5 research outputs found

    Berkurangnya produksi air tawar pada fresh water generator di MV. Lumoso Permai

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    Muhammad Ways Alkurni, 2019, NIT: 51145191.N, “Optimalisasi Kegiatan Cool Down Dikapal MV. Tangguh Foja”, skripsi Program Studi Nautika, Program Diploma IV Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I : Capt. H. Moh. Aziz Rohman, M.M., M.Mar, Pembimbing II : R.A.J Susilo Hadi Wibowo.S.Ip., M.M Latar belakang peneliti melakukan penelitian terhadap “Optimalisasi Kegiatan Cool Down Dikapal MV. Tangguh Foja” adalah karena tidak efektifnya kegiatan cool down yang mengakibatkan terhambatnya kegiatan bongkar muat yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya. Dengan rumusan masalah 1.) Bagaimana kegiatan cool down LNG dikapal MV. Tangguh Foja? 2.) Bagaimana upaya untuk mengoptimalkan kegiatan cool down dikapal MV. Tangguh Foja? Penelitian skripsi ini didasarkan pada pelaksanaan cool down, pentingnya pengaturan kecepatan dan tekanan pada masing-masing tanki muatan dalam upaya menghindari ESD (Emergency Shut Down) yang dapat menghambat kegiatan bongkar muat, perawatan terhadap alat-alat bongkar muat dan familiariasi kepada awak kapal. Metode penelitian yang peneliti gunakan dalam penelitian skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dangan metode analisa Fishbone dan Fault Tree Analysis. Sumber data dari penelitian ini berasal dari hasil observasi dan Record Operation selama penulis melaksanakan cooling down pada Februari 2017 di kapal LNG Tangguh Foja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1.) Cara penanganan pada tanki muatan kaitannya dengan cooling down guna menghindari kapal dari ESD. 2.) Ada beberapa faktor kendala yang terjadi pada kegiatan cooling down di kapal LNG Tangguh Foja, yaitu: Manpower, Method, dan Machinery. Saran peneliti untuk pelaksanaan cooling down harus berpatokan pada Ship's Cargo Handling Manual, IGC Code, dan SIGTTO agar tercipta operasi yang aman serta terhindar dari kejadian-kejadian yang dapat membahayakan kapal beserta isinya ABSTRACT Muhammad Ways Alkurni, 2019, NIT: 51145191.N, “Optimalization of Cool Down Operation On MV. Tangguh Foja”, This project of Nautical Department, Diploma IV Program of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Mentor I Capt. H. Moh. Aziz Rohman, M.M., M.Mar, Mentor II : R.A.J Susilo Hadi Wibowo.S.Ip., M.M The author’s background to choose “Optimalization of Cool Down Operation On MV. Tangguh Foja” as the topic of research, is due to uneffective of cool down operation on MV. Tangguh Foja. The structure of the problems are 1.) How does vessel of MV. Tanggih foja do cool down on board ? 2 How does vessel of MV. Tangguh foja optimalize the cool down on board This research is based on the understanding of cool down operation, the importance setting of the velocity and the pressure inside cargo tank to avoid ESD (Emergency Shut Down) which can delay the cargo operation, maintenence of cargo equipment, and the importance of familiarization to the personnel on board. The research method that is use in writing this research is descriptive qualitative method, with analysis method using Fishbone and Fault Tree Analysis. Sources of data from this study are from observations and record of operation during the author’s experience joining cool down operation in February 2017 onboard LNG Tangguh Foja. The results shows that: 1.) Procedure or sequence inside cargo tank relate to cool down operation to avoid ESD on board. 2.) There are some obstacle factors happened during cool down Operation in LNG Tangguh Foja as follows: Manpower, Method, and Machine. The author's suggestion for the cool down operation is that it must be carried out in accordance with Ship’s Cargo Handling Manual, IGC Code, and SIGTTO to create a safe operation and avoid events that may endanger the ship and its content

    Pengembangan Soft Skills Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran Daring Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan di SD Muhammadiyah Plus Malangjiwan Colomadu Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021

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    The development of student Soft Skillss is an idea that is done to increase the potential or ability of students outside the academic field. Soft Skillss can basically be understood as a skill that supporting academic ability that must be applied from an early age. This skill requires students to be able to improve their intelligence both intrapersonal skills and inter personal skills. These two forms of intelligence are actually the basic points in the development of Soft Skillss in students. The research entitled Development of Soft Skillss of Students Through Online Learning of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan at SD Muhammadiyah Plus Malangjiwan Colomadu School Year 2020/2021 will describe systematically how students' Soft Skillss are developed, describing what are the attributes of student Soft Skillss that must be developed, and describe the impacts that have occurred and the solutions that have been done by the school in practice in the field. All of these elements take place during online learning in the subjects of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan. This study uses a qualitative approach focus, with the object of place is SD Muhammadiyah Plus Malangjiwan Colomadu. The data collection techniques used in this study are to use interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis used is by inductive method, which is based on real data that has occurred in the field, then adjusted and tested with the theory that has been constructed. The results concluded that the development of Soft Skillss of students in online learning al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan using the concept of blended learning, which in this learning applies two methods, namely online learning (learning with internet or social media) and offline (face-to-face learning). In SD Muhammadiyah Plus Malangjiwan, the term blended learning is better known as refreshing. The purpose of learning with the concept of blended learning is so that teachers can provide more maximum assistance, especially in the development of Soft Skillss and also to minimize the impact that has occurred during the covid-19 pandemic. Not only that, modifications in refreshing learning also invite parents to be more caring and focus on their children, as well as helping the school to become a special facilitator for their children during home study. This refreshing learning becomes a new idea as well as a solution done by the school to maximize the development of Soft Skillss of students in the field. The attributes of Soft Skillss developed by students are adjusted to intrapersonal skill points and interpersonal skills, where all aspects of the skills are adapted to the learning materials and practices in accordance with the lessons of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan Keywords: Student Soft Skills, Online Learning, Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyaha

    Berkurangnya produksi air tawar pada fresh water generator di MV. Lumoso Permai

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    Abstraksi- Latar belakang peneliti melakukan penelitian terhadap “Optimalisasi Kegiatan Cool Down Dikapal MV. Tangguh Foja” adalah karena tidak efektifnya kegiatan cool down yang mengakibatkan terhambatnya kegiatan bongkar muat yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya. Dengan rumusan masalah 1.) Bagaimana kegiatan cool down LNG dikapal MV. Tangguh Foja? 2.) Bagaimana upaya untuk mengoptimalkan kegiatan cool down dikapal MV. Tangguh Foja? Penelitian skripsi ini didasarkan pada pelaksanaan cool down, pentingnya pengaturan kecepatan dan tekanan pada masing-masing tanki muatan dalam upaya menghindari ESD (Emergency Shut Down) yang dapat menghambat kegiatan bongkar muat, perawatan terhadap alat-alat bongkar muat dan familiariasi kepada awak kapal. Metode penelitian yang peneliti gunakan dalam penelitian skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dangan metode analisa Fishbone dan Fault Tree Analysis. Sumber data dari penelitian ini berasal dari hasil observasi dan Record Operation selama penulis melaksanakan cool down pada Februari 2017 di kapal LNG Tangguh Foja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1.) Cara penanganan pada tanki muatan kaitannya dengan cooling down guna menghindari kapal dari ESD. 2.) Ada beberapa faktor kendala yang terjadi pada kegiatan cooling down di kapal LNG Tangguh Foja, yaitu: Manpower, Method, dan Machinery. Saran peneliti untuk pelaksanaan cooling down harus berpatokan pada Ship's Cargo Handling Manual, IGC Code, dan SIGTTO agar tercipta operasi yang aman serta terhindar dari kejadian-kejadian yang dapat membahayakan kapal beserta isinya