14 research outputs found

    Regeneration of myelin sheaths of normal length and thickness in the zebrafish CNS correlates with growth of axons in caliber

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    Demyelination is observed in numerous diseases of the central nervous system, including multiple sclerosis (MS). However, the endogenous regenerative process of remyelination can replace myelin lost in disease, and in various animal models. Unfortunately, the process of remyelination often fails, particularly with ageing. Even when remyelination occurs, it is characterised by the regeneration of myelin sheaths that are abnormally thin and short. This imperfect remyelination is likely to have implications for the restoration of normal circuit function and possibly the optimal metabolic support of axons. Here we describe a larval zebrafish model of demyelination and remyelination. We employ a drug-inducible cell ablation system with which we can consistently ablate 2/3rds of oligodendrocytes in the larval zebrafish spinal cord. This leads to a concomitant demyelination of 2/3rds of axons in the spinal cord, and an innate immune response over the same time period. We find restoration of the normal number of oligodendrocytes and robust remyelination approximately two weeks after induction of cell ablation, whereby myelinated axon number is restored to control levels. Remarkably, we find that myelin sheaths of normal length and thickness are regenerated during this time. Interestingly, we find that axons grow significantly in caliber during this period of remyelination. This suggests the possibility that the active growth of axons may stimulate the regeneration of myelin sheaths of normal dimensions

    Spiking and nonspiking classes of oligodendrocyte precursor glia in CNS white matter

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    A defining feature of glial cells has been their inability to generate action potentials. We show here that there are two distinct types of morphologically identical oligodendrocyte precursor glial cells (OPCs) in situ in rat CNS white matter. One type expresses voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels, generates action potentials when depolarized and senses its environment by receiving excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input from axons. The other type lacks action potentials and synaptic input. We found that when OPCs suffered glutamate-mediated damage, as occurs in cerebral palsy, stroke and spinal cord injury, the action potential-generating OPCs were preferentially damaged, as they expressed more glutamate receptors, and received increased spontaneous glutamatergic synaptic input in ischemia. These data challenge the idea that only neurons generate action potentials in the CNS and imply that the development of therapies for demyelinating disorders will require defining which OPC type can carry out remyelination. © 2008 Nature Publishing Group

    Early Proliferation Does Not Prevent the Loss of Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells during the Chronic Phase of Secondary Degeneration in a CNS White Matter Tract

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    Partial injury to the central nervous system (CNS) is exacerbated by additional loss of neurons and glia via toxic events known as secondary degeneration. Using partial transection of the rat optic nerve (ON) as a model, we have previously shown that myelin decompaction persists during secondary degeneration. Failure to repair myelin abnormalities during secondary degeneration may be attributed to insufficient OPC proliferation and/or differentiation to compensate for loss of oligodendrocyte lineage cells (oligodendroglia). Following partial ON transection, we found that sub-populations of oligodendroglia and other olig2+ glia were differentially influenced by injury. A high proportion of NG2+/olig2–, NG2+/olig2+ and CC1−/olig2+ cells proliferated (Ki67+) at 3 days, prior to the onset of death (TUNEL+) at 7 days, suggesting injury-related cues triggered proliferation rather than early loss of oligodendroglia. Despite this, a high proportion (20%) of the NG2+/olig2+ OPCs were TUNEL+ at 3 months, and numbers remained chronically lower, indicating that proliferation of these cells was insufficient to maintain population numbers. There was significant death of NG2+/olig2– and NG2−/olig2+ cells at 7 days, however population densities remained stable, suggesting proliferation was sufficient to sustain cell numbers. Relatively few TUNEL+/CC1+ cells were detected at 7 days, and no change in density indicated that mature CC1+ oligodendrocytes were resistant to secondary degeneration in vivo. Mature CC1+/olig2– oligodendrocyte density increased at 3 days, reflecting early oligogenesis, while the appearance of shortened myelin internodes at 3 months suggested remyelination. Taken together, chronic OPC decreases may contribute to the persistent myelin abnormalities and functional loss seen in ON during secondary degeneration

    Non-neurogenic SVZ-like niche in dolphins, mammals devoid of olfaction

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    none3noAdult neurogenesis has been implicated in brain plasticity and brain repair. In mammals, it is mostly restricted to specific brain regions and specific physiological functions. The function and evolutionary history of mammalian adult neurogenesis has been elusive so far. The largest neurogenic site in mammals (subventricular zone, SVZ) generates neurons destined to populate the olfactory bulb. The SVZ neurogenic activity appears to be related to the dependence of the species on olfaction since it occurs at high rates throughout life in animals strongly dependent on this function for their survival. Indeed, it dramatically decreases in humans, who do not depend so much on it. This study investigates whether the SVZ neurogenic site exists in mammals devoid of olfaction and olfactory brain structures, such as dolphins. Our results demonstate that a small SVZ-like region persists in these aquatic mammals. However, this region seems to have lost its neurogenic capabilities since neonatal stages. In addition, instead of the typical newly generated neuroblasts, some mature neurons were observed in the dolphin SVZ. Since cetaceans evolved from terrestrial ancestors, non-neurogenic SVZ may indicate extinction of adult neurogenesis in the absence of olfactory function, with the retention of an SVZ-like anatomical region either vestigial or of still unknown role.mixedParolisi, Roberta; Cozzi, Bruno; Bonfanti, LucaParolisi, Roberta; Cozzi, Bruno; Bonfanti, Luc