74 research outputs found

    Disentangling the influence of livestock vs. farm density on livestock disease epidemics

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    Susceptible host density is a key factor that influences the success of invading pathogens. However, for diseases affecting livestock, there are two aspects of host density: livestock and farm density, which are seldom considered independently. Traditional approaches of simulating disease outbreaks on real‐world farm data make dissecting the relative importance of farm and livestock density difficult owing to their inherent correlation in many farming regions. We took steps to disentangle these densities and study their relative influences on epidemic size by simulating foot‐and‐mouth disease outbreaks on factorial combinations of cattle and farm populations in artificial county areas, resulting in 50 unique cattle/farm density combinations. In these simulations, increasing cattle density always resulted in larger epidemics, regardless of farm density. Alternatively, increasing farm density only led to larger epidemics in scenarios of high cattle density. We compared these results with simulations performed on real‐world farm data from the United States, where we initiated outbreaks in U.S. counties that varied in county‐level cattle density and farm density. We found a similar, but weaker relationship between cattle density and epidemic size in the U.S. simulations. We tested the sensitivity of these outcomes to variation in pathogen dispersal and farm‐level susceptibility model parameters and found that although variation in these parameters quantitatively influenced the size of the epidemic, they did not qualitatively change the relative influence of cattle vs. farm density in factorial simulations. By reducing the correlation between farm and livestock density in factorial simulations, we were able to clearly demonstrate the increase in epidemic size that occurred as farm sizes grew larger (i.e., through increasing county‐level cattle populations), across levels of farm density. These results suggest livestock production trends in many industrialized countries that concentrate livestock on fewer, but larger farms have the potential to facilitate larger livestock epidemics

    HST/STIS Observations of the Bipolar Jet from RW Aurigae: Tracing Outflow Asymmetries Close to the Source

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    We have observed the bipolar jet from RW Aur A with STIS on board the HST. After continuum subtraction, morphological and kinematic properties of this outflow can be traced to within 0."1 from the source in forbidden emission lines. The jet appears well collimated, with typical FWHMs of 20 to 30 AU in the first 2" and surprisingly does not show a separate low-velocity component in contrast to earlier observations. The systemic radial outflow velocity of the blueshifted lobe is typically 50% larger than that of the redshifted one with a velocity difference of about 65 km/s. Although such asymmetries have been seen before on larger scales, our high spatial resolution observations suggest that they are intrinsic to the "central engine" rather than effects of the star's immediate environment. Temporal variations of the bipolar jet's outflow velocities appear to occur on timescales of a few years. They have combined to produce a 55% increase in the velocity asymmetry between the two lobes over the past decade. In the red lobe estimated mass flux and momentum flux values are around one half and one third of those for the blue lobe, respectively. The mass outflow to mass accretion rate is 0.05, the former being measured at a distance of 0."35 from the source.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 16 pages, 5 figure

    Reflected Light from Sand Grains in the Terrestrial Zone of a Protoplanetary Disk

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    We show that grains have grown to ~mm size (sand sized) or larger in the terrestrial zone (within ~3 AU) of the protoplanetary disk surrounding the 3 Myr old binary star KH 15D. We also argue that the reflected light in the system reaches us by back scattering off the far side of the same ring whose near side causes the obscuration.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures. To be published in Nature, March 13, 2008. Contains a Supplemen
