70 research outputs found


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    Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento do cálculo automatizado da amplitude topográfica por geoprocessamento como contribuição à análise da topografia com vistas ao estudo das relações solo-relevo. A despeito de sua importância como descritor do relevo, a amplitude é uma variável pouco explorada nos trabalhos conduzidos em geoprocessamento em parte devido à ausência de algoritmos para seu cálculo entre os recursos de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG). Motivados pela disponibilidade de Modelos Digitais de Elevação (MDE), a partir da difusão dos dados da Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) e do Banco de Dados Geomorfométricos do Brasil (TOPODATA), os elementos implícitos em seu conceito foram adaptados em processos de vizinhança e sobreposição, por sua vez estruturados em programa de lote. Os dados de solo foram obtidos do levantamento pedológico semidetalhado do Estado de São Paulo (escala 1:100.00): mapa e memorial descritivo da quadrícula São Carlos. Além da viabilidade da abordagem adotada, os resultados mostraram que a amplitude topográfica evidencia distintamente feições de expressão regionalizada como patamares, baixios e escarpas, de acordo com os intervalos de variação considerados na classificação dos resultados numéricos. As feições evidenciadas apresentaram correspondência notável com a distribuição de manchas de solos e seus limites mapeados, numa indicação do potencial de contribuição para o levantamento em áreas não mapeadas. Palavras-chave: Geomorfometria. SRTM. TOPODATA. Geoprocessamento. Amplitude topográfica. Solos. Internal relief estimate by SRTM data geoprocessing to relief modeling This work presents the development of the automated calculus of the internal relief through geoprocessing, as a contribution for terrain analysis aiming at the study of soil-relief relations. Despite its importance as terrain descriptor, internal relief is seldom considered in studies under geoprocessing approach, partly due the absence of algorithms among basic Geographical Information System (GIS) resources. Motivated by the availability of Digital Elevation Model (DEM), given by the diffusion of both SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data and Brazilian Geomorphometric Data Base (TOPODATA), the implicit conceptual elements were adapted into neighborhood and overlay operations, stored in macro program. The semi-detailed map of the pedologic survey of São Paulo State (1:100.000 scale) of the study site, at São Carlos quad, and respective documentation were used as the source of soil data. Beside the feasibility of the adopted approach, results showed the internal relief to distinctly enhance regionalized features like plateaus, lowlands and scarps, according to the intervals applied in the classification of the numerical results. The enhanced features were notably related to the distribution of soil types end their mapped boundaries, as an indication of the contribution potential for soil survey in non-mapped areas. Key words: Geomorphometry. SRTM. TOPODATA. Geoprocessing. Internal relief. Soils

    The Development of an in vitro 3D Histotypic Model of The Human Eccrine Sweat Gland.

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    PhDThe human eccrine sweat gland is present on most body sites and is crucial for thermoregulation. Yet, little is known on the mechanisms that govern its function and its morphogenesis. The main reason for the lack in research with regards to the human eccrine gland is the difficulty in isolation and maintenance of the glands and cells in vitro. Only one other cell line derived from the human eccrine gland has ever been reported, the NCLSG3 cell line. NCL-SG3 cells do not however, function like native eccrine secretory coil cells, and thus a better cell model was required. In this project, a human eccrine secretory coil cell line, the EC23 cell line, was developed, along with 8 clones derived from said cell line. EC23 cells and their clones express a panel of markers characteristic of the human eccrine sweat gland secretory coil cells. Furthermore, calcium fluxes can be elicited by cholinergic stimulation of the cells suggesting retention of the native secretory cell phenotype unlike NCL-SG3 cells. The EC23 cell line is also responsive to adrenergic stimuli to a higher degree than NCL-SG3 cells, especially clone 2, however all the cell lines responded significantly less than primary eccrine secretory coil cells upon isoproterenol stimulation. It was also found that the mesenchyme has a crucial effect in determining the formation of eccrine like down-growths in Matrigel organotypic models seeded with EC23 cells, where organotypics made with adult fibroblasts failed to form down-growths in comparison to neonatal fibroblasts. Furthermore, the co-culture of EC23 cell with keratinocytes enhanced the amount of downgrowth. EC23 cells have the capacity to form branching structures that resemble native eccrine glands in GFR Matrigel supplemented with EGF and EDA, and to a lesser extent BMP4. In conclusion it was demonstrated that the EC23 cells can be used as a model to study the human eccrine gland, in particular the secretory coil.BBSRC CASE studentship with industrial funding by Unilever

    How is Fasting Affecting Brain Oxygenation and Cognition?

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    Human beings in nearly all societies have experienced the effect of intermittent fasting (IF). It was either imposed because food was scarce or chosen for religious purposes. The beneficial effect of IF on lifespan and the whole organism has been known since the 1930’s. It has been well established that IF reduces the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. It also appears that IF protects neurons. Several mechanisms have been identified such as increased corticosterone and heat-shock protein-70. One of the most recent beneficial effects of IF on neurons was identified to be mediated by brain-derived neurotrophic factors and ketone bodies. However, these data were completed on animals and there is a knowledge gap on the effect of IF in human. PURPOSE: To determine the effect of a 24-hour fasting on brain oxygenation and cognition. METHODS: For these preliminary data, 4 subjects fasted for 24 hours. During the fast, they were allowed to consume water, unsweetened coffee, and tea. The subjects reported to the lab at 8 am the next day for testing. Participants were equipped with 8 optodes on their forehead (NIRS Oxymon, Artinis) to measure brain oxygenation. Subjects were asked to watch a video of a fireplace as a way to normalize the cognition for 2 minutes before they performed the cognitive testing. Subjects were then asked to complete a computerized card sorting test (Wisconsin test, Psytoolkit.org, WCST). RESULTS: Our preliminary data is promising. 24h IF induced an increase for correct answers (51.5 vs. 41.25 for no fasting) and a decrease for wrong answers (7.5 vs. 18.25). There was no difference in brain oxygenation during the WCST, but deoxygenation increased 8-fold. Also, total hemoglobin increased 5.5-fold when compared to baseline. Following 24h fasting, we did not see a difference in oxygenation or deoxygenation, but total hemoglobin increased 50-fold when compared to non-fasting. CONCLUSION: Our results will need to be confirmed but it is interesting that fasting seemed to increase the efficiency of the WCST. Performing the WCST also induced a change in cerebral oxygenation and fasting seemed to increase blood flow to the pre-frontal cortex


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    The use of facemasks while exercising raises concerns about oxygen supply. Recent studies have found a decrease in exercise performance. An increased HR, RPE, and laborious breathing were reported when exercising with a mask. However, there is a knowledge gap on exercising with a mask on brain function. PURPOSE: to evaluate the effect of wearing a KN95 mask on cerebral hemodynamics and cognitive function. METHODS: 4 subjects participated in this preliminary study. They visited the lab twice and we randomized wearing a mask. Subjects completed a computerized Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST, Psychtoolkit.org) before, during, and 2’ after an exercise. Reaction time, errors, and correct sorting were measured. The exercise consisted of cycling for 5’ at 90 watts (Monark cycle ergonomic 828 E). Cerebral oxygenation, deoxygenation, and total hemoglobin (CerO2, CerDeoxy, and CerTTHb) were collected continuously using an Oxymon Mk III near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS, Artinis Medical Systems, NH). RESULTS: Our preliminary data showed that wearing a mask induced a slower reaction time before (1270ms vs.1464ms), during (1335ms vs. 1368ms) and after (1144ms vs. 1329ms) the exercise. The WCST showed no effect of the mask before (correct 52 vs. 52 and errors 7 vs. 8) or after the exercise (correct 53 vs. 53; errors 7 vs. 7). In addition, subjects had more correct sorting and fewer errors during the exercise with no mask (correct 44 vs. 51; errors 16 vs. 9). For brain oxygenation, we found a diminished CerO2 before and during the exercise (-1.87, -16.17) and an increase after the exercise (52.46). No changes for CerDeoxy before (0.19), but a decrease during and after the exercise (-6.42 and -7.42). For CerTTHb, we found an increase before (1.80) and a decrease during and after the exercise (-4.17, -14.36). CONCLUSION: The preliminary findings showed that wearing a KN95 mask may affect cognition during exercise but not before or after. This could be related to a diminished CerO2

    Assessing technological properties and environmental impact of fired bricks made by partially adding bottom ash from an industrial approach

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    Over the past few decades, the fired clay brick industry has searched for industrial wastes to substitute raw clay deposits and lessen their impact on the environment. Despite several investigations showing positive results, industrial applicability is still scarce, mainly due to differences between industrial and laboratory procedures and the usage of certain wastes that already have added value in other circular economy chains. In addition, the assessment of such proposals commonly misses the environmental impact issue which is merely assumed to be positive. For these reasons this study, for the first time, has assessed together technological properties and the environmental impact of bricks made by strictly following industrial procedures. Hence, biomass bottom ash (BBA) was added at 9 replacement ratios, ranging from 2.5 to wt. 20.0% for making extruded bricks subjected to industrial drying and firing curves. Physical, thermal and mechanical properties of fired products were properly assessed and compared with the requirements set forth by Chilean standards. In addition, a life cycle impact assessment was developed to compare the ecological footprint among series. Although mechanical and water-proof requirements may limit the replacement ratio for exposed bricks, the feasibility of using BBA at industrial scale has been successfully demonstrated. Regarding the environmental impact, the raw clay may be replaced without adversely causing toxicity levels to exceed mandatory limits. However, this study demonstrated that the incorporation of BBA increases CO2 emissions due to the decomposition of contained carbonates during the firing process which compromise the results in terms of global warming potential and water consumption which highly impact on human health and ecosystems quality

    El arte y la cultura como medio de transformación social en el proyecto Medio Abierto de FUNVINI durante el año 2012-2013

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    La presente sistematización tiene como objetivo recuperar la experiencia vivida con el proyecto Medio Abierto, que integró varios componentes entre ellos: la promoción y la prevención interacción - intervención, todo ello con el fin de sustentar las prácticas profesionales en las que participaron las estudiantes de Trabajo social de la Universidad Minuto de Dios, entre los años 2012- 2013. Está sistematización está fundamentada en experiencias de práctica que permiten visualizar y confrontar la teoría y la práctica, y al mismo tiempo reflexionar acerca de lo que se hizo, permitiendo interpretar de forma metódica lo acontecido y retroalimentando próximas experiencias. Este trabajo surge a partir de un deseo de recuperar las acciones realizadas por las profesionales en formación de Trabajo Social, permitiendo así dar respuesta a los interrogantes, posibles aciertos y desaciertos obtenidos durante la práctica. La experiencia de sistematización se inició con la recuperación y organización de la práctica, recurriéndose al rastreo bibliográfico, documentos de la Fundación, se elaboraron informes, visitas domiciliarias (familiares), recorridos y se aplicaron técnicas interactivas para la recolección de la información. Al momento de recuperar la experiencia se inició con la revisión de documentación bibliográfica y trabajos escritos realizados por cada una de las practicantes encargadas del proyecto Medio Abierto que maneja la Fundación Vivan los Niños, como insumo para los informes, diarios de campo entre otros. Es desde la sistematización de experiencias que las estudiantes implicadas en este proceso, intentan dar cuenta del trabajo realizado con los niños, niñas y adolescentes del proyecto Medio Abierto, evidenciándose aciertos y desaciertos en la aplicación teórico- práctica como parte esencial en la atención de los beneficiarios

    El arte y la cultura como medio de transformación social en el proyecto Medio Abierto de FUNVINI durante el año 2012-2013

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    La presente sistematización tiene como objetivo recuperar la experiencia vivida con el proyecto Medio Abierto, que integró varios componentes entre ellos: la promoción y la prevención interacción - intervención, todo ello con el fin de sustentar las prácticas profesionales en las que participaron las estudiantes de Trabajo social de la Universidad Minuto de Dios, entre los años 2012- 2013. Está sistematización está fundamentada en experiencias de práctica que permiten visualizar y confrontar la teoría y la práctica, y al mismo tiempo reflexionar acerca de lo que se hizo, permitiendo interpretar de forma metódica lo acontecido y retroalimentando próximas experiencias. Este trabajo surge a partir de un deseo de recuperar las acciones realizadas por las profesionales en formación de Trabajo Social, permitiendo así dar respuesta a los interrogantes, posibles aciertos y desaciertos obtenidos durante la práctica. La experiencia de sistematización se inició con la recuperación y organización de la práctica, recurriéndose al rastreo bibliográfico, documentos de la Fundación, se elaboraron informes, visitas domiciliarias (familiares), recorridos y se aplicaron técnicas interactivas para la recolección de la información. Al momento de recuperar la experiencia se inició con la revisión de documentación bibliográfica y trabajos escritos realizados por cada una de las practicantes encargadas del proyecto Medio Abierto que maneja la Fundación Vivan los Niños, como insumo para los informes, diarios de campo entre otros. Es desde la sistematización de experiencias que las estudiantes implicadas en este proceso, intentan dar cuenta del trabajo realizado con los niños, niñas y adolescentes del proyecto Medio Abierto, evidenciándose aciertos y desaciertos en la aplicación teórico- práctica como parte esencial en la atención de los beneficiarios

    Financial resources for implementation of tobacco control measures : potential of innovative financing

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    Annex 1 of the final technical reportMobilization of financial resources for implementation of the WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC) is at the core of measures necessary for implementation of the FCTC. This research analyzes funding gaps at domestic and global levels, opportunities for global cooperation, and develops options for innovative financing mechanisms to support FCTC in developing countries while augmenting resources for treaty financing. Ideal financing mechanisms should be tax based, preferably on tobacco, must not substitute official development assistance (ODA), and consider legal issues. Even if only a handful of countries participate, these mechanisms can raise significant amounts with minimal contributions