47 research outputs found

    The genetics of myopia

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    Myopia is the most common eye condition worldwide and its prevalence is increasing. While changes in environment, such as time spent outdoors, have driven myopia rates, within populations myopia is highly heritable. Genes are estimated to explain up to 80% of the variance in refractive error. Initial attempts to identify myopia genes relied on family studies using linkage analysis or candidate gene approaches with limited progress. More genome-wide association study (GWAS) approaches have taken over, ultimately resulting in the identification of hundreds of genes for refractive error and myopia, providing new insights into its molecular machinery. These studies showed myopia is a complex trait, with many genetic variants of small effect influencing retinal signaling, eye growth and the normal process of emmetropization. The genetic architecture and its molecular mechanisms are still to be clarified and while genetic risk score prediction models are improving, this knowledge must be expanded to have impact on clinical practice

    Seltene Krankheiten: Aktueller Stand der Pharmaforschung

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    Since 1983 more than 300 drugs have been developed and approved for orphan diseases. However, considering the development of novel diagnosis tools, the number of rare diseases vastly outpaces therapeutic discovery. Academic centers and non-profit institutes are now at the forefront of rare disease R&D, partnering with pharmaceutical companies when academic researchers discover novel drugs or targets for specific diseases, thus reducing the failure risk and cost for pharmaceutical companies. Considerable progress has occurred in the art of orphan drug discovery and a symbiotic relationship now exists between pharmaceutical industry, academia and philanthropists that provides a useful framework for orphan disease therapeutic discovery. Here, the current state-of-the-art of drug discovery for orphan diseases is reviewed. Current technological approaches and challenges for drug discovery are considered, some of which can present somewhat unique challenges and opportunities in orphan diseases, including the potential for personalized medicine, gene therapy and phenotypic screening

    The enzymatic activities of CD38 enhance CLL growth and trafficking: implications for therapeutic targeting.

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    The ecto-enzyme CD38 is gaining momentum as a novel therapeutic target for patients with hematological malignancies, with several anti-CD38 monoclonal antibodies in clinical trials with promising results. In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) CD38 is a marker of unfavorable prognosis and a central factor in the pathogenetic network underlying the disease: activation of CD38 regulates genetic pathways involved in proliferation and movement. Here we show that CD38 is enzymatically active in primary CLL cells and that its forced expression increases disease aggressiveness in a xenograft model. The effect is completely lost when using an enzyme-deficient version of CD38 with a single amino-acid mutation. Through the enzymatic conversion of NAD into ADPR (ADP-ribose) and cADPR (cyclic ADP-ribose), CD38 increases cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations, positively influencing proliferation and signaling mediated via chemokine receptors or integrins. Consistently, inhibition of the enzymatic activities of CD38 using the flavonoid kuromanin blocks CLL chemotaxis, adhesion and in vivo homing. In a short-term xenograft model using primary cells, kuromanin treatment traps CLL cells in the blood, thereby increasing responses to chemotherapy. These results suggest that monoclonal antibodies that block the enzymatic activities of CD38 or enzyme inhibitors may prove therapeutically useful