15 research outputs found

    Spatial distribution of schistosomiasis foci on Itamaracá Island, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Acute cases of schistosomiasis have been found on the coastal area of Pernambuco, Brazil, due to environmental disturbances and disorderly occupation of the urban areas. This study identifies and spatially marks the main foci of the snail host species, Biomphalaria glabrata on Itamaracá Island. The chaotic occupation of the beach resorts has favoured the emergence of transmission foci, thus exposing residents and tourists to the risk of infection. A database covering five years of epidemiological investigation on snails infected by Schistosoma mansoni in the island was produced with information from the geographic positioning of the foci, number of snails collected, number of snails tested positive, and their infection rate. The spatial position of the foci were recorded through the Global Positioning System (GPS), and the geographical coordinates were imported by AutoCad. The software packages ArcView and Spring were used for data processing and spatial analysis. AutoCad 2000 was used to plot the pairs of coordinates obtained from GPS. Between 1998 and 2002 5009 snails, of which 12.2% were positive for S. mansoni, were collected in Forte Beach. A total of 27 foci and areas of environmental risk were identified and spatially analyzed allowing the identification of the areas exposed to varying degrees of risk

    A sociologia urbana, os modelos de análise da metrópole e a saúde coletiva: uma contribuição para o caso brasileiro Urban sociology, analytical models for metropolisses, and collective health: a contribution to the Brazilian case

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    À luz da antiga relação entre a epidemiologia e o espaço geográfico e dos diversos modelos de produção das cidades, apresenta-se uma sistematização das noções de espaço/território, a partir da década de 1970 no Brasil. Discutem-se os principais modelos analíticos das grandes cidades brasileiras, cujas raízes conceituais encontram-se em disciplinas como a sociologia urbana, a geografia humana, a economia regional e o planejamento urbano. Sugere-se que a distribuição de investimentos públicos guarda relação com a estrutura social cristalizada no espaço. Procura-se ampliar as bases de um diálogo entre a literatura que apóia as análises das chamadas desigualdades socioespaciais e a saúde coletiva. Apresenta-se sugestão de arcabouço para o desenvolvimento de tipologias de análise socioespacial. Considera-se que se encontram disponíveis diversas técnicas computacionais que popularizam o emprego de variáveis passíveis de expressão espacial. No entanto, essas facilidades ressentem a falta de um aporte mais sociológico, ou humanístico.<br>In light of the historical relationship between epidemiology and geographic space and the relevance of a detailed examination of models for the production of cities, this article systematizes the notions of space/territory that have influenced urban sociology since the 1970s in Brazil. The principal analytical models for large Brazilian cities are discussed in such disciplines as urban sociology, human geography, regional economics, and urban planning. The article suggests that the distribution of public investments bears a close relationship to the social structure crystallized in space. The text attempts to expand the basis for a dialogue between the literature underlying the analyses of so-called socio-spatial inequalities and collective health. Two key points are raised in the article: there are increasingly available computational techniques leading to more widespread use of variables that are amenable to spatial expression; but, these facilities lack a more sociological or humanistic approach for both the methodological design and the results of such analyses

    Water fluoridation in Brazilian cities at the first decade of the 21st century

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    OBJECTIVE To assess the coverage of the fluoridation of the public water supply in Brazilian municipalities at the first decade of the 21st century, according to population size and municipal human development index (MHDI). METHODS We have used data produced by national information agencies and the United Nations Development Programme. Population size was separated into ; 50,000 inhabitants. The MHDI was classified into ; 0.799. Absolute and relative inequalities between categories were evaluated using indicators of effect and total impact. RESULTS We have obtained information for 5,558 municipalities. The coverage rate of water fluoridation increased from 67.7% to 76.3%. Approximately 884 (15.9%) municipalities and 29,600,000 inhabitants started being benefited by the measure. We have observed a significant expansion in municipalities with ; 50 mil habitantes. O IDH-M foi classificado em ; 0,799. As desigualdades absoluta e relativa entre as categorias foram avaliadas por meio de indicadores de efeito e de impacto total. RESULTADOS Foram obtidas informações para 5.558 municípios. A taxa de cobertura da fluoretação da água aumentou de 67,7% para 76,3%. Passaram a ser beneficiados pela medida 884 (15,9%) municípios, e 29,6 milhões de habitantes. Observou-se ampliação expressiva em municípios com < 10 mil habitantes (aumento de 21,0 pontos percentuais) e com IDH-M baixo ou muito baixo (17,7 pontos percentuais). CONCLUSÕES A cobertura populacional da política pública aumentou 8,6%, sendo expressivas as reduções das desigualdades absoluta e relativa segundo o porte demográfico e o IDH-M. Quanto à taxa de cobertura municipal, houve também redução da desigualdade em todas as comparações com exceção da desigualdade absoluta entre as categorias de IDH-M. A política pública operou como fator de proteção sanitária no contexto das políticas de proteção social em curso no país