50 research outputs found

    Spatial distribution and habitat characterisation of Anopheles larvae along the Kenyan coast

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    Background & objectives: A study was conducted to characterise larval habitats and to determine spatialheterogeneity of the Anopheles mosquito larvae. The study was conducted from May to June 1999 innine villages along the Kenyan coast.Methods: Aquatic habitats were sampled by use of standard dipping technique. The habitats werecharacterised based on size, pH, distance to the nearest house, coverage of canopy, surface debris, algaeand emergent plants, turbidity, substrate, and habitat type.Results: A total of 110 aquatic habitats like stream pools (n = 10); puddles (n = 65); tire tracks (n =5); ponds (n = 5) and swamps (n = 25) were sampled in nine villages located in three districts of theKenyan coast. A total of 7,263 Anopheles mosquito larvae were collected, 63.9% were early instarsand 36.1% were late instars. Morphological identification of the III and IV instar larvae by use ofmicroscopy yielded 90.66% (n = 2,377) Anopheles gambiae Complex, 0.88% (n = 23) An. funestus,An. coustani 7.63% (n = 200), An. rivulorum 0.42% (n = 11), An. pharoensis 0.19% (n = 5), An.swahilicus 0.08% (n = 2), An. wilsoni 0.04% (n = 1) and 0.11% (n = 3) were unidentified. A subset ofthe An. gambiae Complex larvae identified morphologically, was further analysed using rDNA-PCRtechnique resulting in 68.22% (n = 1,290) An. gambiae s.s., 7.93% (n = 150) An. arabiensis and 23.85%(n = 451) An. merus. Multiple logistic regression model showed that emergent plants (p = 0.019), andfloating debris (p = 0.038) were the best predictors of An. gambiae larval abundance in these habitats.Interpretation & conclusion: Habitat type, floating debris and emergent plants were found to be thekey factors determining the presence of Anopheles larvae in the habitats. For effective larval control,the type of habitat should be considered and most productive habitat type be given a priority in themosquito abatement programm

    Concomitant infections of Plasmodium falciparum and Wuchereria bancrofti on the Kenyan coast

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    BACKGROUND: Anopheles gambiae s.l. and An. funestus are important vectors of malaria and bancroftian filariasis, which occur as co-endemic infections along the Kenyan Coast. However, little is known about the occurrence and prevalence of concomitant infections of the two diseases in mosquito and human populations in these areas. This study reports the prevalence of concomitant infections of Plasmodium falciparum and Wuchereria bancrofti in mosquito and human populations in Jilore and Shakahola villages in Malindi, Kenya. METHODS: Mosquitoes were sampled inside houses by pyrethrum spray sheet collection (PSC) while blood samples were collected by finger prick technique at the end of entomological survey. RESULTS: A total of 1,979 female Anopheles mosquitoes comprising of 1,919 Anopheles gambiae s.l and 60 An. funestus were collected. Concomitant infections of P. falciparum sporozoites and filarial worms occurred in 1.1% and 1.6% of An. gambiae s.l collected in Jilore and Shakahola villages respectively. Wuchereria-infected mosquitoes had higher sporozoite rates compared to non-infected mosquitoes, but multiple infections appeared to reduce mosquito survivorship making transmission of such infections rare. None of the persons examined in Shakahola (n = 107) had coinfections of the two parasites, whereas in Jilore (n = 94), out of the 4.3% of individuals harbouring both parasites, 1.2% had P. falciparum gametocytes and microfilariae and could potentially infect the mosquito with both parasites simultaneously. CONCLUSION: Concerted efforts should be made to integrate the control of malaria and bancroftian filariasis in areas where they co-exist

    Spatially targeting Culex quinquefasciatus aquatic habitats on modified land cover for implementing an Integrated Vector Management (IVM) program in three villages within the Mwea Rice Scheme, Kenya

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    BACKGROUND: Continuous land cover modification is an important part of spatial epidemiology because it can help identify environmental factors and Culex mosquitoes associated with arbovirus transmission and thus guide control intervention. The aim of this study was to determine whether remotely sensed data could be used to identify rice-related Culex quinquefasciatus breeding habitats in three rice-villages within the Mwea Rice Scheme, Kenya. We examined whether a land use land cover (LULC) classification based on two scenes, IKONOS at 4 m and Landsat Thematic Mapper at 30 m could be used to map different land uses and rice planted at different times (cohorts), and to infer which LULC change were correlated to high density Cx. quinquefasciatus aquatic habitats. We performed a maximum likelihood unsupervised classification in Erdas Imagine V8.7(® )and generated three land cover classifications, rice field, fallow and built environment. Differentially corrected global positioning systems (DGPS) ground coordinates of Cx. quinquefasciatus aquatic habitats were overlaid onto the LULC maps generated in ArcInfo 9.1(®). Grid cells were stratified by levels of irrigation (well-irrigated and poorly-irrigated) and varied according to size of the paddy. RESULTS: Total LULC change between 1988–2005 was 42.1 % in Kangichiri, 52.8 % in Kiuria and and 50.6 % Rurumi. The most frequent LULC changes was rice field to fallow and fallow to rice field. The proportion of aquatic habitats positive for Culex larvae in LULC change sites was 77.5% in Kangichiri, 72.9% in Kiuria and 73.7% in Rurumi. Poorly – irrigated grid cells displayed 63.3% of aquatic habitats among all LULC change sites. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate that optical remote sensing can identify rice cultivation LULC sites associated with high Culex oviposition. We argue that the regions of higher Culex abundance based on oviposition surveillance sites reflect underlying differences in abundance of larval habitats which is where limited control resources could be concentrated to reduce vector larval abundance

    Haematology of Experimental Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense Infection in Vervet Monkeys

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    Haematological aberrations associated with human infective trypanosomes were investigated in the vervet monkey model of the Rhodesian sleeping sickness. Four monkeys were infected intravenously with 104 Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and monitored for changes in the blood profile using a haematological analyser. A chronic infection lasting between 48 and 112 days was observed. Microcytic hypochromic anaemia, which was characterized by a decline in packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC) numbers, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCH) developed at an early stage, and persisted throughout the infection. The mean platelet counts declined significantly from 3 x 105/\u3bcl (day 0 post infection) to 6.8 x 104/\u3bcl (day 7 post infection) and remained low in all the animals. However, the mean platelets volume rose during the course of the infection. An initial decline in total white blood cell (WBC) counts occurred between day 0 and 7 (3.1 x 106/\u3bcl) and remained low up to day 35 post infection (3.5 x 106/\u3bcl). This was followed by an increase in WBC counts, principally associated with increased lymphocyte numbers. It is concluded that microcytic hypochromic anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and an initial leucocytopaenia are the most important haematological changes associated with a chronic infection of T.b. rhodesiense infection in vervet monkeys

    Remote and field level quantification of vegetation covariates for malaria mapping in three rice agro-village complexes in Central Kenya

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We examined algorithms for malaria mapping using the impact of reflectance calibration uncertainties on the accuracies of three vegetation indices (VI)'s derived from QuickBird data in three rice agro-village complexes Mwea, Kenya. We also generated inferential statistics from field sampled vegetation covariates for identifying riceland <it>Anopheles arabiensis </it>during the crop season. All aquatic habitats in the study sites were stratified based on levels of rice stages; flooded, land preparation, post-transplanting, tillering, flowering/maturation and post-harvest/fallow. A set of uncertainty propagation equations were designed to model the propagation of calibration uncertainties using the red channel (band 3: 0.63 to 0.69 μm) and the near infra-red (NIR) channel (band 4: 0.76 to 0.90 μm) to generate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI). The Atmospheric Resistant Vegetation Index (ARVI) was also evaluated incorporating the QuickBird blue band (Band 1: 0.45 to 0.52 μm) to normalize atmospheric effects. In order to determine local clustering of riceland habitats <it>Gi*(d) </it>statistics were generated from the ground-based and remotely-sensed ecological databases. Additionally, all riceland habitats were visually examined using the spectral reflectance of vegetation land cover for identification of highly productive riceland <it>Anopheles </it>oviposition sites.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The resultant VI uncertainties did not vary from surface reflectance or atmospheric conditions. Logistic regression analyses of all field sampled covariates revealed emergent vegetation was negatively associated with mosquito larvae at the three study sites. In addition, floating vegetation (-ve) was significantly associated with immature mosquitoes in Rurumi and Kiuria (-ve); while, turbidity was also important in Kiuria. All spatial models exhibit positive autocorrelation; similar numbers of log-counts tend to cluster in geographic space. The spectral reflectance from riceland habitats, examined using the remote and field stratification, revealed post-transplanting and tillering rice stages were most frequently associated with high larval abundance and distribution.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>NDVI, SAVI and ARVI generated from QuickBird data and field sampled vegetation covariates modeled cannot identify highly productive riceland <it>An. arabiensis </it>aquatic habitats. However, combining spectral reflectance of riceland habitats from QuickBird and field sampled data can develop and implement an Integrated Vector Management (IVM) program based on larval productivity.</p

    Survival of immature Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culicidae) in aquatic habitats in Mwea rice irrigation scheme, central Kenya

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    BACKGROUND: The survivorship and distribution of Anopheles arabiensis larvae and pupae was examined in a rice agro-ecosystem in Mwea Irrigation Scheme, central Kenya, from August 2005 to April 2006, prior to implementation of larval control programme. METHODS: Horizontal life tables were constructed for immatures in semi-field condition. The time spent in the various immature stages was determined and survival established. Vertical life tables were obtained from five paddies sampled by standard dipping technique. RESULTS: Pre-adult developmental time for An. arabiensis in the trays in the experimental set up in the screen house was 11.85 days from eclosion to emergence. The mean duration of each instar stage was estimated to be 1.40 days for first instars, 2.90 days for second instars, 1.85 days for third instars, 3.80 days for fourth instars and 1.90 days for pupae. A total of 590 individuals emerged into adults, giving an overall survivorship from L1 to adult emergence of 69.4%. A total of 4,956 An. arabiensis immatures were collected in 1,400 dips throughout the sampling period. Of these, 55.9% were collected during the tillering stage, 42.5% during the transplanting period and 1.6% during the land preparation stage. There was a significant difference in the An. arabiensis larval densities among the five stages. Also there was significant variation in immature stage composition for each day's collection in each paddy. These results indicate that the survival of the immatures was higher in some paddies than others. The mortality rate during the transplanting was 99.9% and at tillering was 96.6%, while the overall mortality was 98.3%. CONCLUSION: The survival of An. arabiensis immatures was better during the tillering stage of rice growth. Further the survival of immatures in rice fields is influenced by the rice agronomic activities including addition of nitrogenous fertilizers and pesticides. For effective integrated vector management, the application of larvicides should target An. arabiensis larvae at the tillering stage (early vegetative stage of rice) when their survival in the aquatic habitats is high to significantly reduce them and the larvicides should be long-lasting to have a significant impact on the malaria vector productivity on the habitats

    Malaria vector bionomics in Taita-Taveta County, coastal Kenya

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    Background Estimation of the composition and densities of mosquito species populations is crucial for monitoring the epidemiology of mosquito-borne diseases and provide information on local vectors to public health officials and policy-makers. The aim of this study was to evaluate malaria vector bionomics in ecologically distinct sites in Taita-Taveta County, Kenya. Methods Adult mosquitoes were collected using backpack aspirators and paired indoor/outdoor CDC light traps in 10 randomly selected households in six villages with distinct ecologies over a study period of 3 years. All Anopheles mosquitoes were morphotyped, and sibling species of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (An. gambiae s.l.) were identified and separated by PCR analysis of extracted ribosomal DNA. All female anophelines were tested for sporozoite infectivity, with engorged females screened for blood-meal sources using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique. A subsample of those testing positive and those testing negative for Plasmodium in the ELISA were subjected to PCR assay. Results A total of eight different Anopheles species were collected both indoors and outdoors. Anopheles gambiae s.l. (82.6%, n = 5252) was the predominant species sensu lato, followed by Anopheles coustani sensu lato (An. coustani s.l.; (10.5%, n = 666) and Anopheles funestus sensu lato (An. funestus s.l.; 5.6%, n = 357). A subset of 683 mosquito samples representing An. gambiae s.l. (n = 580, approx. 11.0%) and An. funestus s.l. (n = 103, approx. 28.9%) were identified by molecular diagnostic assays into sibling species. The An. gambiae s.l. complex was composed of Anopheles arabiensis (62.5%, n = 363/580), An. gambiae sensu stricto (An. gambiae s.s.; 0.7%, n = 4/580), Anopheles merus (0.7%, n = 4/580) and Anopheles quadriannulatus (0.2%, n = 1/580), with the remaining samples (35.5%, n = 206/580) unamplified. Anopheles funestus s.l. was composed of An. rivulorum (14.6%, n = 15/103) and An. leesoni (11.6%, n = 12/103); the remaining samples were unamplified (73.8%, n = 76/103). A total of 981 samples were subjected to PCR analysis for malaria parasite detection; of these 16 (1.6%) were confirmed to be positive for Plasmodium falciparum. The overall human blood index was 0.13 (32/238). Conclusions Anopheles gambiae, An. funestus and An. coustani are key malaria vectors in the Taveta region of Kenya, showing concurrent indoor and outdoor transmission. All of the vectors tested showed a higher propensity for bovine and goat blood than for human blood

    Variation in the effectiveness of insecticide treated nets against malaria and outdoor biting by vectors in Kilifi, Kenya

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    Background: Insecticide treated nets (ITNs) protect humans against bites from the Anopheles mosquito vectors that transmit malaria, thereby reducing malaria morbidity and mortality. It has been noted that ITN use leads to a switch from indoor to outdoor feeding among these vectors. It might be expected that outdoor feeding would undermine the effectiveness of ITNs that target indoors vectors, but data are limited. Methods: We linked homestead level geospatial data to clinical surveillance data at a primary healthcare facility in Kilifi County in order to map geographical heterogeneity in ITN effectiveness and observed vector feeding behaviour using landing catches and CDC light traps in six selected areas of varying ITN effectiveness. We quantified the interaction between mosquitoes and humans to evaluate whether outdoor vector biting is a potential explanation for the variation in ITN effectiveness. Results: We observed 37% and 46% visits associated with positive malaria slides among ITN users and non-ITN-users, respectively; ITN use was associated with 32% protection from malaria (crude OR = 0.68, 95% CI: 0.64, 0.73). We obtained modification of ITN effectiveness by geographical area (p=0.016), and identified 6 hotspots using the spatial scan statistic. Majority of mosquitoes were caught outdoor (60%) and were of the An. funestus group (75%). The overall propensity to feed at times when most people were asleep was high; the vast majority of the Anopheles mosquitoes were caught at times when most people are indoors asleep. Estimates for the proportion of human-mosquito contact between the first and last hour when most humans were asleep was consistently high across all locations, ranging from 0.83 to 1.00. Conclusion: Our data do not provide evidence of an epidemiological association between microgeographical variations in ITN effectiveness and variations in the microgeographical distribution of outdoor biting.</ns4:p

    Evaluating the impact of larviciding with Bti and community education and mobilization as supplementary integrated vector management interventions for malaria control in Kenya and Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND : Malaria prevention in Africa is mainly through the use of long-lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs). The objective of the study was to assess the effect of supplementing LLINs with either larviciding with Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) or community education and mobilization (CEM), or with both interventions in the context of integrated vector management (IVM). METHODS : The study involved a factorial, cluster-randomized, controlled trial conducted in Malindi and Nyabondo sites in Kenya and Tolay site in Ethiopia, to assess the impact of the following four intervention options on mosquitoes and malaria prevalence: LLINs only (arm 1); LLINs and Bti (arm 2); LLINs and CEM (arm 3); and, LLINs combined with Bti and CEM (arm 4). Between January 2013 and December 2015, CDC light traps were used to sample adult mosquitoes during the second, third and fourth quarter of each year in 10 houses in each of 16 villages at each of the three study sites. Larvae were sampled once a fortnight from potential mosquito-breeding habitats using standard plastic dippers. Cross-sectional malaria parasite prevalence surveys were conducted involving a total of 11,846 primary school children during the 3-year period, including 4800 children in Tolay, 3000 in Malindi and 4046 in Nyabondo study sites. RESULTS : Baseline relative indoor anopheline density was 0.11, 0.05 and 0.02 mosquitoes per house per night in Malindi, Tolay and Nyabondo sites, respectively. Nyabondo had the highest recorded overall average malaria prevalence among school children at 32.4%, followed by Malindi with 5.7% and Tolay 1.7%. There was no significant reduction in adult anopheline density at each of the three sites, which could be attributed to adding of the supplementary interventions to the usage of LLINs. Malaria prevalence was significantly reduced by 50% in Tolay when using LLINs coupled with application of Bti, community education and mobilization. The two other sites did not reveal significant reduction of prevalence as a result of combining LLINs with any of the other supplementary interventions. CONCLUSION : Combining LLINs with larviciding with Bti and CEM further reduced malaria infection in a low prevalence setting in Ethiopia, but not at sites with relatively higher prevalence in Kenya. More research is necessary at the selected sites in Kenya to periodically determine the suite of vector control interventions and broader disease management strategies, which when integrated would further reduce adult anopheline populations and malaria prevalence beyond what is achieved with LLINs.The work was conducted with funding from Biovision Foundation (Grant No. BV HH-07/2013-2015), UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO); the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida); the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC); the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; and the Government of the Republic of Kenya.Biovision Foundation; UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO); the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida); the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC); the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; and the Government of the Republic of Kenya.http://www.malariajournal.comam2021School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH