33 research outputs found

    Biocompatible, Multiresponsive Nanogel Composites for Codelivery of Antiangiogenic and Chemotherapeutic Agents

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    Single therapy approaches are usually insufficient to treat certain diseases, due to genetic differences between patients or disease resistance. Therefore, such approaches are gradually replaced by combination therapies comprising two or more drugs. In oncology, these include BRAF inhibitors and cytotoxic, antiangiogenic, or immunomodulatory agents, among others. We propose herein the use of multiresponsive nanogel composites for the codelivery of a DNA intercalator (doxorubicin) and an antiangiogenic and immunomodulatory agent (pomalidomide). We introduce a surfactant-free synthetic protocol to decorate biocompatible poly(ethylene glycol)methacrylate nanogels (PEGMA) with evenly distributed gold nanoparticles and explore their ability to deliver drugs upon stimulation by various triggers such as heat, light, and reducing agents present in the intracellular environment. We further demonstrate that an additional polymer coating on the nanogel surface can decrease uncontrolled drug leakage and modulate cellular uptake and the drug release profile

    The role of RelA (p65) threonine 505 phosphorylation in the regulation of cell growth, survival, and migration

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    The NF-κB family of transcription factors is a well-established regulator of the immune and inflammatory responses and also plays a key role in other cellular processes, including cell death, proliferation, and migration. Conserved residues in the trans-activation domain of RelA, which can be posttranslationally modified, regulate divergent NF-κB functions in response to different cellular stimuli. Using rela(−/−) mouse embryonic fibroblasts reconstituted with RelA, we find that mutation of the threonine 505 (T505) phospho site to alanine has wide-ranging effects on NF-κB function. These include previously described effects on chemotherapeutic drug-induced apoptosis, as well as new roles for this modification in autophagy, cell proliferation, and migration. This last effect was associated with alterations in the actin cytoskeleton and expression of cellular migration–associated genes such as WAVE3 and α-actinin 4. We also define a new component of cisplatin-induced, RelA T505–dependent apoptosis, involving induction of NOXA gene expression, an effect explained at least in part through induction of the p53 homologue, p73. Therefore, in contrast to other RelA phosphorylation events, which positively regulate NF-κB function, we identified RelA T505 phosphorylation as a negative regulator of its ability to induce diverse cellular processes such as apoptosis, autophagy, proliferation, and migration

    Antihypertensives for combating dementia? A perspective on candidate molecular mechanisms and population-based prevention

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    Age-related increases in prevalent dementia over the next 30–40 years risk collapsing medical resources or radically altering the way we treat patients. Better prevention of dementia therefore needs to be one of our highest medical priorities. We propose a perspective on the pathological basis of dementia based on a cerebrovascular-Alzheimer disease spectrum that provides a more powerful explanatory framework when considering the impact of possible public health interventions. With this in mind, a synthesis of evidence from basic, clinical and epidemiological studies indeed suggests that the enhanced treatment of hypertension could be effective for the primary prevention of dementia of either Alzheimer or vascular etiology. In particular, we focus on candidate preventative mechanisms, including reduced cerebrovascular disease, disruption of hypoxia-dependent amyloidogenesis and the potential neuroprotective properties of calcium channel blockers. Following the successful translation of large, long-term and resource-intense trials in cardiology into improved vascular health outcomes in many countries, new multinational prevention trials with dementia-related primary outcomes are now urgently required

    Systematic Review of Potential Health Risks Posed by Pharmaceutical, Occupational and Consumer Exposures to Metallic and Nanoscale Aluminum, Aluminum Oxides, Aluminum Hydroxide and Its Soluble Salts

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    Aluminum (Al) is a ubiquitous substance encountered both naturally (as the third most abundant element) and intentionally (used in water, foods, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines); it is also present in ambient and occupational airborne particulates. Existing data underscore the importance of Al physical and chemical forms in relation to its uptake, accumulation, and systemic bioavailability. The present review represents a systematic examination of the peer-reviewed literature on the adverse health effects of Al materials published since a previous critical evaluation compiled by Krewski et al. (2007). Challenges encountered in carrying out the present review reflected the experimental use of different physical and chemical Al forms, different routes of administration, and different target organs in relation to the magnitude, frequency, and duration of exposure. Wide variations in diet can result in Al intakes that are often higher than the World Health Organization provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI), which is based on studies with Al citrate. Comparing daily dietary Al exposures on the basis of “total Al”assumes that gastrointestinal bioavailability for all dietary Al forms is equivalent to that for Al citrate, an approach that requires validation. Current occupational exposure limits (OELs) for identical Al substances vary as much as 15-fold. The toxicity of different Al forms depends in large measure on their physical behavior and relative solubility in water. The toxicity of soluble Al forms depends upon the delivered dose of Al+ 3 to target tissues. Trivalent Al reacts with water to produce bidentate superoxide coordination spheres [Al(O2)(H2O4)+ 2 and Al(H2O)6 + 3] that after complexation with O2•−, generate Al superoxides [Al(O2•)](H2O5)]+ 2. Semireduced AlO2• radicals deplete mitochondrial Fe and promote generation of H2O2, O2 • − and OH•. Thus, it is the Al+ 3-induced formation of oxygen radicals that accounts for the oxidative damage that leads to intrinsic apoptosis. In contrast, the toxicity of the insoluble Al oxides depends primarily on their behavior as particulates. Aluminum has been held responsible for human morbidity and mortality, but there is no consistent and convincing evidence to associate the Al found in food and drinking water at the doses and chemical forms presently consumed by people living in North America and Western Europe with increased risk for Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). Neither is there clear evidence to show use of Al-containing underarm antiperspirants or cosmetics increases the risk of AD or breast cancer. Metallic Al, its oxides, and common Al salts have not been shown to be either genotoxic or carcinogenic. Aluminum exposures during neonatal and pediatric parenteral nutrition (PN) can impair bone mineralization and delay neurological development. Adverse effects to vaccines with Al adjuvants have occurred; however, recent controlled trials found that the immunologic response to certain vaccines with Al adjuvants was no greater, and in some cases less than, that after identical vaccination without Al adjuvants. The scientific literature on the adverse health effects of Al is extensive. Health risk assessments for Al must take into account individual co-factors (e.g., age, renal function, diet, gastric pH). Conclusions from the current review point to the need for refinement of the PTWI, reduction of Al contamination in PN solutions, justification for routine addition of Al to vaccines, and harmonization of OELs for Al substances

    Neuropathological diagnosis of vascular cognitive impairment and vascular dementia with implications for Alzheimer’s disease

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    The overlap between vascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease - lessons from pathology

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