13 research outputs found

    Comparison of the efficiency of ozonation and catalytic ozonation (Mn II and Cu II) in phenol degradation.

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    This paper discusses the results obtained with homogeneous catalytic ozonation [Mn (II) and Cu (II)] in phenol degradation. The reduction of total phenols and total organic carbon (TOC) and the ozone consumption were evaluated. The efficiency in phenol degradation (total phenol removal) at pH 3, with the catalytic process (Mn (II)), increased from 37% to 55% while the TOC removal increased from 4 to 63% in a seven-minute treatment. The ozonation process efficiency at pH 10 was 43% and 39% for phenol and TOC removal, respectively. The presence of both metallic ions (Mn2+ and Cu2+) in the ozonation process resulted in a positive effect.291242

    Studies on degradation of glyphosate by several oxidative chemical processes: Ozonation, photolysis and heterogeneous photocatalysis

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    Several different Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) including ozonation at pH 6.5 and 10, photolysis and heterogeneous photocatalysis using TiO(2) as semiconductor and dissolved oxygen as electron acceptor were applied to study the degradation of glyphosate (N-phosphonomethyl glycine) in water. The degree of glyphosate degradation, the reactions kinetic and the formation of the major metabolite, aminomethyl phosphonic acid (AMPA), were evaluated. Ozonation at pH 10 resulted in the maximum mineralization of glyphosate. It was observed that under the experimental conditions used in this study the degradation of glyphosate followed the first-order kinetics. The half-life obtained for glyphosate degradation in the O(3)/pH 10 process was 1.8 minutes.451899

    Comparative toxicity of effluents processed by different treatments in V79 fibroblasts and the Algae Selenastrum capricornutum

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    The efficacy of ozonation and of photocatalysis processing in the treatment of pulp mill ECF (elementary chlorine free) bleaching and textile effluents was evaluated by determining total organic carbon reduction (TOC) and the toxicity. The chronic toxicity of the effluents was evaluated by the ability to inhibit the growth of algae Selenastrum capricornutum. Cultured hamster V79 fibroblasts were used to assess the cytotoxicity of effluents submitted to different detoxification processes. Two endpoints were measured in V79 cells: 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl)-2,5-biphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction and neutral red uptake (NRU). Both treatment processes were able to reduce the TOC, although ozonization was less effective for pulp mill ECF bleaching. The pulp mill ECF bleaching and textile effluents reduced the growth of S. capricornutum by 39% and 27%, respectively. However, at the highest concentration tested, the textile effluents treated by photochemical process for 60 min showed increased cytotoxicity in V79 cells compared to the untreated effluent when assessed by the NRU and MTT reduction assays (increases of 30% and 40%, respectively). Pulp mill ECF bleaching effluent treated by ozonization had a similar cytotoxicity to that of untreated effluent in the NRU assay. In contrast, the MTT reduction assay indicated that effluents treated with ozone were around 20% more cytotoxic than untreated effluents. These results show that cultured fibroblasts may be useful for studying cellular responses to pollutants and may be included in tests to monitor the efficiency of effluent detoxification processes. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.6281207121