14 research outputs found

    Continuing Education: Periparturient paresis in dairy cows: A review

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    This paper presents some of the findings on Periparturient paresis (PP) that have accumulated over years of research

    Syndactylysim in a Mashona calf: A case report

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    A three-week old female Mashona calf was presented to the University of Zimbabwe Veterinary Teaching Hospital with congenital malformations. On clinical examination, syndactylysim in all four feet, brachygnathia, arthrogryposis and kyphosis were observed. The calf was euthanized and post-mortem findings were consistent with the clinical diagnoses. (Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal, 2000, 31(4): 92-94

    Undifferentiated astrocytoma in a Doberman Pinscher bitch

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    (Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal 1997 28(2): 65-70