241 research outputs found

    Open-String Actions and Noncommutativity Beyond the Large-B Limit

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    In the limit of large, constant B-field (the ``Seiberg-Witten limit''), the derivative expansion for open-superstring effective actions is naturally expressed in terms of the symmetric products *n. Here, we investigate corrections around the large-B limit, for Chern-Simons couplings on the brane and to quadratic order in gauge fields. We perform a boundary-state computation in the commutative theory, and compare it with the corresponding computation on the noncommutative side. These results are then used to examine the possible role of Wilson lines beyond the Seiberg-Witten limit. To quadratic order in fields, the entire tree-level amplitude is described by a metric-dependent deformation of the *2 product, which can be interpreted in terms of a deformed (non-associative) version of the Moyal * product.Comment: 30 pages, harvma

    Branes as Stable Holomorphic Line Bundles On the Non-Commutative Torus

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    It was recently suggested by A. Kapustin that turning on a BB-field, and allowing some discrepancy between the left and and right-moving complex structures, must induce an identification of B-branes with holomorphic line bundles on a non-commutative complex torus. We translate the stability condition for the branes into this language and identify the stable topological branes with previously proposed non-commutative instanton equations. This involves certain topological identities whose derivation has become familiar in non-commutative field theory. It is crucial for these identities that the instantons are localized. We therefore explore the case of non-constant field strength, whose non-linearities are dealt with thanks to the rank-one Seiberg--Witten map.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    A Stable Non-BPS Configuration From Intersecting Branes and Antibranes

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    We describe a tachyon-free stable non-BPS brane configuration in type IIA string theory. The configuration is an elliptic model involving rotated NS5 branes, D4 branes and anti-D4 branes, and is dual to a fractional brane-antibrane pair placed at a conifold singularity. This configuration exhibits an interesting behaviour as we vary the radius of the compact direction. Below a critical radius the D4 and anti-D4 branes are aligned, but as the radius increases above the critical value the potential between them develops a minimum away from zero. This signals a phase transition to a configuration with finitely separated branes

    Closed string exchanges on C2/Z2C^2/Z_2 in a background B-field

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    In an earlier work it was shown that the IR singularities arising in the nonplanar one loop two point function of a noncommutative N=2{\cal N}=2 gauge theory can be reproduced exactly from the massless closed string exchanges. The noncommutative gauge theory is realised on a fractional D3D_3 brane localised at the fixed point of the C2/Z2C^2/Z_2 orbifold. In this paper we identify the contributions from each of the closed string modes. The sum of these adds upto the nonplanar two-point function.Comment: 27 page

    Towards an explicit expression of the Seiberg-Witten map at all orders

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    The Seiberg-Witten map links noncommutative gauge theories to ordinary gauge theories, and allows to express the noncommutative variables in terms of the commutative ones. Its explicit form can be found order by order in the noncommutative parameter theta and the gauge potential A by the requirement that gauge orbits are mapped on gauge orbits. This of course leaves ambiguities, corresponding to gauge transformations, and there is an infinity of solutions. Is there one better, clearer than the others ? In the abelian case, we were able to find a solution, linked by a gauge transformation to already known formulas, which has the property of admitting a recursive formulation, uncovering some pattern in the map. In the special case of a pure gauge, both abelian and non-abelian, these expressions can be summed up, and the transformation is expressed using the parametrisation in terms of the gauge group.Comment: 17 pages. Latex, 1 figure. v2: minor changes, published versio

    New meromorphic CFTs from cosets

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    In recent years it has been understood that new rational CFTs can be discovered by applying the coset construction to meromorphic CFTs. Here we turn this approach around and show that the coset construction, together with the classification of meromorphic CFT with c ≤ 24, can be used to predict the existence of new meromorphic CFTs with c ≥ 32 whose Kac-Moody algebras are non-simply-laced and/or at levels greater than 1. This implies they are non-lattice theories. Using three-character coset relations, we propose 34 infinite series of meromorphic theories with arbitrarily large central charge, as well as 46 theories at c = 32 and c = 40

    M2-branes on M-folds

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    We argue that the moduli space for the Bagger-Lambert A_4 theory at level k is (R^8 \times R^8)/D_{2k}, where D_{2k} is the dihedral group of order 4k. We conjecture that the theory describes two M2-branes on a Z_{2k} ``M-fold'', in which a geometrical action of Z_{2k} is combined with an action on the branes. For k=1, this arises as the strong coupling limit of two D2-branes on an O2^- orientifold, whose worldvolume theory is the maximally supersymmetric SO(4) gauge theory. Finally, in an appropriate large-k limit we show that one recovers compactified M-theory and the M2-branes reduce to D2-branes.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, v2: typos corrected, included appendices on Chern-Simons level quantization and monopole charge quantizatio

    Modular differential equations with movable poles and admissible RCFT characters

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    Studies of modular linear differential equations (MLDE) for the classification of rational CFT characters have been limited to the case where the coefficient functions (in monic form) have no poles, or poles at special points of moduli space. Here we initiate an exploration of the vast territory of MLDEs with two characters and any number of poles at arbitrary points of moduli space. We show how to parametrise the most general equation precisely and count its parameters. Eliminating logarithmic singularities at all the poles provides constraint equations for the accessory parameters. By taking suitable limits, we find recursion relations between solutions for different numbers of poles. The cases of one and two movable poles are examined in detail and compared with predictions based on quasi-characters to find complete agreement. We also comment on the limit of coincident poles. Finally we show that there exist genuine CFT corresponding to many of the newly-studied cases. We emphasise that the modular data is an output, rather than an input, of our approach

    Modular Differential Equations with Movable Poles and Admissible RCFT Characters

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    Studies of modular linear differential equations (MLDE) for the classification of rational CFT characters have been limited to the case where the coefficient functions (in monic form) have no poles, or poles at special points of moduli space. Here we initiate an exploration of the vast territory of MLDEs with two characters and any number of poles at arbitrary points of moduli space. We show how to parametrise the most general equation precisely and count its parameters. Eliminating logarithmic singularities at all the poles provides constraint equations for the accessory parameters. By taking suitable limits, we find recursion relations between solutions for different numbers of poles. The cases of one and two movable poles are examined in detail and compared with predictions based on quasi-characters to find complete agreement. We also comment on the limit of coincident poles. Finally we show that there exist genuine CFT corresponding to many of the newly-studied cases. We emphasise that the modular data is an output, rather than an input, of our approach.Comment: 81 pages, 4 figures, 2 table
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