199 research outputs found


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    Wang, LK and Wang, MHS (2022). Oil and grease determination, solvent hazards and waste disposal when using trichloromethane (chloroform) for extraction; In: “Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM)”, Wang, LK and Tsao, HP (eds.), 4 (6D), STEAM-VOL4-NUM6D-JUNE2022. ISBN 978-0-9890870-3-2. 57 pages. July 2022, Lenox Institute Press, Massachusetts, USA. ..........ABSTRACT: This publication introduces a new oil and grease (O&G) determination method which involves the use of a visible spectrophotometer or a filter photometer, and a solvent (chloroform) for O&G extraction. The laboratory equipment and chloroform are available in all water quality laboratories. The oil and grease concentration in aqueous phase as low as 0.1 mg/L can be quantitatively measured, provided that a quartz cell with light path length of 5 cm or longer is used. Selection of an appropriate organic solvent for oil and grease analysis is discussed in terms of chemist contact risk and hazardous solvent disposal. Current Standard Methods 5520B, 5520D, 5520E, and 5520G for oil and grease analysis adopt n-hexane for solvent extraction. The authors compare the selected solvent (chloroform) with n-hexane and conclude that chloroform is better than n-hexane considering the fire and accident prevention because n-hexane is very flammable, but chloroform is not flammable. In terms of the worker's health hazard, both chloroform and n-hexane are at the same level, but chloroform is a "select carcinogen" which needs extra personal protective equipment (PPE) and laboratory protective equipment (LPE). This new analytical method using regular spectrophotometer and popular chloroform for O&G extraction will provide extra flexibility. It is recommended that chloroform in analytical chemistry be eventually replaced by other solvent of non-"select carcinogen" type

    Chinese cloisonné : artistic enamelware for east-west culture exchange through land and sea silk roads.

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    Lawrence K. Wang and Mu-Hao Sung Wang (2023). Chinese cloisonné : artistic enamelware for east-west culture exchange through land and sea silk roads. In: "Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics", Lawrence K. Wang and Hung-ping Tsao (editors). Vol. 5, No. 11A, 5(11A), November 20, 2023, 38 pp. Lenox Institute Press, MA, USA. [email protected]; https://doi.org/10.17613/aakj-ph96 .......... ABSTRACT: Chinese cloisonné is beautiful enamelware produced with the combined human knowledge of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM). It decorates our humanity connected by the Silk Roads. The cloisonné technology originated in the West (Middle East and Europe) and spread to the East (China) during China’s Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). Then Chinese craftsmen perfected it in their Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). Chinese cloisonné are still made and highly valued today, and have become the standard by which to measure the quality and appraise the beauty of cloisonné world-wide. This STEAM product ranks as one of China’s major contributions to the world’s fine arts. Both the Republic of China (ROC; 1912-present) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC; 1949-present) inherit the same Chinese culture including the cloisonné technology. PRC just held its third Belt and Road Forum (BRF) in Beijing, October 17-18, 2023. PRC President Xi Jinping gave Chinese cloisonné as a State Guest Gift to the 130 foreign leaders who attended the BRF. This publication reviews the historical and technological developments of Chinese cloisonné and introduces the technical information from both the PRC China Highlights in Beijing, and the ROC Government Information Office in Taipei


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    Wang, LK and Wang, MHS (2022). Cocoa processing waste pretreatment and mobile flotation plants; In: “Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM)”, Wang, LK and Tsao, HP (eds.), 4 (7F), STEAM-VOL4-NUM7F-JULY2022. ISBN 978-0-9890870-3-2. 43 pages. July 2022, Lenox Institute Press, MA, USA. ...........ABSTRACT: A dissolved air flotation (DAF) unit was installed at a cocoa manufacturing plant in New Jersey, USA for pretreatment of their cocoa processing wastewater. This publication introduces : (a) the DAF process system and literature review; (b) the cocoa and chocolate manufacturing procedures; (c) the DAF performance data and (d) new mobile flotation plants. The pretreatment objective is reduction of TSS to less than 300 mg/L, FOG to less than 100 mg/L, and BOD5 by over 85%. The pretreated water is discharged to a municipal wastewater treatment plant. When the DAF was operated under the 66.67% recycle mode, using 11 mg/L alum (as aluminum oxide) and 9.75 mg/L polymer, the following were the average performance : (a) influent TSS = 144 mg/L, effluent TSS = 56 mg/L (62% TSS reduction); (b) influent FOG = 115 mg/L, effluent FOG = 47 mg/L (59% FOG reduction). Although the influent TSS ranged from 78 mg/L to 1460 mg/L during the operational period, the DAF effluent TSS were always less than 60 mg/L. DAF influent FOG was as high as 3108 mg/L, but DAF effluent FOG was controlled at below 100 mg/L at all times. The target 85% BOD5 reduction was achieved. Average concentrations of floated sludge was over six percent. Mobil plants of DAF, dissolved air flotation-filtration (DAFF), DAF-DAF, DAF-DAFF, etc. are also developed for emergency, seasonal, or temporary services to small customers

    New Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment

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    Lawrence K. Wang and Mu-Hao Sung Wang (2023). New Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment” In: "Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)", Lawrence K. Wang and Hung-ping Tsao (editors). Volume 5, Number 10C, October 2023; 5(10C), 34 pages, . Lenox Institute Press, MA, USA. [email protected]; https://doi.org/10.17613/wena-kx42 ....... ABSTRACT: Selected new water treatment (WT) and wastewater treatment (WWT) technologies are introduced. This technical presentation covers the following subjects: (a) conventional and innovative UV, advanced oxidation process (AOP), and de-oxidation; (b) UV for WT and WWT; (c) emerging biological and physicochemical (PC) technologies, such as, membrane filtration, membrane bioreactor, membrane PC-reactor, ballasted coagulation, sedimentation & filtration, sequencing batch bioreactors and sequencing batch PC-reactors, magnetic ion exchange (MIEX), coagulation, sedimentation and filtration, sequencing batch ion exchange, coagulation, and sedimentation, pre-ozonation, dissolved air flotation (DAF) and filtration/GAC; (d) modern UV facilities of Albany Water Treatment Plant (WTP); (e) the America’s first DAF WTP in Lenox, MA, USA; (f) once the World’s largest 36.5-MGD DAF WTP in Pittsfield, MA, USA; (g) Largest 75-MGD DAF WTP in Greenville, South Carolina, USA; (h) emerging sequencing batch reactors (SBR); such as, sequencing batch aerobic sludge digestion, sequencing batch PC-reactor for water or wastewater treatment, sequencing batch membrane bioreactor, sequencing batch ballasted clarification, sequencing batch magnetic ion exchange, sequencing batch DAF, and sequencing batch granular activated sludge proces


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    Wang, Lawrence K. and Wang, Mu-Hao Sung (2022). Titanium dioxide recovery, filler retention and white water treatment using flotation and membrane filtration.. In: "Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)", Wang, Lawrence K. and Tsao, Hung-ping (editors). Volume 4, Number 7, July 2022; pp.72. Lenox Institute Press, MA, USA. STEAM-VOL4-NUM7-JULY2022. ISBN 978-0-9890870-3-2. ............ABSTRACT: Historical and recent developments by research scientists around the world are reviewed and introduced. Topics reviewed include: the characteristics and application of titanium dioxide and various potential fillers; filler retention; techniques and chemicals for enhancing filler retention; and various Saveall processes (such as DAF, DAFF, DAF-DAFF, Spray Filter, Foamer, ozone-oxygen flotation, VSEP, etc.) for white water treatment and resources recovery. This publication is one of several memoirs written by and for the Lenox Institute of Water Technology (LIWT) in memory of Lenox President/Professor Milos Krofta, and Lenox Professors William A. Selke, Donald B. Aulenbach and Nazih K. Shammas. ............KEYWORDS: Memoir, Milos Krofta, Lenox Professors, Lenox Institute of Water Technology (LIWT), Krofta Engineering Corporation (KEC), Pulp, Paper, Titanium Dioxide, Filler, Filler Retention, White Water, Effluent Treatment, Water Reuse, Secondary Fiber, Saveall Process, Dissolved Air Flotation, DAF, Dissolved Air Flotation & Filtration, DAFF, Two-Stage DAF-DAFF, Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process, VSEP, Membrane Filtration


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    Wang, Lawrence K. and Wang, Mu-Hao Sung (2022). Development of mobile dissolved air flotation and filtration (DAFF) package plants for emergency water supply or pollution control . In: "Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)", Wang, Lawrence K. and Tsao, Hung-ping (editors). Volume 4, Number 7D, July 2022; pp.50. Lenox Institute Press, MA, USA. STEAM-VOL4-NUM7D-JULY2022. ISBN 978-0-9890870-3-2. ABSTRACT: This publication introduces the high-rate mobile package plants developed by the Lenox Institute of Water Technology (LIWT), but built, marketed and installed by Krofta Engineering Corporation (KEC) and its associated companies around the world. Specifically two mobile DAFF package plants consisting of chemical coagulation/flocculation, dissolved air flotation (DAF), automatic backwash filtration and post chlorination are introduced. The first mobile DAFF plant (Sandfloat Type 8; Diameter = 8 ft.) incorporates all unit processes into one single unit, and has a design capacity of 144,000 gpd. The second mobile DAFF plant (Sandfloat Type 4; Diameter = 4 ft) has identical unit process components, and has a design capacity of 14,400 gpd. Special emphasis is placed on introducing the mobile DAFF package plants' circular high rate dissolved air flotation (DT = 3 minutes), its zero-velocity concept, unique automatic filter backwash operation, design diagrams, physicochemical unit process sequence, stainless steel construction, mobility, and the feasibility of treating reservoir water, acidic lake water and industrial effluents. The mobile DAFF plants' various water supply applications and water pollution applications are reviewed. References are also cited for the applications of DAF/DAFF for groundwater decontamination, storm water treatment, industrial effluent pretreatment, and hydraulic fracturing wastewater treatment


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    This publication introduces (a) natural evaporation from water and land surfaces and the evaporation equations using either metric units or the US customary units; (b) natural transpiration and evapotranspiration phenomenon ; (c) the description, applications, limitations, design criteria and performance of evapotranspiration wastewater treatment process; (d) precipitation and the US historical rainfall charts including the 25-year 24-hour rainfall chart; (e) the parameters of dry-weather flows, runoff from rainfall, runoff from snowmelt, runoff volume (ROV), and total precipitation less evaporation (TPLE) value for storage pond design; (f) the temperature, effect of wind chill and wind chill equations using either metric units or the US customary units; (g) the adjusted mean monthly free water surface (FWS) evaporation for selected US stations; (h) the US annual FWS evaporation chart; (h) the US annual runoff from concrete or un-surfaced feedlots as percent of mean precipitation charts; (i) the US runoff from concrete or un-surfaced feedlots as percent of mean monthly precipitation charts; (j) the US criteria for siting, investigation and design of liquid manure storage facilities; (k) precipitation and condensation calculation; (l) the vapor pressure mathematical model and evaporation analysis for an agricultural storage pond; (m) a runoff determination example; (n) an example of runoff from an agricultural concrete feedlot; (n) an example of runoff from an earth feedlot; (o) an example of agricultural storage pond design ; and (p) glossary terms and research references. The US technical information, charts and examples presented in this publication are typical examples for developing countries to follow, in order to avoid or reduce the unnecessary non-point sources of agricultural pollution, in turn, to achieve the UNIDO's goal of sustainable industrial and agricultural development around the world


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    Wang, LK and Wang, MHS (2022). Dissolved oxygen model, vapor pressure, evaporation lagoon, and flotation post aeration; In: “Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM)”, Wang, LK and Tsao, HP (eds.), 4 (7H), STEAM-VOL4-NUM7H-JULY2022. ISBN 978-0-9890870-3-2. 55 pages. July 2022, Lenox Institute Press, Massachusetts, USA ............ABSTRACT: This publication introduces: (a) mathematical models of evaporation, vapor pressure, and dissolved oxygen in fresh and saline waters under any temperatures or pressures; (b) evaporation lagoon application and analysis; (c) stream water quality control, reaeration and dissolved oxygen analysis; and (d) five post aeration technologies: diffused post aeration, mechanical post aeration, cascade post aeration, u-tube post aeration, and flotation post aeration. The authors highly recommend the adoption of high-rate dissolved air flotation (with only 3 to 5 minute detention time) for final clarification in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) because the residual DO in DAF/WWTP effluent is higher than 5 mg/L at all time, thus the flotation post aeration is already included without extra effort. This publication and a poem, The Wind Blows Red Leaves to the Cloud (風吹紅葉至雲端), are dedicated in memory of an authors' lifetime dear friend


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    Wang, Lawrence K. and Wang, Mu-Hao Sung (2021). Ecologically Sustainable Industrial Development, Better Solid and Hazardous Wastes Management, and Sustainable DAF Landfill Leachate Pretreatment: UNIDO Efforts. In: "Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)", Wang, Lawrence K. and Tsao, Hung-ping (editors). Volume 3, Number 9, September 2021; 32 pages. Lenox Institute Press, Auburndale, MA, 02466, USA. No. STEAM-VOL3-NUM9-SEPT2021; ISBN 978-0-9890870-3-2. .........ABSTRACT: This publication introduces the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and its international leadership role in promoting industrial ecology (IE) and ecologically sustainable industrial development (ESID) and improving solid and hazardous wastes management in industrial and developing countries. The subjects covered in this publication are: ESID definition, criteria, activities and programs directly or indirectly related to solid waste and hazardous waste management. A sustainable process system involving the use of modern coagulation, dissolved air flotation (DAF), ozonation, nitrification, denitrification, and final clarification for treating landfill leachate is reviewed and introduced as a typical example of ESID activity


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    There are 1000+ Spracell DAF installations around the world. The senior author was a UNIDO Senior Advisor responsible for introducing Spracell DAF and other US technologies to the developing countries. The advantages of Spracell DAF over conventional technologies are: (a) its low retention time is about 3 minutes; (b) its high specific clarification capacity is 4-5 GPM/sqft requiring very small surface area; (c) its capital & O&M costs are lower than any other systems of comparable performance; (d) its installation is simple; (e) it maintains its value because its relocation can be easily accomplished; (f) its space requirements are minimal because of its low headroom; (g) it can be erected above ground level to save land space; (h) it is easy to clean because the DAF tank is completely open; (i) its clarification efficiency is high: DAF effluent TSS is in the range of 20 to 30 mg/L and its thickened sludge consistency is 2 to 3%; (j) small Supracell DAF is delivered fully prefabricated; larger units are delivered in parts which flange together; and (k) no heavy foundation or support structure is needed as the total load factor when filed with water weights less than 150 lb/sqft. Supracell DAF can be applied to paper and pulp industry for whitewater clarification, secondary fiber recovery, titanium dioxide recovery, WWTP secondary clarification, lagoon algae separation and sludge concentration. This paper introduces DAF history, applications, process equipment, components, flow diagrams, operations, advantages, advances, and case histories. This publication is one of many memoirs written to document the accomplishments of LIWT-KEC in memory of late Dr. Milos Krofta and all deceased Lenox professors