors of 2.64% and 7.85%, respectively. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the method accounts for the beam hardening effect in density (ρ) and atomic number (Z) reconstructions to a significant extent.S.J.L., G.R.M., and A.M.K. acknowledge funding through the DigiCore consortium and the support of a linkage grant (LP150101040) from the Australian Research Council and FEI Company

    Write-limited sorts and joins for persistent memory

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    To mitigate the impact of the widening gap between the memory needs of CPUs and what standard memory technology can deliver, system architects have introduced a new class of memory technology termed persistent memory. Persistent memory is byteaddressable, but exhibits asymmetric I/O: writes are typically one order of magnitude more expensive than reads. Byte addressability combined with I/O asymmetry render the performance profile of persistent memory unique. Thus, it becomes imperative to find new ways to seamlessly incorporate it into database systems. We do so in the context of query processing. We focus on the fundamental operations of sort and join processing. We introduce the notion of write-limited algorithms that effectively minimize the I/O cost. We give a high-level API that enables the system to dynamically optimize the workflow of the algorithms; or, alternatively, allows the developer to tune the write profile of the algorithms. We present four different techniques to incorporate persistent memory into the database processing stack in light of this API. We have implemented and extensively evaluated all our proposals. Our results show that the algorithms deliver on their promise of I/O-minimality and tunable performance. We showcase the merits and deficiencies of each implementation technique, thus taking a solid first step towards incorporating persistent memory into query processing. 1

    e+eH+He^+e^-\to H^+H^- signals at LEP2 energies in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    In this paper we compare H+HH^+H^- and W+WW^+W^- into four-fermion production at centre-of-mass energies typical of LEP2 and somewhat larger. The theoretical framework considered is the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. The interest in exploiting the e+ee^+e^- CERN collider at values of s\sqrt s greater than 192 GeV could come from the discovery of Supersymmetric signals during runs at lower energy. If these indicate that a charged Higgs boson exists in the mass range \MH\approx95-105 GeV, then a few years of running at s=205215\sqrt s=205-215 GeV and nominal luminosity could make the detection of such scalars feasible, in the purely leptonic channel τνττντ\tau\nu_\tau\tau\nu_\tau and, for small \tb's, also in the semi-hadronic(leptonic) one jjτντ{jj}\tau\nu_\tau. Charged Higgs bosons of the above nature cannot be produced by the beam energies approved at present for LEP2. However, if runs beyond the so-called `192 GeV cryogenic limit' will be approved by the CERN Council, our selection procedure will enable us to establish the presence, or otherwise, of charged Higgs bosons in the mentioned mass rangeComment: 30 pages, latex, epsfig, 12 postscript figures, complete paper available at ftp://axpa.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/stefano/cavendish_9615 and at http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/theory/papers

    Stability of Influence Maximization

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    The present article serves as an erratum to our paper of the same title, which was presented and published in the KDD 2014 conference. In that article, we claimed falsely that the objective function defined in Section 1.4 is non-monotone submodular. We are deeply indebted to Debmalya Mandal, Jean Pouget-Abadie and Yaron Singer for bringing to our attention a counter-example to that claim. Subsequent to becoming aware of the counter-example, we have shown that the objective function is in fact NP-hard to approximate to within a factor of O(n1ϵ)O(n^{1-\epsilon}) for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. In an attempt to fix the record, the present article combines the problem motivation, models, and experimental results sections from the original incorrect article with the new hardness result. We would like readers to only cite and use this version (which will remain an unpublished note) instead of the incorrect conference version.Comment: Erratum of Paper "Stability of Influence Maximization" which was presented and published in the KDD1