60 research outputs found

    Twisted supersymmetric 5D Yang-Mills theory and contact geometry

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    We extend the localization calculation of the 3D Chern-Simons partition function over Seifert manifolds to an analogous calculation in five dimensions. We construct a twisted version of N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory defined on a circle bundle over a four dimensional symplectic manifold. The notion of contact geometry plays a crucial role in the construction and we suggest a generalization of the instanton equations to five dimensional contact manifolds. Our main result is a calculation of the full perturbative partition function on a five sphere for the twisted supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with different Chern-Simons couplings. The final answer is given in terms of a matrix model. Our construction admits generalizations to higher dimensional contact manifolds. This work is inspired by the work of Baulieu-Losev-Nekrasov from the mid 90's, and in a way it is covariantization of their ideas for a contact manifold.Comment: 28 pages; v2: minor mistake corrected; v3: matches published versio

    Kahler Independence of the G2-MSSM

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    The G2-MSSM is a model of particle physics coupled to moduli fields with interesting phenomenology both for colliders and astrophysical experiments. In this paper we consider a more general model - whose moduli Kahler potential is a completely arbitrary G2-holonomy Kahler potential and whose matter Kahler potential is also more general. We prove that the vacuum structure and spectrum of BSM particles is largely unchanged in this much more general class of theories. In particular, gaugino masses are still supressed relative to the gravitino mass and moduli masses. We also consider the effects of higher order corrections to the matter Kahler potential and find a connection between the nature of the LSP and flavor effects.Comment: Final version, matches the version published in JHE

    5-dim Superconformal Index with Enhanced En Global Symmetry

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    The five-dimensional N=1\mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetric gauge theory with Sp(N) gauge group and SO(2N_f) flavor symmetry describes the physics on N D4-branes with NfN_f D8-branes on top of a single O8 orientifold plane in Type I' theory. This theory is known to be superconformal at the strong coupling limit with the enhanced global symmetry ENf+1E_{N_f+1} for Nf7N_f\le 7. In this work we calculate the superconformal index on S1×S4S^1\times S^4 for the Sp(1) gauge theory by the localization method and confirm such enhancement of the global symmetry at the superconformal limit for Nf5N_f\le 5 to a few leading orders in the chemical potential. Both perturbative and (anti)instanton contributions are present in this calculation. For Nf=6,7N_f=6,7 cases some issues related the pole structure of the instanton calculation could not be resolved and here we could provide only some suggestive answer for the leading contributions to the index. For the Sp(N) case, similar issues related to the pole structure appear.Comment: 70 pages, references added, published versio

    Counting Exceptional Instantons

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    We show how to obtain the instanton partition function of N=2 SYM with exceptional gauge group EFG using blow-up recursion relations derived by Nakajima and Yoshioka. We compute the two instanton contribution and match it with the recent proposal for the superconformal index of rank 2 SCFTs with E6, E7 global symmetry.Comment: 16 pages, references adde

    Localization of supersymmetric field theories on non-compact hyperbolic three-manifolds

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    We study supersymmetric gauge theories with an R-symmetry, defined on non-compact, hyperbolic, Riemannian three-manifolds, focusing on the case of a supersymmetry-preserving quotient of Euclidean AdS3_3. We compute the exact partition function in these theories, using the method of localization, thus reducing the problem to the computation of one-loop determinants around a supersymmetric locus. We evaluate the one-loop determinants employing three different techniques: an index theorem, the method of pairing of eigenvalues, and the heat kernel method. Along the way, we discuss aspects of supersymmetry in manifolds with a conformal boundary, including supersymmetric actions and boundary conditions.Comment: v3:79p, minor clarifications and references adde

    The Hilbert Series of the One Instanton Moduli Space

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    The moduli space of k G-instantons on R^4 for a classical gauge group G is known to be given by the Higgs branch of a supersymmetric gauge theory that lives on Dp branes probing D(p + 4) branes in Type II theories. For p = 3, these (3 + 1) dimensional gauge theories have N = 2 supersymmetry and can be represented by quiver diagrams. The F and D term equations coincide with the ADHM construction. The Hilbert series of the moduli spaces of one instanton for classical gauge groups is easy to compute and turns out to take a particularly simple form which is previously unknown. This allows for a G invariant character expansion and hence easily generalisable for exceptional gauge groups, where an ADHM construction is not known. The conjectures for exceptional groups are further checked using some new techniques like sewing relations in Hilbert Series. This is applied to Argyres-Seiberg dualities.Comment: 43 pages, 22 figure

    Contact Manifolds, Contact Instantons, and Twistor Geometry

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    Recently, Kallen and Zabzine computed the partition function of a twisted supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the five-dimensional sphere using localisation techniques. Key to their construction is a five-dimensional generalisation of the instanton equation to which they refer as the contact instanton equation. Subject of this article is the twistor construction of this equation when formulated on K-contact manifolds and the discussion of its integrability properties. We also present certain extensions to higher dimensions and supersymmetric generalisations.Comment: v3: 28 pages, clarifications and references added, version to appear in JHE

    Noncommutative Vortices and Instantons from Generalized Bose Operators

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    Generalized Bose operators correspond to reducible representations of the harmonic oscillator algebra. We demonstrate their relevance in the construction of topologically non-trivial solutions in noncommutative gauge theories, focusing our attention to flux tubes, vortices, and instantons. Our method provides a simple new relation between the topological charge and the number of times the basic irreducible representation occurs in the reducible representation underlying the generalized Bose operator. When used in conjunction with the noncommutative ADHM construction, we find that these new instantons are in general not unitarily equivalent to the ones currently known in literature.Comment: 25 page

    Baryonic Popcorn

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    In the large N limit cold dense nuclear matter must be in a lattice phase. This applies also to holographic models of hadron physics. In a class of such models, like the generalized Sakai-Sugimoto model, baryons take the form of instantons of the effective flavor gauge theory that resides on probe flavor branes. In this paper we study the phase structure of baryonic crystals by analyzing discrete periodic configurations of such instantons. We find that instanton configurations exhibit a series of "popcorn" transitions upon increasing the density. Through these transitions normal (3D) lattices expand into the transverse dimension, eventually becoming a higher dimensional (4D) multi-layer lattice at large densities. We consider 3D lattices of zero size instantons as well as 1D periodic chains of finite size instantons, which serve as toy models of the full holographic systems. In particular, for the finite-size case we determine solutions of the corresponding ADHM equations for both a straight chain and for a 2D zigzag configuration where instantons pop up into the holographic dimension. At low density the system takes the form of an "abelian anti-ferromagnetic" straight periodic chain. Above a critical density there is a second order phase transition into a zigzag structure. An even higher density yields a rich phase space characterized by the formation of multi-layer zigzag structures. The finite size of the lattices in the transverse dimension is a signal of an emerging Fermi sea of quarks. We thus propose that the popcorn transitions indicate the onset of the "quarkyonic" phase of the cold dense nuclear matter.Comment: v3, 80 pages, 18 figures, footnotes 5 and 7 added, version to appear in the JHE

    Aspects of ABJM orbifolds with discrete torsion

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    We analyze orbifolds with discrete torsion of the ABJM theory by a finite subgroup Γ\Gamma of SU(2)×SU(2)SU(2)\times SU(2) . Discrete torsion is implemented by twisting the crossed product algebra resulting after orbifolding. It is shown that, in general, the order mm of the cocycle we chose to twist the algebra by enters in a non trivial way in the moduli space. To be precise, the M-theory fiber is multiplied by a factor of mm in addition to the other effects that were found before in the literature. Therefore we got a ZkΓm\mathbb{Z}_{\frac{k|\Gamma|}{m}} action on the fiber. We present a general analysis on how this quotient arises along with a detailed analysis of the cases where Γ\Gamma is abelian