279 research outputs found

    Reduced P300 amplitude during retrieval on a spatial working memory task in a community sample of adolescents who report psychotic symptoms.

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    BACKGROUND: Deficits in working memory are widely reported in schizophrenia and are considered a trait marker for the disorder. Event-related potentials (ERPs) and imaging data suggest that these differences in working memory performance may be due to aberrant functioning in the prefrontal and parietal cortices. Research suggests that many of the same risk factors for schizophrenia are shared with individuals from the general population who report psychotic symptoms. METHODS: Forty-two participants (age range 11--13 years) were divided into those who reported psychotic symptoms (N = 17) and those who reported no psychotic symptoms, i.e. the control group (N = 25). Behavioural differences in accuracy and reaction time were explored between the groups as well as electrophysiological correlates of working memory using a Spatial Working Memory Task, which was a variant of the Sternberg paradigm. Specifically, differences in the P300 component were explored across load level (low load and high load), location (positive probe i.e. in the same location as shown in the study stimulus and negative probe i.e. in a different location to the study stimulus) and between groups for the overall P300 timeframe. The effect of load was also explored at early and late timeframes of the P300 component (250-430 ms and 430-750 ms respectively). RESULTS: No between-group differences in the behavioural data were observed. Reduced amplitude of the P300 component was observed in the psychotic symptoms group relative to the control group at posterior electrode sites. Amplitude of the P300 component was reduced at high load for the late P300 timeframe at electrode sites Pz and POz. CONCLUSIONS: These results identify neural correlates of neurocognitive dysfunction associated with population level psychotic symptoms and provide insights into ERP abnormalities associated with the extended psychosis phenotype

    Comparing three short questionnaires to detect psychosocial dysfunction among primary school children: a randomized method

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    BACKGROUND: Good questionnaires are essential to support the early identification of children with psychosocial dysfunction in community based settings. Our aim was to assess which of three short questionnaires was most suitable for this identification among school-aged children METHODS: A community-based sample of 2,066 parents of children aged 7-12 years (85% of those eligible) filled out the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and - randomly determined - one of three questionnaires to be compared: the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire with Impact Supplement (SDQ), the Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) and the PSYBOBA, a Dutch-origin questionnaire. Preventive Child Healthcare professionals assessed children's psychosocial functioning during routine health examinations. We assessed the scale structure (by means of Structural Equation Modelling), validity (correlation coefficients, sensitivity and specificity) and usability (ratings by parents and professionals) of each questionnaire and the degree to which they could improve the identification based only on clinical assessment (logistic regression). RESULTS: For the three questionnaires, Cronbach's alphas varied between 0.80 and 0.89. Sensitivities for a clinical CBCL at a cut off point with specificity = 0.90 varied between 0.78 and 0.86 for the three questionnaires. Areas under the Receiver Operating Curve, using the CBCL as criterion, varied between 0.93 and 0.96. No differences were statistically significant. All three questionnaires added information to the clinical assessment. Odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for added information were PSC: 29.3 (14.4-59.8), SDQ: 55.0 (23.1-131.2) and PSYBOBA: 68.5 (28.3-165.6). Parents preferred the SDQ and PSYBOBA. Preventive Child Health Care professionals preferred the SDQ. CONCLUSIONS: This randomized comparison of three questionnaires shows that each of the three questionnaires can improve the detection of psychosocial dysfunction among children substantially

    Animal abuse and intimate partner violence: researching the link and its significance in Ireland - a veterinary perspective

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    Research on domestic violence has established a substantial association between intimate partner abuse and the abuse of children within the home. It is only recently however, that researchers have demonstrated the correlation between non-accidental injury in animals, and abuse of women by their intimate male partners. A growing body of evidence suggests that animal abuse can be an early indicator for other forms of violent behaviour. This research includes the responses of a sample of 23 women using refuge services in the Republic of Ireland. It investigates the connection between domestic violence and animal abuse, and ascertains if there is sufficient support service for animals and people relevant to domestic abuse. In the survey population, 57% of women reported witnessing one or more forms of abuse, or threats of abuse, of their pets. Five of which were reported to have resulted in the death of the pet. Eighty seven per cent of women felt a facility to accommodate pets would have made their decision to leave the family home easier. Four women disclosed that lack of such a service and concern for the welfare of their companion animals caused them to remain in their abusive relationships for longer than they felt appropriate. Nine families placed pets in the care of family or friends, one woman is unaware of the fate of her pet, while the pets of six families remained with the abusive male after his partner entered a refuge. The majority of women felt unable to talk to anyone about their fears for their pets' welfare. Many felt that there is no service which can provide temporary accommodation for womens' pets while they are in refuge. The results obtained support those found elsewhere in larger studies in the USA and UK, and demonstrate an association of animal abuse in households where there is reported domestic violence

    Influence of Cytokines on HIV-Specific Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity Activation Profile of Natural Killer Cells

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    There is growing interest in HIV-specific antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) as an effective immune response to prevent or control HIV infection. ADCC relies on innate immune effector cells, particularly NK cells, to mediate control of virus-infected cells. The activation of NK cells (i.e., expression of cytokines and/or degranulation) by ADCC antibodies in serum is likely subject to the influence of other factors that are also present. We observed that the HIV-specific ADCC antibodies, within serum samples from a panel of HIV-infected individuals induced divergent activation profiles of NK cells from the same donor. Some serum samples primarily induced NK cell cytokine expression (i.e., IFNγ), some primarily initiated NK cell expression of a degranulation marker (CD107a) and others initiated a similar magnitude of responses across both effector functions. We therefore evaluated a number of HIV-relevant soluble factors for their influence on the activation of NK cells by HIV-specific ADCC antibodies. Key findings were that the cytokines IL-15 and IL-10 consistently enhanced the ability of NK cells to respond to HIV-specific ADCC antibodies. Furthermore, IL-15 was demonstrated to potently activate “educated” KIR3DL1+ NK cells from individuals carrying its HLA-Bw4 ligand. The cytokine was also demonstrated to activate “uneducated” KIR3DL1+ NK cells from HLA-Bw6 homozygotes, but to a lesser extent. Our results show that cytokines influence the ability of NK cells to respond to ADCC antibodies in vitro. Manipulating the immunological environment to enhance the potency of NK cell-mediated HIV-specific ADCC effector functions could be a promising immunotherapy or vaccine strategy

    Expression pattern of the urokinase-plasminogen activator system in rat DS-sarcoma: Role of oxygenation status and tumour size

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    The urokinase plasminogen activator system plays a central role in malignant tumour progression. Both tumour hypoxia and enhancement of urokinase plasminogen activator, urokinase plasminogen activator-receptor and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 have been identified as adverse prognostic factors. Upregulation of urokinase plasminogen activator or plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 could present means by which hypoxia influences malignant progression. Therefore, the impact of hypoxia on the expression pattern of the urokinase plasminogen activator system in rat DS-sarcoma in vivo and in vitro was examined. In the in vivo setting, tumour cells were implanted subcutaneously into rats, which were housed under either hypoxia, atmospheric air or hyperoxia. For in vitro studies, DS-sarcoma cells were incubated for 24 h under hypoxia. Urokinase plasminogen activator and urokinase plasminogen activator-receptor expression were analysed by flow cytometry. Urokinase plasminogen activator activity was measured using zymography. Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 protein levels in vitro and in vivo were examined with ELISA. PAI-1 mRNA levels were determined by RT–PCR. DS-sarcoma cells express urokinase plasminogen activator, urokinase plasminogen activator-receptor, and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 in vitro and in vivo. The urokinase plasminogen activator activity is enhanced in DS-sarcomas compared to normal tissues and rises with increasing tumour volume. The oxygenation level has no impact on the urokinase plasminogen activator activity in cultured DS-sarcoma cells or in solid tumours, although in vitro an increase in plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 protein and mRNA expression after hypoxic challenge is detectable. The latter plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 changes were not detectable in vivo. Hypoxia has been demonstrated to contribute to the upregulation of some components of the system in vitro, although this effect was not reproducible in vivo. This may indicate that the serum level of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 is not a reliable surrogate marker of tumour hypoxia

    Simultaneous Quantitation of Amino Acid Mixtures using Clustering Agents

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    A method that uses the abundances of large clusters formed in electrospray ionization to determine the solution-phase molar fractions of amino acids in multi-component mixtures is demonstrated. For solutions containing either four or 10 amino acids, the relative abundances of protonated molecules differed from their solution-phase molar fractions by up to 30-fold and 100-fold, respectively. For the four-component mixtures, the molar fractions determined from the abundances of larger clusters consisting of 19 or more molecules were within 25% of the solution-phase molar fractions, indicating that the abundances and compositions of these clusters reflect the relative concentrations of these amino acids in solution, and that ionization and detection biases are significantly reduced. Lower accuracy was obtained for the 10-component mixtures where values determined from the cluster abundances were typically within a factor of three of their solution molar fractions. The lower accuracy of this method with the more complex mixtures may be due to specific clustering effects owing to the heterogeneity as a result of significantly different physical properties of the components, or it may be the result of lower S/N for the more heterogeneous clusters and not including the low-abundance more highly heterogeneous clusters in this analysis. Although not as accurate as using traditional standards, this clustering method may find applications when suitable standards are not readily available