3 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Audio Visual untuk Pembelajaran Menulis Teks Deskripsi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) menghasilkan media audio visual untuk pembelajaran menulis teks deskripsi siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Pagar Alam yang sesuai dengan media pengembangan; 2) mendeskripsikan hasil validasi media audio visual untuk pembelajaran menulis teks deskripsi siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Pagar Alam; 3) mendeskripsikan hasil menulis teks deskripsi siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Pagar Alam setelah diterapkan media audio visual. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitain ini adalah penelitian pengembangan atau research and development. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa rancangan media audio visual untuk pembelajaran menulis teks deskripsi siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Pagar Alam yang telah direkomendasikan oleh para ahli adalah layak untuk di uji cobakan. Hasil validasi ahli media, ahli materi, dan ahli kebahasaan pada produk pengembangan media audio visual untuk pembelajaran menulis teks deskripsi siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Pagar Alam termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Hasil menulis teks deskripsi siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Pagar Alam setelah diterapkan media audio visual mengalami peningkatan dengan kriteria sangat efektif


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    This study aimed to produce teaching materials in the form of worksheet writing descriptive text based on ecology that could be used by students and teachers in class VII MTs Muqimus Sunnah Palembang.This study was a research and development (Collaboration Development) which collaborated to Jolly and Bolitho development model and development model of Dick, Carey, and Carey into eight steps, were: (1) identification of the need for teaching materials, (2) exploration of material needs, (3) contextual realization, (4) realization of pedagogics, (5) expert review, (7) revising learning, and (8) designing and conducting formative evaluations. The worksheet prototype of development outcomes consisted of: front cover, introduction, table of contents, study instructions, title, basic competencies, indicators, learning objectives, materials, tasks, exercises, assessment rubrics, and bibliography. To know the validity, practicality, and potential effects of worksheet developed, validation test by expert/expert and three stages of formative evaluation using questionnaire (questionnaire), interview, and test. Based on the validation of three aspects (the content of the substance of content/material, language, presentation, and graphic), worksheet was categorized as a very good or very valid. Based on the practicality test through on-one evaluation (onetooneevaluation) and group testing (smallgroup), worksheet was categorized as very good or very practical. From the field test results (fieldtest) through pretest and posttest, there was an average increase in the learner value of 17.95 so that LKPD could be categorized as effective or have potential effects for learners

    Santapan Jiwa

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