34,521 research outputs found

    Robust Quantum Communication Using A Polarization-Entangled Photon Pair

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    Noise and imperfection of realistic devices are major obstacles for implementing quantum cryptography. In particular birefringence in optical fibers leads to decoherence of qubits encoded in polarization of photon. We show how to overcome this problem by doing single qubit quantum communication without a shared spatial reference frame and precise timing. Quantum information will be encoded in pair of photons using ``tag'' operations which corresponds to the time delay of one of the polarization modes. This method is robust against the phase instability of the interferometers despite the use of time-bins. Moreover synchronized clocks are not required in the ideal situation no photon loss case as they are only necessary to label the different encoded qubits.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Information Flow of quantum states interacting with closed timelike curves

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    Recently, the quantum information processing power of closed timelike curves have been discussed. Because the most widely accepted model for quantum closed timelike curve interactions contains ambiguities, different authors have been able to reach radically different conclusions as to the power of such interactions. By tracing the information flow through such systems we are able to derive equivalent circuits with unique solutions, thus allowing an objective decision between the alternatives to be made. We conclude that closed timelike curves, if they exist and are well described by these simple models, would be a powerful resource for quantum information processing.Comment: Now includes appendix proving Deutsch's maximum entropy conjectur

    Geometric effects in applied-field MPD thrusters

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    Three applied-field magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) thruster geometries were tested with argon propellant to establish the influence of electrode geometry on thruster performance. The thrust increased approximately linearly with anode radius, while the discharge and electrode fall voltages increased quadratically with anode radius. All these parameters increased linearly with applied-field strength. Thrust efficiency, on the other hand, was not significantly influenced by changes in geometry over the operating range studied, though both thrust and thermal efficiencies increased monotonically with applied field strength. The best performance, 1820 sec I(sub sp) at 20 percent efficiency, was obtained with the largest radius anode at the highest discharge current (1500 amps) and applied field strength (0.4 Tesla)

    Remanent magnetization and 3-dimensional density model of the Kentucky anomaly region

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    A three-dimensional model of the Kentucky body was developed to fit surface gravity and long wavelength aeromagnetic data. Magnetization and density parameters for the model are much like those of Mayhew et al (1982). The magnetic anomaly due to the model at satellite altitude is shown to be much too small by itself to account for the anomaly measured by Magsat. It is demonstrated that the source region for the satellite anomaly is considerably more extensive than the Kentucky body sensu stricto. The extended source region is modeled first using prismatic model sources and then using dipole array sources. Magnetization directions for the source region found by inversion of various combinations of scalar and vector data are found to be close to the main field direction, implying the lack of a strong remanent component. It is shown by simulation that in a case (such as this) where the geometry of the source is known, if a strong remanent component is present its direction is readily detectable, but by scalar data as readily as vector data

    Isolation and sequence of omcA, a gene encoding a decaheme outer membrane cytochrome c of Shewanella putrefaciens MR-1, and detection of omcA homologs in other strains of S. putrefaciens

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    AbstractThe sequence of the omcA gene, which encodes a decaheme cytochrome c that is localized to the outer membrane (OM) of Shewanella putrefaciens MR-1, was determined. The 2202 bp nucleotide sequence of omcA encodes for 734 amino acids with a predicted molecular protein mass of 78.6 kDa. Comparison with the amino-terminal sequence of the mature protein suggests the presence of a hydrophobic leader sequence which is cleaved during translocation of the protein to the OM. This leader sequence has a lipoprotein consensus sequence for signal peptidase II at the cleavage site. The predicted mature protein is comprised of 708 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 75.8 kDa, but the addition of ten covalently attached heme c groups and covalent lipid modification to the amino-terminal cysteine increases the predicted mass to 82.7 kDa. This is consistent with its apparent mass of 83 kDa in SDS-PAGE gels. The predicted amino acid sequence for the OmcA protein shows no significant homology to known proteins. A RNA of approx. 2300 bases that hybridizes to the omcA gene was detected in anaerobically grown MR-1 cells. The size of this transcript is similar to the coding region of the omcA gene, suggesting that it is not part of a multicistronic operon. Similar to MR-1, four other strains of S. putrefaciens were all found to localize a majority of their membrane-bound cytochromes to the OM when grown under anaerobic conditions, and all contained an OM cytochrome of similar size to OmcA. In two of these strains, MR-4 and MR-8, a homolog of omcA was identified by RT-PCR and Southern blotting using primers and probes specific for omcA of MR-1. Western blot analysis using a polyclonal antibody to OmcA was similarly positive in strains MR-4 and MR-8. Partial nucleotide sequence analysis of these homologs demonstrated 74–77% predicted amino acid homology with OmcA of MR-1. In contrast, strains MR-30 and MR-42 tested negative for omcA homologs by Southern and Northern blots, RT-PCR, and Western blots

    Noise transmission through plates into an enclosure

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    An analytical model is presented to predict noise transmission through elastic plates into a hard-walled rectangular cavity at low frequencies, that is, frequencies up through the first few plate and cavity natural frequencies. One or several nonoverlapping and independently vibrating panels are considered. The effects on noise transmission of different external-pressure excitations, plate boundary conditions, fluid parameters, structural parameters, and geometrical parameters were investigated

    A modified proximity approach in the fusion of heavy-ions

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    By using a suitable set of the surface energy coefficient, nuclear radius, and universal function, the original proximity potential 1977 is modified. The overestimate of the data by 4 % reported in the literature is significantly reduced. Our modified proximity potential reproduces the experimental data nicely compared to its older versions.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Chin. Phys. lett.(2010) in pres
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