1,310 research outputs found

    The Guianese paradox: How can the freshwater outflow from the Amazon increase the salinity of the Guianan shore?

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    French Guiana is notable for the extent of its rain forests, which occupy 97% of the country, and the influence of the Amazon along its shores. In fact, the shores and estuaries support a mangrove forest typical of saline conditions. This paper reports the chemical characteristics, conductivity and salinity and the stable isotopes (oxygen and deuterium) of the rivers and shores between the Cayenne area and the border with Surinam. The results show a quite homogenous freshwater pool over the country. However, the low slope of the coast, a result of the wide mud banks deposited by the Amazonian plume, have turned the mouths of the smaller rivers to the northwest, creating large salty areas where mangroves grow several kilometers inland. Despite the large amount of Amazonian water, the Guianan coast exhibits high salinity. In fact, the freshwater itself remains far from the shore, following the north Brazilian current, while only the mud plume arrives at the coast, creating this paradox

    La liberté de penser son identité professionnelle : la résistance des responsables de formation au discours managérial en France

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    Cet article explore comment les responsables de formation professionnelle continue (RFPC) préservent leur subjectivité de la colonisation d’une idéologie libérale. Pour conserver leur liberté de penser leur activité et ne pas se réduire à des prestataires internes de service, l’analyse de 33 entretiens avec des RFPC montre qu’ils développent un travail identitaire complexe articulant détournement du discours de contrainte, mobilisation de valeurs professionnelles et comportements d’oppositions manifestes. Cette recherche ouvre des pistes d’investigation complémentaires en donnant à comprendre la résistance tant d’un public, les cadres, que d’un contexte, la fonction RH, rarement mobilisés.This article explores how continuous professional training professionals resist colonization of their subjectivity by neo-liberal market ideology. The analysis of 33 interviews with professional training professionals shows how they develop complex identity work, which articulates diverting constraining discourse, mobilizing professional values and manifest oppositional behavior in order to maintain their freedom to conceive their activity and avoid being reduced to the role of internal service provider. This research opens complementary research tracks for a better understanding of resistance within a given population: managers, as well as within the context of the human resources function, areas which are seldom mobilized.Este articulo examina la forma como los responsables de formación profesional continua (RFPC) preservan su subjetividad frente a la colonización de une ideología liberal. Para mantener libertad personal de concebir su actividad y no limitarse a ser prestatarios internos de servicio, el análisis de 33 entrevistas con RFPC destaca que ellos desarrollan un trabajo identitario complejo que articula desvió del discurso impuesto, movilización de los valores profesionales y comportamientos de oposiciones manifiestas. Esta investigación brinda pistas de investigación adicionales que permiten entender la resistencia tanto de un público, los ejecutivos, como de un contexto, la función RR.HH., que casi nunca son solicitados

    Heurs et malheurs de l’étymologie

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    L’étymologie a mis un temps très long pour se dégager des analyses fantaisistes héritées de l’antiquité et du Moyen Age. Ce n’est qu’avec la linguistique historique du XIXe siècle que la philologie est parvenue à des résultats probants. Mais son succès fut aussi le début de son déclin, amplifié par l’approche synchronique des faits de langue au début du XXe siècle. Mais l’on aurait tort de l’ignorer – dans les deux sens du terme - car elle peut être un outil précieux en didactique des langues.It took etymology a very long time to emerge from the fanciful analyses inherited from ancient and medieval times. Not until the 19th century did it arrive at convincing assessments, but the achievements of etymology were at the same time the cause of its decline, amplified as linguistics evolved towards a more synchronic approach to language in the early 20th century. But it would be a mistake to remain ignorant of, or to ignore, etymology, because it can be a very useful tool in foreign language acquisition

    Automating the Porting of Linux to the VirtualLogix Hypervisor using Semantic Patches

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    International audienceVirtualization is a promising technology for running multiple operating systems (OS’s) on a single processor. Preparing an OS for use with virtualization, however, involves making some changes to the OS code, which must be repeated for each version, whether a new release or a client customization. Typically such changes are expressed as patches, but patches are often not portable from one version to another, and thus manual adjustments are needed as well. In this paper, we consider the use of the automated transformation system Coccinelle to perform the changes required to port several versions of Linux to the VLX hypervisor. Coccinelle provides a notion of semantic patches, which are more abstract than standard patches, and thus are potentially applicable to a wider range of OS versions. We have applied this approach in the context of Linux versions 2.6.13, 2.6.14, and 2.6.15, for the ARM architecture